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Hip hop hooray! Its an F.A.Q about us! Woo hoo! We mostly did this section for you guys because we get soooooo many e-mails asking us the same questions. Quite frankly, we're sick of answering them over and over and over....alright? So,read this fun (kinda boring,maybe?) F.A.Q. before you e-mail us! If you have a question about us that you would like to see posted on here, feel free to EMAIL US! It would make us so happy, you see! And now...onto the questions:

Where are you guys from?

We both live in Jacksonville,FL...just 2 measly hours to Boyband Land aka Orlando! However, Nicky was born in Germany and moved to the States when she ws 5. I'm a first generation American,too. My entire friggin' family is from Argentina and my Spanish sucks! lol

How old are you two?

Katherine is almost 21 and Nicky will be 19 the day after Howie's birthday......hahahahahahahahaha!That cracks me up!

How did you find out where Howie/Justin/Kevin/Brian live? Can I have the address,too?PLEEEEASSSE?

We got them the hard way. We had to scavange the outer most regions of the WWW until we found them! Well, we did that for Howie's and Justin's OLD addy. As for Kevin and Brian......we got connections in Orlando! Yeah bay-bee! Oh, and we also have Nick's address cuz Kat's friend's friend (huh?)lives NEXT DOOR to Mr. Nickolas! And to answer your next question....."NOOOOO!" Unless you have something we really reall want, then we'll think about it!

How did you meet Leighanne and Amanda?

Well, its a tough job,but someone's got to do it! Nah, for real, we met them at the New Year's Eve Orlando concert. Actually, Nicky was disposed at the moment when Leighanne came bouncing outta the backstage area.We both met Amanda during L.F.O's set at the concert. Very nice people......

You're not a fan if you have this webpage...GROW UP!

::laughs hysterically:: Not a fan? Well, then explain to me why we would go 2 hours to Orlando? Why we paid good money to see BSB? Why we both have everything imaginable known to man on BSB and *N Sync? Cause its a good invesment? Heck no! We love them to death! We just got tired of the plain fan sites that idolize them (Kat has so why not poke fun at them? Its so much fun! You should try it some time!

Why do you hate Britney?Are you jealous or something?

We hate the person that Britney has become. We bought her CD the week it came out and could not stop listening to it (mainly for the "Millennium" sneak peaks) and we love "....Baby One More Time." But, fame has gone to Britney's head, and her boobs, and we can not respect someone who feels the need to change who they are for what they have become. We are not jealous of her in any way,shape,or form. Sure, she's pretty and is the luckiest gal who got to tour with *N Sync! Sure, Nicky wouldn't mind the rumors of being Justin's girlfriend. Also, she is such an airhead! Why would I want my IQ to drop to be like her? Noooo way, Jose'! Ok,are you happy now?

I wrote a song/story/review that I would like for you to display on your page, want it?

Suuuuuuure! We would be honored to have your masterpiece on our page! ::sniff sniff:: However, we do read what you send us and if its hella funny, we will post it. If its unoriginal and it doesn't make us laugh, don't take it personally. Just try harder and send it back in.

Who's your fave Backstreet Boy?

BRIAN THOMAS LITTRELL!!!!!!!!!!!! Great minds think alike, eh?

Who's your fave *N Syncer?

Nicky is obsessed with Justin Randall Timberlake while Kat drools at the very site of Joshua Scott Chasez! ::double sigh::

Why do you guys diss Howie? He's a part of the group!

Because he's a nerd. Have you seen his high school yearbook pic? Don't bother, cuz you will barf! We know he's a nice person and all, but c'mon! We will admit that he's getting better and Backstreet's Back, like I say! Although, where would this site be without Howard? We did name it after his favorite saying!

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