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Fumanskeeto Meet n Greet 07.23.01

The day before the big Road to Celebrity taping, BexXx and Dia stood in line for Chris' autograph signing.
This review also appears in PLB Issue 10. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE PERSONAL PICS.

What up my peeps? It's BexXx to entertain you with just what I think about that. About what, you ask? Why...allow me to tell you!

Non-Smoking Advocate?

I smoke...but I prefer to call it "Miffing Justin"...(long story.)

My wonderfullest bestest friend, Dia HATES the fact that I smoke...and she intended to get me to quit by proving me's the story.

We were going to the Fumanskeeto autograph signing...and I made the mistake of practically DARING Dia to get Chris to tell me to quit smoking.

We stood in line for what seemed like eleventy-twelve hours...and finally, we get up to Chris...what happened next is forever engrained in my mind.

Dia gets up to Chris and says, "Could you do me a favor?"

Chris asked, "What's that?"

Dia said, "Tell my friend she has to quit smoking!"

Chris: "Quit smoking? *Looks me dead in the eye, "Quit smoking!"

And I cannot believe I said this to him, but I said..."Chris! You just ruined my life!"

He asked, "How did I do that?"

I said, "I bet her that you wouldn't ask me to quit!"

He answered, "Well, you gotta quit smoking!"

Now you may wonder if I actually quit...and the answer is...not completely.

I have cut back, but I haven't quit totally yet...and trust me, I will NEVER live it down.

So, that's my's not exactly PURE humor, but I thought it would be interesting...especially cause I'm gonna share a pic of Chris that I took while this was all happening...

This pic is OBVIOUSLY Chris...but look closely at what he's signing...that would be Dia's Power Puff girl that she stores in the back window of her car...He looked at her strangely and asked, "You want me to sign your Power Puff girl?" LOL!

And you wanna know the irony of that day? Let me tell you...

After he told me to quit smoking...We left the building and I realized I didn't have my cigarettes... So we went back the way we came, and I found them in the road...they had been run over by a car.

I bet it was that black Range Rover that JC was in. It passed us. He was in the back. Damn him.

Okay, okay. I don't think it was the Range Rover that ran over my cigarettes. But we DID see a Range Rover with what looked like JC in the back. lol

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