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^^*NSYNC on SNL 2000^^

AHHHH! They poked my eye out!

Written By: Kat

Ahhh yes, the moment I had been waiting for since....umm...I saw BSB on SNL! I was hoping that I was in for a good show considering that I had been up since 6am cuz of work and I had to do the same thing on Sunday! Ugh!And boy, was I happy to see so much thrusting!Here are my general comments about *NSYNC's debut on Prime Time TV....

*NO REFUND 4evah! As soon as I saw the Tiger Beat skit, I had a hunch the guys would be in it. They performed as NO REFUND and sang "Super Size It". The lyrics went like this:
Why don't you drive to my heart/Can I take you order?/Look what you get for just one more quarter/Super size it/HOLD DA PICKLE/And so it up big/When it comes to love/I be a hungry pig ::oink oink::/Super size it/Hold da pickle/I'm down on my knees/And if you don't want all my love/Next window please/SUPER SIZE IT!

*When Justin grabbed his booty at the end of the song...I swear I heard 20,000 teenaged girls squeal! LOL

*Justin's hairnet was the icing on the cake!

*Joey looked a little TOO comfy in the Mickey D's uniform....

*They performed BYE BYE BYE and This I Promise You, but I was so beat that I went to bed after the final thrust on BYE BYE BYE.....

*Someone hire them a new stylist...PLEASE! If I see Justin in one more jean jacket, I'm gonna burn the GAP.

*Joey looked so friggin dirty. Has he heard of a shower? Someone lend him a bar of soap.

*DAYUM.....Lance was backing his thang up. I dont know whats in the water in Mississippi, but his ass was all over the screen.

*Chris is looking more GQ by the minute. His kids must be proud of him! (joke people!!)

*JC....looking mighty fly for a white guy. But I cant stand the stupid pants hes wearing lately. The jean/turtleneck thing was a-ight, but a wifebeater woulda been bettah!

*You....just....hit me with.....the THRUST!

*I had a shirt just like Jusin's when I was in kindergarten.