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=An Original Story Written By Kid Nicky, Kat, and Megan of the Humor Site: Makes Me Ill=

*N Sync are going to Walmart. All 5 of them are in Justin's fat-azz benz, when Justin pulls into a gas station.......

Justin: Yo homies. I be right back, Yo. I gotz to get some gum, and some cracka jacks. Any of you Gs need something?

Joey: They got Gas flavored gum here?

Lance: Joey...just because its a gas station, doesnt mean everything is made of gas.

Joey: But at the House of Pancakes you told me.......

((JC hits Joey in the back of the head))

JC:GO WITH JUSTIN, GOOFY. Get some food in your system before your brain falls out.

Chris: Im gonna go too. I need to call my wife and 2 kids at that pay phone.

((Joey, Justin and Chris get out of the benz leaving JC and Lance alone in the back seat))

JC: So....what's up Lance?

Lance: I have a wedgie

JC: That's because you have a ghetto booty

Lance: Whatever. At least I have an ass.

JC: *sigh* Speaking of ghetto, I miss Jerome. Can I use your cell phone to call him?

Lance: I'm not letting you get one of your deliveries at Walmart!

JC: Come on Lance, I don't need to order anything. I just need to hear the sound of his voice....

Lance: I remember when you liked my voice.......

JC: Come on now, Lance. You know I still like to talk to you, but......Its hard to sneak out of my cage when Bobbie is asleep.

Lance: Oh.and its not hard to sneak away from Joeys Superman Thong...


Lance: He makes me wear it sometimes when hes sad.

((Just then the doors to the Benz open and Justin, Chris and Joey are back))

Justin: Dayum Joey. You are a stupid FUCK, YO!

Joey: How the hell was I suppost to know she was 12?!

Chris: Maybe by the fact that she was sitting on her moms lap, dumbass.

Joey: Well, I just wanted some of her ice cream.God ::starts to sob:: I cant help that Im hungry all the time. I just wanted some ice cream!

Justin: Dawg, dont get tear stains on the seats, benz is my hoe, and my hoe only. So, stop your bitchy cryin before I pull over and put you in da smack down hotel.

((Joey throws his arms around Lance and starts to cry while Lance comforts him, and the boys head to Walmart))

Lance: AHHHHHH!!!! Kathy Lee clothes are 50% off!!!!!!!!!!! OH AND LOOK!! I GET MY OWN MONICA LEWINSKY BAG TOO!

((Lance goes skipping off down the aisles doing the occasional cartwheel))

JC: Does anybody know where the white tank tops are? I need to buy Bobbi some new clothes and I'm sick of going to Banana Republic and buying that expensive shit. I'll just have Lance sew on fake tags and trick the bitch.

Justin: You gots ta kick dat hoe to da curb yo. But whateva, they be over there in da women's apparel.

Joey: I wonder where Lance went off to?

Chris: I think I have an idea. Follow me.

((Justin, Chris and Joey walk up to the magazine aisle where they find Lance sprawled on the ground kicking his legs in the air while he reads a collection of Bops and J-14's giggling and sighing at all of the centerfolds))*

Justin: Look at me yo, I so fly.

Lance: Not as fly as Nick Carter!

((Lance kisses the pic of Nick hes holding))


Joey: Whatever.......::looks around mags:: where are the Playboys??

JC: Where the hell are the white tanktops?!

Chris: I cant believe you people. Do you realize we are all thinking about.......::looking at Lance huggin the pic of JTT:: most of us are thinking about girls. Lets go look at guy stuff.

((All 4 guys follow chris into the tool department and stop in front of a big hammer on the wall and stare at it))

Chris:: See, this is what men do.......

Lance: Great.well, I need to go put that Monica Lewinksy purse on Layaway.


Joey: Dont talk to her like that!!

JC: Joey! Lance is a guy, you fruity no brained wominizing bone sucker! You are too stupid to know Rosie O' Donnell from Fran Drescher!!

Joey: Hey! I just thought Rosie lost a lot of weight! That doesnt mean Im stupid!

Justin: Yo. But you are, G. You is one dumb ass MOFO!

((Joey's bottom lips starts to shiver and he looks like hes gonna cry....))

Justin: Foo....what be da matter wit chu?

Joey: I'm so sick of your insults. Superman wouldn't take your shit, nigga!

Justin: best not called ME...JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE...a! I'm fixin to git medieval on yo' ass!

Lance: Justin! Joey's ass is mine. Lay off, you

Justin: GO ahead...say it, foo!

Lance: You......CRACKER!

((Justin's afro goes limp and his bottom lip starts to shiver too.....))

Justin: Lance, dawg....dat is wrong. I aint no cracka...I be African.

JC: Justin...have you looked into a mirror since you were 12?

Justin: Aww yeah dawg....every night. Lookin tight!

Joey: I think actually that you dont actually have your eyes open when you're looking.

Justin: What you say FAT boy?! I KNOWS YOU AINT TRYIN TO INSULT THE TIMBERLAKE. I bout to get mah mama to come and smack you around you stupid Super Wack basTARD

. Lance: Why must we fight. I mean, I just want to get my purse and leave. We are all friends, remember!

((Joey and Justin look at each other and smile))

Justin: I is sorry, Boo. I didnt mean.........ALL of the shitz I just said, yo. We homies, dawg?

Joey: Actually, I didnt mean anything I said either.I am just upset I haven't eaten a whole 15 minutes.

Chris: But...Justin called your mama a Rhino Joe!!

Joey: YOU CALLED MY MOM A WHAT??? ((Looks at Justin and jumps him and starts to pull his hair))

((The other 3 are just looking down at them fighting and hair flying))

JC: Chris, Justin didnt call Joeys mom a Rhino.......

Chris: I know. But, I wanted to see Justin get his ass beat for being the most loved out of all of us.

Lance: Oh yes........well, I guess he's deserving this.......

((Joey sits on Justins head and starts to sing "I Need Love"))

JC: He doesnt deserve that though

((JC pulls Joey off Justin))

Justin: I AINT CALL YOUR MAMA NO RHINO YOU FAT ASS DIRTY STD GIVA, YO!! Damn man! You smushed my head! Look at me!

((Begins to bawl upon seeing his now egg shaped head))

JC: Dude, I'm going to be the most popular now....yes! I can get a better chick than Bobbi. No more white tank tops. I'm free! I'm free!

((Runs down the aisle skipping and clicking his heels together))

Lance: Can I PLEASE get my purse now? If I don't get it, they might be out of that cute little flower print and I KNOW Monica said that it's a limited edition. *giggles* I'm getting one of every color.

Joey: Yeah, come on you pansy bitch. I'm sick of kicking Justin's ass for now.

Justin: Whateva, ya whack-ass bitch. I could still take you on. I could take you ALL on.

Chris: Shut up conehead.