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"I Don't Wanna Be A Fool In This Game For 2"

Wow...what can I (Kat) say? This performance totally made up for my disappointment on the MTV Video Awards! I didn't realize that the WB Radio Awards were live until *NSYNC were stalled due to technical difficulties. Here's what I thought!

*JC was messing in 98 Degrees wardrobe (army pants)!

*Can someone tell Justin that his 'fro has got to go! If I look at that thing on his head one more time..I'm gonna throw up!

*Ooooh Chris! Man, he be looking hot since he parted ways with the octopus on his head! grrrrrr.....

*Ummm....Lance, can we get into the music? He looks like he was on another planet!

*I love Joey's "hammy dance"...hehehehehe

*Man,can Justin rotate his hips like that at every concert? I almost got whiplash!

*JC's "crotch shot"/pelvic thrust during "BYE BYE BYE". I went to heaven and saw God! YUMMY!

*Can't wait for the new CD....Lou Pearlman can go to hell!

*Why are they dressed like 80's bums? I'm really gonna bop Lou in the head next time! My babies are bankrupt!
