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~Get To Know Me!~

Name: Kat

But You Can Call Me: Kitty Kat, Mrs. Estrada

Age: 23yrs old

Hometown: Jacksonville,FL

AIM: you can reach me @ SexyErikEstrada to chat!

BSB Fan Since: August 1997

*NSYNC Fan Since: March 1999

O-TOWN Fan Since: March 2000 (back when MTB first aired)

Fave BSB Member: For 3 yrs it was Brian, but DAYUM...Nick can back his azz up!

Fave *NSYNC Member: Always and forever, matter how many bad hair days he has!

Fave O-TOWN Member: It was Jacob for a long time, but that boy hasn't washed his hair since last year. I am now cheating on him with Erik-Michael. He's my papi.

Ever Met The BSB?: Nope, but I have met every friggin family member!

Ever Met *NSYNC: I don't think I ever will. They are so untouchable. I met Momma Crunk!

Ever Met O-TOWN?: Yup yup! Twice and I loved every minute! I told Jacob I'd love him forever! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Any Interesting Facts?
* I have an obsession with Rich Cronin. That man is a hottie! Back dat ass up in my direction!

*Kid Nicky and I met online in Tommy Smith's chat room @

*I once flew to Atlanta to see *NSYNC on 24 hour notice. I wanna do it again!

*I slept outside, during the summer,half of it in the rain, for *NSYNC tickets and I will NEVER go thru such hell again.

*Nick Carter makes me feel like a natural woman.

*HEY MTV, Jive Records, or THE FIRM: I WILL DO ANYTHING TO MEET THE BSB! ANYTHING!!!! I am so serious!
