Chapter 6

A week after the video came out, the guys were in New York doing TRL with Carson. "What's up guys?”

“Oh nothin’ much.  You know touring,” Nick said.

“I gotta ask you goes a question about the video.”

“Shoot for it,” Brian said.

“Well you know the girl who was the like after you for fame, has like different colored eyes.  Are they real?”

“Oh yeah.  She’s had them since she was a kid,” AJ said.

“How’d you know that?”

“Well Brian grew up with her in Kentucky and she was working with Hype,” Kevin stated.

“We got stuck with her when one of the girls didn’t show up,” Howie piped in.

“You think I can hook up with her or anything?”

“No.  She’s going out with someone right now,” AJ said with a smile of satisfaction.

“Damn.  Well here’s Eminem’s video, ‘Suck My Dick.”

Once they got off air, AJ asked, “Do you want to meet her?”


“I’ll be back in like 30 minutes then.”

“But I thought she was in LA.”

AJ ignored him and went back to their hotel and grabbed Kay Kay, who surprisingly was had pajamas watching them.

“Hey!  Where are you taking me?”

“To New York, baby.”

“Let me get dressed first.”

“Can’t Carson wants to meet you.”



“But…,” before she could protest any further, she was whisked into the limo.

“Well we’re back and I have just received word that AJ is back.”

“AJ in the house!”

“So where’s the mystery girl you were going to bring?”

“She’s too shy to come out.”

“Look’s like me and Brian will be back in a sec,” Nick said as they walked off the camera’s view.

They came back dragging a kicking and screaming Kay Kay.  “I can’t go on TV like this!  Put me down!  I’m going to kill you!”

“If she doesn’t want to come out, then she doesn’t have to,” Carson said.

“Naw.  She’s embarrassed that she’s wearing her…”

“Pajamas!” she screamed as she was pulled onto the stage.

“Hey don’t trip about it.  Some people hosted the show in pajamas.”

“Yeah well that’s different.”


“I don’t know.  It just is.”

“So are those your true eye colors?”

“Yes, they are.”

“Well I just want to tell you that they are gorgeous.”

“Why thank you, Carson,” she said as she blushed again.

“You wanna go out sometime?”

“Well I’m kind of busy with work and life.  In between all that stuff, I kind of spend my time with my boyfriend.”

“Why do all the good looking ones get taken?”

“Gee, I don’t know Carson,” Nick piped.

“It was a rhetorical question, blondie.”

“Well anyway.  The number one video is us, Backstreet Boys ‘Don’t Want You Back,” Kevin announced.

“Hold on guys.  Don’t go to the video yet,” Brian said.

“What do you mean?”

“Well we’re all here with our psychotic bit…woman here,” he corrected when Kay Kay gave him the look of death, “we could maybe do it live instead.”

“What do you think guys?” Carson asked the audience, and of course there was always a positive answer.

“Hit my music,” Kay Kay imitated Ms. Hancock of WCW.  It was kind of hilarious to see a woman in her pajamas and 5 guys trying to do an impromptu version of the video.  The audience and Carson was totally cracking up when Kay Kay would try to imitate their dance moves and totally messing up because she could not dance.  She also managed to trip all the guys at some point.  She even managed to bare Kevin’s ass to all of New York. 

Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Table of Contents
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