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Kid Nicky's Book Report

When I first heard about two girlfriends of the BSB writing books about their ex`s I thought, "What the hell is up with that?". I of course thought, as many other people did, it was a cheap and mean way of making some money off the boyfriends that they once had that are now making their way into the hearts of millions all over the world. When I found out it was an Ex from Brian and AJ I thought two different things............

1)If the ex girlfriend of Brian wants to exploit a loving talented guy like Brian than she has no heart at all. How could you stab Brian Littrell in the back after all the hard work he went thru after all those years of pain from his heart and career.

2)AJ`s ex girlfriend must have a lot of dirt on AJ........if its a bad book, the boy is goin down.

I was wrong about my first thought. I ventured on too the page of a good friend of mine. Nikki`s page The BSB Real Deal tells us all we need to know about any of the guy`s and their LOVE life. It covers all areas, and basically just hits you in the face with all the stuff you wanna know, and dont wanna know about. I saw a link to Samantha`s web page BSB Secrets and decided to check it out. All the thoughts I had before disappeared after reading the reason for writing the book, and I thought she was so cool that all she went through with Brian, she could still look back positively at the past and move on. I e-mailed Sam, and Sam wrote back, and was so sweet. I never expected even a return e-mail, but e-mail after e-mail, she always answered each one I sent her, and each e-mail she sent back seemed nicer and sweeter than the other. The fact that she treated me as if she knew me made me smile everyday.

Today, I got the book. The pictures were amazing. Seeing Brian in his graduation gown, and seeing him happy in all the pictures with Sam made me respect her more. (You dont see those nowadays...........NOT SAYING ANY NAMES....00..)

I read how the two met. I thought it was the sweetest think ever. Sam should write a MOVIE after the book makes it big.

I dont wanna give away any of the books secrets, but I did learn some things.

1)Little Champ is a good place to meet a guy

2) Always be nice to the weird guy in your Chorus class, he might hook you up with a *FRIEND*

3) Take lots of pictures of your boyfriend in his underwear

4) Spit baths are a big NO NO...Moochs are the best

5)Stay away from brown reclus spider........


7)Good things sometimes come in small packages

8) Backstreets Boys record company SUCKED......*cough* LOU PEALRMEN *cough*

9) You should always go back to your old girlfriends.........ALWAYS

10) I learned a lot of other things, but you guys have to read the book to see what I mean!

Well, I read the entire book in 2 hours, and enjoyed every minute of it. I even found myself saying stuff like "What the..." and "Oh my gosh....." out loud!! I laughed most the time, and at the end of the book, I cried. I loved it, and I think your not a true fan til you go out, and BUY THE BOOK!!!

Backstreet Secrets...Sam's Webpage!
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