Chapter 25

Kay went out to get something to eat and visited a local library to bass some time. Then went tot he SFUSD (FYI: San Francisco Unified School District) to schedule a testing time for a GED. By 6, she had eaten dinner and was taking the most foul smelling bus she had ever ridden on. She walked 2 blocks to her hotel while trying to fend off several homeless people asking for change. Then dredged up 3 flights of sticky stairways and hoping it wasn’t what she thought it was. When she finally reached her hallway, she saw a shadow leaning against the wall. It seemed to be leaning against the wall about 10 ft. from her door. Thinking it was one of the regulars who was just waiting for someone, she opened door and stepped through it.

Just as she was about to close the door it was pushed forcefully opened and she was thrown onto the floor.  The shadow moved into the room and grabbed her collar only to jerk her up to her feet.  Then proceeded to lift her off the floor and threw her onto the bed.  The shadow closed the door and locked it.  It walked slowly toward Kay.

“Who are you?” Kay asked.

“Your fate.”

Kay watched it’s hand go under it’s shirt and a metallic blade appeared.  “Is there any possible negotiation?  Okay, I’ll take that as no,” she said as the blade was lifted higher at a faster pace.  

Breathlessly, she waited for the blade to come down.  As she watched it come down, she started to mentally talk to herself about what was going on and why she wasn’t fighting at all, like she had done in the past.  She realized right before it would pierce through her skin, that it was her destiny and was doomed to this brutal end.  She felt a small pricking sensation and nothing more.

Prologue ~ 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 ~ 20 ~ 21 ~ 22 ~ 23 ~ 24 ~ 25 ~ 26 ~ 27 ~ 28 ~ 29 ~ 30 ~ 31 ~ 32 ~ 33 ~ 34 ~ 35 ~ 36 ~ 37 ~ 38 ~ 39 ~ 40 ~ 41 ~ 42

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