Chapter 24

Kay took the bus around town for several hours, not knowing where she should go. She always kept an eye out for a cheap little hotel to stay in for the night and charge up her cell. She finally found a hotel in the Castro district (FYI: The special section of the city that is predominantly homosexuals).

Once the phone was charged, she sat down on the lumpy mattress and called his familiar number.  "You've reached an invalid cellular phone number."

"Damn"  She dialed the others' number, but they had all been disconnected.  "Damn.  Double Damn."

After several hours of lying down on the bed and thinking of what she was going to do next while trying to block out the noises from the other rooms, she managed to fall asleep.

"Hello?" Kay said sleepily into the phone.

"Hey baby.  I just called to tell you I changed my number.  And why aren't you in school?  It's 9 in the morning."

"What?  It is?"

"Yes, it is."

"'m at a hotel."


"I got kicked out of the house yesterday because I mentioned what I did over the summer."

"About that night?"

"Yeah and then I got kicked out of the house."

"Where are you right now?"

"At the Aguilero Hotel in the Castro."

"Why are you in the Castro?"

"Because if my parents actually do look for me, which I doubt, then they'll never set foot in Castro.  They have a big homophobia.  Where are you?"

“I’m over at Howie’s place right now.  You're coming in and out I think my battery must be low. (AJ, The Call)  I’ll voicemail you my number and the other guys, okay?”  Click.

“Damn not even a bye?”

Prologue ~ 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 ~ 20 ~ 21 ~ 22 ~ 23 ~ 24 ~ 25 ~ 26 ~ 27 ~ 28 ~ 29 ~ 30 ~ 31 ~ 32 ~ 33 ~ 34 ~ 35 ~ 36 ~ 37 ~ 38 ~ 39 ~ 40 ~ 41 ~ 42

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