The One, time for the most original Backstreet Boys fan fiction
ever to hit the web.
Okay. So you're thinking to yourself ‘Yeah right! Original my ass
(or butt, tookis, behind, rear, whatever. I prefer...
never mind)!' You've read all about Nick meeting that
girl at the concert and falling in love and yadayadayada
. You consider yourself wise of all Backstreet fan fiction. You're a human index all about corny Backstreet love stories, about the guys moving into your basement and....well really? Why would anyone want to move out of a multi-million dollar mansion to live in your basement with your cat? I don't think so. Well, we're about to change all of that. Step out of the norm, push the envelope....and stuff like that. We will prove to you that originality is still around. We will bring to you every trauma that you can imagine....except ebola. We wrote an alternate ending...It didn't work out as planned....So prepare to step in the Backstreet Millennium zone and experience....THE ONE....dun, dun, dun.
Steph: Was that really necessary?
B HANK: Of course! The Dun, dun, dun makes the whole thing work. What sort of dramatic effect do you get without dun, dun, dun?"
Bubbles: ....Well...It wasn't really necessary....but it works......I think.....Leave me out of this! I just type!