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My Buddy and Me

Everytime BexXx says "my Buddy", I (Olivia) think of that old-school doll and that jingle from the commercial. True to the theme, JC does in fact, go wherever I do. Aside from the usual excursions at school, work, and with Lux and Joe, here are the other adventures [and mishaps] we've gotten into these past few months.

Chicago, IL (08.17.01-08.19.01)

My family and I visit our relatives in the Windy City every summer, and of course I couldn't deprive Josh of all the fun...considering he's part of the family now [or will be in the future. lol]

Buddy really likes much so that he always steals mine. He always used to play it off like he wasn't the culprit, but this time I caught him on camera.

I would like to dedicate this picture to BexXx. In Issue 10 of PLB, BexXx explained how her friend Dia got Chris to tell her to quit somking at the Fumanskeeto signing. [If you're not subbied, shame on'll have to wait for the back issue to get the scoop.] Anyway, Buddy and I wanted to help out, so he held up this sign [Thank You For Not Smoking Here!] that was sitting on my aunt's coffee table and I snapped his picture.

Detroit, MI (09.08.01)

Yep, this mishap took place in the comfort of our own home. We had a really bad storm that day, and the power was knocked out for a good seven hours. Josh and I were the only ones home, and we quickly realized that there isn't much you can do without electricity [I don't know how they did it back in the day], so the two of us just chilled. ;)

Here's the Cheetah Beast lounging around on my bed, next to my Stars in the Wild *Nsync bengal tiger, in my jungle-themed room. Grrrrr baby!

Detroit, MI (10.27.01)

Buddy and I got all formal for my mom's recognition night. Josh looked so handsome in his tux. ;) This year Mom celebrated 25 years of service at the Detroit Medical Center [DMC for all you savvy Detroit WHAT people.] They gave special recognition to my mom and everything. I'm so proud of her. :)

The banquet was held at the Roostertail, Detroit's historic club-turned entertainment complex. The public is welcome to book their formal functions [ie proms, wedding recptions] there, and everyone from Dionne Warwick to Kid Rock have had their private soirees there. The thing I found really cool about the place were the glass enclosed rooms, which give you a view up and down the Detroit River.

Josh was very interested in the food...he's all about the presentation and stuff. You know, the whole "colorful plate" thing. lol Unfortunately, I don't have any pics because Mom's co-worker took the pictures, but you know when it becomes available, I'll hook it up here. :)

Chicago, IL (11.02.01-11.04.01)

Okay, I have a lot to say about another weekend at my second home. We came back to attened my friend Rhoda's wedding to her high school sweetheart, Yung. (Ten years, it's about time you two! Congrats! :) I'm not gonna bore you with all the details, but I did want to point out a few key elements of the trip.

First of all, Rhoda hooked up all her out of town guests with suites at one of the local hotels. And just a block away from it, there is this restaurant and nightclub called [I kid you not] Riprocks. Buddy and I got a kick out of that, and highly reccomend going there. =D

Next were the little bottles of bubbles Rhoda and Yung provided their guests at the ceremony. It used to be common for the guests to throw rice at the married couple for good luck. Well, let's face it...that ish HURTS when it's pelted at you. So we got bubbles instead.

Here is Josh with his own bottle of bubbles from the wedding. Guess which video it reminded me of...and keep that answer in mind, because I'll come back to it later.

Finally, was the mishap of when I unintentionally caught the bouquet at the reception. Now, I did NOT want it, so I kinda moved off to the side of the crowd when Rhoda was getting ready to throw it. But due to the way that life works, she threw the bouquet over her shoulder and in my direction. I made no effort to catch it, and so I let it graze my fingertips and fall to the floor. But I touched it, so I was pronounced the next bride-to-be. =P I also danced with the guy who caught the garter, to one of Rhoda and Yung's songs. Remeber the answer you came up with earlier? Yup, that's the one. ["This I Promise You"] How do you like them apples? lol

I wasn't happy about the bouquet, but Josh was thrilled. I guess he REALLY wants to be part of the family. lol

I like to call this picture "Crouching Buddy, Hidden Cheetah." It's an inside joke; BexXx and I will explain later.

Detroit, MI (11.10.01)

This was the day I realized that I'm fortunate to have Josh. My dad belongs to this radio club, and they had their 7th Anniversary Ball. Lots of eating and dancing...and PRIZES. They held a raffle, where the prize was an odd amount of money. My dad and I bought 20 raffle tickets, just for kicks. We always particpate in the raffle, but we never win anything. So my dad, Josh and I were sitting at the back table, casually glancing at the numbers on our tickets. My cousin reached into the hat and called out the winner: "Number 5197832..."

WHOOOOO! YAY BUDDY!® [And I really DID say that as I ran up to claim my money!] Here's my lucky man celebrating with a Bud Light. (Or is that a Buddy Light?) lol

Detroit, MI (12.01.01)

Buddy got SO mad at me that day. Some friends and I had tickets to 93.1 DRQ's Electric Kringle Jingle, a huge concert event headlined this year by Jay-Z. Other acts were Pink, 112, Jessica Simpson, Craig David, LFO, City High, Willa Ford, Jamie Lynn Siegler and special guest host Brian McFayden.

Anyway, Josh was totally looking forward to seeing Craig David [TWO STEP!] but the way things turned out, I couldn't bring him with me. He was crushed...I felt awful after I got home. :(

Detroit, MI (12.26.01)

We didn't have the white Christmas I had hoped for, but we did finally get a dusting the day after. I came into my room and found Josh looking out the window at the snow. [Are you feelin' his Timbs, his baggy jeans, his thug appeal? lol]

And that, my friends, is part one of me and Josh's journal. We'll update you again soon with more of our adventures and mishaps. Until then: Peace, Love and YAY BUDDY!®
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