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~Its Saturday Night LIVE!~

Yippers skippers! Nicky and I talked on the phone for 2 hours before the show even came on! I mean, we were pumped! She was crying cuz her power went out TWICE and it finally came on at 11:20pm! the skin of her teeth! So, here is what I (Kath) thought! Oh bay-bee!

"Nick's A Rasta Man?"

SNL came on and they introduce all the cast members and the band. Then they say,"Muuuusical guests.....BACKSTREET BOYS"! When I saw the picture, I gasped so hard I almost choked on my tongue! Why must someone ruin a good picture? Last year, AJ had damn dreads and I HATED them! I bet AJ told Nick that chicks dig da dreads. WRONG! Nicky thought it was cute,but I think her eyes were still adjusting to the light after her power outage! Anyhow, I prayed to the Lord that those nasty worms be outta his hair when they performance came on!

"Performing AIHTG"

The Lord heard my prayers and Nickay took out those gawd awful dreads and let his Pantene Pro-V hair shine! Brian was sitting on a toilet or something with the way he had his legs propped up. AJ was on drugs! Hello...take your damn hat off and let us see your hair! Timberass made a good point about his hair. Either Howie is forcing AJ to grow a ponytail or he wants to look like his woman, Amanda? Whatever, just lay off the crack!

Their first song was 'I Want It That Way' and Brian can have me scrambled or sunny side up! I'm a negotioable person! Nick began his orgasmic singing. Not that I have anything against it, but he sounds so hot! Maybe its me who gets the orgasms? Back to BSB.....I love how he says,"That we are 2 worlds apart." Mmmm mmmmm good! AJ's part was awesome! "Yes I knoooooow" it rocked! Kevin's solo was out of this world! I love how his eyebrows wrinkle when he concentrates on singing the 5 second part on the song. But THATS OK! We still love you,Train! Your day is coming....slowly but surely!

Howie's part was FUNNY! This is how Timberass and I interpret it: "wink wink drool drool/like I say/Backstreet's Back" Its funnier when you do it WHILE Howie is singing!

They also sang a killer version of 'All I HaveTo Give'. It was like unplugged and they all sang so purdy! Nick was all into it and shaking what his momma gave him! It was really quiet and kinda eerie. I'm so used to hearing girls screaming their heads off! I liked this,though!

Oh! And Howie did some stupid acting! He was a fellow hunk along with Seth Green and David Borenanz. Their agent was on 'Tiger Beat's Super Duper Ultra....blah blah...' and when he was asked about his agent, Howie goes,"He's a little too hands on!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! NOW YOU KNOW HOW NICK FELT BEFORE MANDY SAVED HIM! lmao.....just kidding with you,guys! I know he's not gay, just confused!