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The Story of Bonzai Buddy & His Merry Men

'Sexified' Meet Bonzai Buddy

Hey kiddies, Liv here. So I'm sure y'all are wondering how this whole crazy mess got started, eh? It all began with one of my regular random phone calls with Becca.

We were talking one night about how one of our nicknames for JC is Buddy. Bex said that her dad used to have this software on their computer called "Bonsai Buddy," and we both pictured JC in karate gear.

Well, this prompted the topic of the marionettes and I mentioned that at my work, they had gone clearance. I was totally beating myself up because I didn't wait a little while before they were marked down.

So then Beck said, "You should buy a JC one, cut the strings off and put him in karate gear. Remember how Brit carried around her 'Lance In My Pocket' book? When I come to visit we can carry around action figures."

"OMG yeah!" I said. "I'll go and buy a JC and Justin marionette tomorrow night at work, cuz they're the only ones we have left. Coincidence, I think not!" Bex was so estatic about it that she went and tried to find karate gear for JC online. lol And thus the madness began...

JC was appropriately named "Bonzai Buddy." We'd already gotten used to calling him 'Buddy' and JC is actually a black belt, so that was a perfect fit. Justin was fondly named "Ghetto Fabulous," because of his whole ebonics phase, and at the time we were on our way to the show in downtown Detroit (what?!)

'Word' Meet Ghetto Fabulous

During the course of Becca's visit, we bought them clothes, dressed them and carried them around everywhere. We took them shopping, out to eat, and at the concert, everyone thought they were cute...including Mommy Crunkness herself!

A few weeks later, I was talking to Tabz online and told her all about our adventures with Bonzai Buddy and Ghetto Fabulous. She said, "You guys are sick and twisted!...I'm so proud!" lmao

Tabz said she had soundcheck party passes for the Washington DC show. Her dad was supposed to go with her, but he changed his mind and she had to find someone else to go. I seriously flailed my arms and frantically typed, "Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me and Buddy! We wanna go!"

During my visit to Deleware, Tabby decided Buddy needed a friend. Tabz had an extra Justin marionette she could cut the strings off of, but she said, "Nah...that's been done. I gotta have someone different." So she picked out Lance, busted him out of the box, cut his strings...and wa-la! Buddy had a companion...but we couldn't think of a name for him yet. So we went about our jaded business.

'Hangin around' Meet Happy Bass-tard

On the drive home from Bowie, Tabz came up with a name for her marionette. She noticed the way Lance was leaning on her coffee cup and how he was smiling at her. "He's too happy...probably because he drank all my coffee. Bastard," she muttered. All of a sudden it hit her. "HAPPY BASS-TARD! That's his name!" And that's the way it Washington DC. lolol

After I got home, I recalled my adventures with Tabz in a conversation with Mel. The two of us were psyched because about a week later, I would be visiting her in Mississippi. "You KNOW I'm bringing you a Chris marionette, don't you?" I told her.

And upon my arrival in Jackson, I handed Mel her Chris action figure. :) That whole first day, we wracked our brains for an appropriate name. We had dinner at Macaroni Grill and I told Mel he should probably have some random name. So she looked at the menu and noticed an entree about mussels. "Lip Mussels," she said. I busted out was totally random and that's what we called him all day.

Later that night, we were talking to Bex and Lux online and neither of them were too crazy about the name. So Becca sent Mel this IM: "You are about to receive a subliminal message: !toofelttiL ettenoiram sirhC ruoy emaN" (Name your Chris marionette Littlefoot!)

'Starin' Contest' Meet Pimptight Littlefoot

Why Littlefoot? One night, Bex and Jules were playing the board game trivia over the phone. One of the answers pretained to Chris' "little feet," hence the nickname Littlefoot. Anyway, Mel agreed to change the name, but she wanted to find the right adjective to place in front of it.

The next day, after the concert, her friend Melissa tossed around the phrase "pimp tight." This reminded Mel of Ghetto Fabulous. Pimptight/ghetto...Chris and Justin are real kinda fit. We've called him Pimptight Littlefoot ever since.

During our Jading Jackson excursion, Mel and I chattered away in the car about our lil friends. I mentioned that I'd probably get *Lucky the Joey marionette, and Mel came to the conclusion of why it all made sense: For every site editor I've met so far, each of us has an *NSYNC action figure. And since Lux and I were the first of the editors to meet, it was only right she have one, too!

When I got home, I found Lux a Joey marionette and a snazzy tuxedo. We made plans to celebrate my birthday and the "On the Line" premiere, and that's when she was gonna pick up lil Joey. Until then though, he temporarily lived with Buddy and I. lol

'What up, DORK?' Meet Lil Joe

The two of us finally got together when OTL came out. She brought Carla with her, and the three of us saw the movie and made some noise at TGIFridays. =D Joey wore his tux, and happily went home with *Lucky. (I have a bigger, better scan of Joe, and I'll post it when it becomes available.) Neither of us could think of a nickname for him, so we decided to simply call him Lil Joe. Robin Hood had Little John, so Bonzai Buddy has Lil Joe. lol

And so the story goes. Since Bonzai Buddy and crew were established, they've gone on various adventures with us. Tabz and her kids are having a ball letting Happy drive around in his corvette. Ghetto has been to the San Diego concert, among other outings. Lux took Joey with her to New York one weekend. Mel's taken Littlefoot to class with her. And Buddy's been to quite a few places, as you can see in our photo journal.

I've yet to meet Julie and Allison, and I have no clue what kind of action figures they should get. I suppose the only thing we can do is to find Ken dolls that look like Wade and Steve. lol We'll see what happens!

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