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*Disney: In Concert*

The moment I have been waiting for! I sped home from work, changed my clothes, and put in my tape in the VCR and got ready for my hour of bliss! I was not disappointed at all and here's what I (Kat) thought of the Disney concert! ::sigh::


As soon as I heard the beginning of "Everybody", I had goose bumps! The first song was "Larger Than Life" and their back-up dancers were kinda like the cheerleaders cuz Team BSB came out and gave "high five's" to the "cheerleaders". They had on these weird shirts that had holes in the sleeves and Brian had his tied at the wrist so it looked like a straight jacket! AJ had red phone cords glued to his black mesh shirt and clear,plastic butterfly clips in his bangs! YIKES! Maybe he was on the phone with Amanda, pre-break up, and got caught before show time!

AJ: Damnit,woman, I'm stuck in the phone cords!

Kevin: Don't.......worry.....we'll....get you.......out.

Angie stylist): I am woman, hear me roar! Let me cut these cords off....HEY! This looks awesome!

AJ: It does fit my rebellious look. Where's some glue?

Howie: I saw Nick eating it and stuff like that.

Next song is a medley of "QPGWMH" and "ALAYLM". I noticed they change the dance moves RIGHT AFTER I learned them! Damn, now how am I supposed to get their attention at the Miami concert?If you notice, Kevin is feeling my pain, cuz he forgets the new dance moves and has to watch AJ. Poor, dare they confuse him like that! I bet it was Nick's secret plan to change the dance and not let Kevin in on it during rehearsals!

Now we see rasta man, Nick and my Brian play some b-ball on Houston Street. Brian was wearing jeans at the beginning and off-camera, he stripped them off and had his red Nike shorts. Excuse...where was the camera? I wanna see B-Rok strip! Yeah,bay-bee! So, Nick has a "Backstreet thing" and Brian is as smooth as "bread 'n buttah"! Grrrrrr!

Is it just me or did the female dancers during "Show Me The Meaning" serve NO FRIGGIN PURPOSE!?!?! Puh-leeze! Like I wanna see some half dressed slut doin some freak nasty moves behind my Boys. Fatima, what are you smokin? lol....I will admit that I loved the "All I Have To Give"-Billboard Awards dance! And this time, Nick didn't almost drop his hat! Yippeee!

Now.....Kevin....goes.....horseback Central Park! Oh baby, what I would give to be those tight ass chaps he had on! ::faint:: The lady who was helping him didn't even blink an eye. I would've rubbed his thighs too and said,"Oh look so damn hot in them!" hehehehe! Nicky mentioned the shoes he was wearing looked like the ones her dad wears. Ya know....gray Pumas with velcro on dem. I told her it was because he didn't want horse shit on his brand new Nikes...DUH! I also watched the way Kevin rode his horse in slow....motion! I then busted into *N Sync's "Giddy Up". But, I encourage all of you to watch him ride the horse in slow motion and see what I mean!

They sang "Everybody" and it seemed the same, but they did the Amercian Music Awards dance. Whats up with the chicken dance during "Cuz we got it goin on again"? It looks kinda silly. I liked the old version where they slap hands and move back. But thats just me!

Now we see AJ and Howie going shopping. I lost track of how many times Howie said "like I say" and "stuff like that". AJ seemed so sweet. I kinda fell in love with him cuz he used to scare the dickens outta me! But, he's just looking for attention! And did you catch him doing that booty-shakin in the middle of the store? Go AJ! Go AJ! lmao.....And whats up with John, Howie's bro? Get that geek outta my face. He aint no BSB, why do I wanna see him?

The whole group goes bowling and I was rolling on the floor during AJ's "Howie D" song and Howie doing his retard dance! It was cute though! And I loved it when Brian said,"Awwwww....I blew it!" right after he missed a strike and came in 2nd place. BTW....AJ won!

The finale! I love "The Perfect Fan" and I loved it even more live! Brian is such a smart man, I tell you! And when the Harlem Boys Choir came out....I felt like I was in church and Brian was my pastor! Those cheesy shots of moms and daughters in the audience could've gone on the cutting room floor, and replaced with more shots of B-Rok singing. But...wait...was that NICK singin? Do my ears decieve me? On the CD he doesn't peep on that song! You go, Nick!!!

Well, thats what I thought of the concert! Can't wait to see them in Orlando!!


Howie: I think he REALLY was looking for clothes in the womens department. He was hiding his sexuality from Disney. HOWIE, DISNEY LIKES HOMOSEXUALS!!!

AJ: He loooks gooood, except the phone cords have gotta go.

Nick is looking sexy..I love the braids and stuff on the b-ball court....but he`s big ass has gotta go!!

Kevin, humping a horse...cant go wrong there...

Brian, baby, anerexia is comming among Males...but yuor too hot and skinny for it!! Please, I know that witch of a girlfriend is making you unhappy but EAT SOMETHING!! And dont ever cut your hair that short again!!

Who picked those dancers for their concert?? During SHOW ME THE MEANING, I thought I was gonna shoot them all.

Well, Im off to do something now, dont know what, but I am tired of reviewing this.
