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Written By Kat!

If you missed out on this, then I hope Joey sits on you! This was the best BSB performance I have seen in a long time. Its only been their 2nd television appearnce this freaking year! After watching it 20 times (on repeats, mind you), I wanted to share my thoughts with you. I'm sure you all know what my first comment is............

*Kevin, this isn't DIVAS LIVE,okay....lose the skirt, man!

*Ummm...didn't Howie wear a similar shirt at the MTV 9/9/99 VMA's? I thought so.

*Two words: NICK CARTER!

*Four more words: YUM YUM GIMME SOME!

*Brian is now in touch with his blonde roots and I hate it cuz it makes him look so pale. ::gag::

*AJ looked pretty normal except you could see the rips in his "jacket", if thats what you wanna call it. Can he wear a full shirt, ever?

*Who let Sting ruin I WANT IT THAT WAY? They shouldn't have given him a solo cuz his voice doesn't go with the song.

*Nick, an ear piece is not an accessory.

*Kevin, your shoes just did NOT go with your dress! (sorry...I couldn't resist)

*Howie,Christina sure can "SANG" better than you, thats for sure.

*Is it just me, or did you just melt when Nick said "Enrique Iglesias...."??? ::sigh::

*If I were in the front row and Nick was close enough to have his armpit in my face, I'd grab his ass. Its the chance of a lifetime...yes siree!

*Is that what Kevin calls *dancing*? I guess the skirt yields his dancing ability.

*Nick didn't want Howie to "stand so close to him."

*Wow...they performed "THE ONE" and it was awesome.They all sounded awesome and I was so giddy!

*At the end, after they sang "Every Breath You Take", everybody got a hug and a pound.....but Nick had to like tap people on their shoulders to get attention! What is wrong with Christina and Enrique dissing the Frack Attack? Good Lord, people....he IS the most popular BSB. But Christina sure got lovin' from Brian. ::grrrrrrr::