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~Timberass Reviews IWITW!~

Ok, video starts out at an airport. "Look, we are cool white brothers, walkin in an airport"! So cool, infact, Brian almost runs into that brick thing commin out the ground. The flashing lights and the moving of the guys made me dissy and made me think 98 degrees. I wonder why? "Because of you" comes to mind. But Backstreet`s back, so its ok.

First thing to notice, Kevin`s pants. I didnt like the rolled up thing. He`s fine, and he`s KEVIN, but...he didnt have to roll them up so damn high. I kept lookin at them everytime they almost stepped on my face.

AJ is wearin a dress.

Nick grew his neck back. I missed it.

Howie...well, he`s Howie.

Brian is perfect and all, but why must he hold a finger up during every freakin song that has the number 1 in it!?? Maybe its to help Leighanne remember how many more chances she has until he throws her ass out on the street. Ill just keep thinkin thats it.

When Brian sings "I want it that way", after his solo, is he pointing at Leighanne? Well, if you were pointing at her, FORGET YOU. I love you, but I wont do that. (as meatloaf would say)

One word to discribe Nick`s solo...."fine". He really cleaned up his act...or should I say ASS.

"Nick, why`s your hand in your pocket? Happy to see me?"


Kevin has been on vacation to long. Fatima needs to help him alittle, because those dance moves gotta go!

Nick made sure to show us he lost wieght, by pulling his pants real low, and opening his jacket suit. He looked like he was fixing his belt or something, but he made me know the truth.

AJ is on crack.

Brian is being left out! I cant even see him back there. What the hell is this?! AJ tv?!! I think not!!

Nick turns into Howie....OH MY GOD!! NOOO!!!!!! Scariest thing I ever saw in my life.

Why does Howie get to be in the front?! No one wants that Mr. Directer man. Your goin down!


AJ`s solo had USHER written all over it. Have you ever seen the "Nice and Slow" video Usher did?AJ took all of Usher`s moves.


The dance they do, means "dont hit me in my balls", in sign language. The camera guy is goin down!! Brian isnt even in the poor excuse for a dance routine. Poor Brian, Howie paid the director some money. Damn the man! They took a few steps from ALL I HAVE TO GIVE too.

AJ is scaryin me. One minute he is Usher, now he is a crashing airplain. Crack kills.

Nick walks toward the camera all ready to strip and it made me scream "I want it that way", but all he did was play with his pants alittle. Oh well, he`s learning. Its an ,if you ask me.

Kevin is TRYIN his dancing again......poor guy.

Brian is wayyyy in the back. He wants out the video QUICK.

What Brian? Never wanna SEE me say? You pointed to your ears, but I think you ment SEE, right?! At least you were in front of the camera so I could SEE you.

Ok....the moment we`ve all been waiting for. Kevin sings.

AJ.....damnit!! You look like a little chinese man on prozac. Get the hell out of Kevin`s moment!

Taste the moment and enjoy it, Kev! They probably will find a way to cut your dream from you. Like, TRL will show all the video, until they get to your part..and then they will cut it off. Conspiracy I say!!!

Howie`s solo was interesting.

All sounds the same to me when he opens his mouth. I feel sorry for the little rat though. He trys so hard to be sexy.


WOO-HOO, the fans seem normal, dont they?! Most are blonde, and holding flowers. Howie`s FAVORITE present from fans.

Nick has a tantrum. Quick, get him a mountain dew!

Is that Britney I see wiggling herself in the crowd? Oh no, that girl is black.


QUICK, NICK, RUN,before they kill you!!!

Why does Howie keep waving his finger at me?!!!! Its scaryin me shitless!!

Brian, not you too!!!!!??!! The Howie wiggling finger syndrome is spreading!!

Ok, ending the video with AJ pointing at his crotch, and Howie slapping Nick`s ass, sure was....DIFFERENT.

My overall thought:

I liked the video because its the only one in the last 2 years, without Leighanne in it. Except ALL I HAVE TO GIVE, but Nick looked like Leighanne in that video so that doesnt count.

I think the video could have been better. Im being honest. They could have had a story behind it other than a damn airport. I mean, want what that way?! First class ticket?!! We will never know.

Read Kath's Review
