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Buddy and Liv's Excellent Adventure

Hey dudes and dudettes. I (Olivia) love my Buddy with all my heart, but he doesn't go on as many excursions with me as in times past. :( Still, we've had a pretty excellent adventure through the year 2002, and we'd like to share our journey with y'all. Thanks to Mel for the totally gnarly title to this article. :)

Detroit, MI (02.28.02)

My friend Doug and I went out to see a movie, and afterwards had dinner at Chili's. Little did Doug know who was tucked into my purse, ala "Crouching Buddy, Hidden Cheetah."

Buddy and the guys were currently doing promotion for the franchise, so here he is plugging the Baby Back Ribs. Notice the music notes on the ad. Notice Doug mocking him with bunny ears.

Now y'all know that Buddy is the LAST person in the world that needs caffine. Yet, homeboy decided he wanted a supersize glass of pop.

I don't know what it is with the Merry Men and condiments. Sugar, jam, pepper, and again with the salt. *shrugs* I'd like to dedicate this picture to our resident lush, Happy Basstard. Buddy's holding up the coaster that says, "Presidente Margarita." :)

Detroit, MI (03.01.02)

Anybody who knows me, knows how often I've been summoned for jury duty over the past three years. This day was my fourth summons, and Buddy tagged along to see what all the fuss was about.

There was not much to tell, as the judge dismissed us since all the cases were settled without any need for jury selection. Buddy was bummed, but he did learn from the experience and scored a juror's handbook in the process.

Detroit, MI (04.28.02)

Buddy and I got all sexified again for yet another wedding; this time the nuptuials of my childhood friend Emily and her sweetheart, Clifford. Coincidentally, Cliff was also one of the managers when I was working at Target.

The reception was held at Andiamos, where we enjoyed a lovely steak dinner. Again, Josh was very interested in the food and its presentation...he's quite the sophisticated one, isn't he? lol

I'm sure most of you are aware of my track record when it comes to wedding bouquets. Well, I am very pleased to inform you that I DID NOT catch this one! :) Actually, none of the single ladies were enthused, and the flowers ended up on the floor in front of the girl next to me. She shrugged and picked it up, though she didn't look too thrilled about it. lol

Detroit, MI (06.11.02)

Today was a big day for Everybody's Free, as *Lucky graduated from high school. She kindly invited me, and I happily brought Buddy as my guest. :) We joined Lux, her family, and Little Joe at her commencement ceremony at Chene Park, and afterwards had dinner at Mongolian Barbeque in Dearborn. I'm waiting on Lux to give me copies of her pictures, so I'll hook up the snaps when I get them.

Detroit, MI (06.17.02)

Today was a shining moment for the city of Detroit, as our champion Red Wings held their victory parade and rally. Lux was covering the event for one of our local radio stations, 89X, while Buddy and I hung around with my boys Joe and Chris.

This is Lux and I in front of the Spirit of Detroit, who always sports the Red Wings jersey come playoff time.

I laughed when Chris suggested I have a Wings jersey made for Buddy, but both of us liked the idea. Later, we all ate at Friday's for dinner. Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of Buddy, but if any surface I'll be sure to post that for y'all. :)

Detroit, MI (06.23.02)

Buddy patiently waited as I got myself together before we attended *Lucky's graduation partay.

I didn't keep him waiting too long, since her shin-dig was a casual Sunday afternoon backyard barbeque. It was a really nice day, and we all had a blast. Lux and her mom even sent us home with our own tray of leftovers. Yummy!

Detroit, MI (08.24.02)

After spending a month with us, it was time for Buddy and I to say goodbye to Lil Joe. :( We were both very sad, as we all had a crunkin' good time in Orlando and at Challenge.

But, Joey was anxious to get back home to Lux, as they were about to embark on their new adventures in New York.

That's right, we also celebrated *Lucky's going away party. She was getting ready to move out to Hartwick College. No matter how far away though, ain't nothing gonna break our posse. Afterall, we be from Detroit WHAT?! yo. :)

Detroit, MI (12.23.02)

Still tired from our night hangin' out with Tony Lucca, but knowing that we wouldn't be able to get together again until Easter Break, Buddy and I met up with Lux for lunch at Kasey's Salad Bar.

Seriously, I wasn't kidding when I said we were all tired. Buddy looks downright hungover.

He was so exhausted, he didn't even have enough energy to try and finish what pop was left.

Lux and I were poking fun of Buddy's exes. Good naturedly, he hopped into the bread basket and posed with his "crackers." *snicker*

Here's that condiment thing coming into play again, this time with a packet of butter. Notice where it's strategically placed. Smooth like buttah, babay! LMAO

Detroit, MI (12.24.02)

Oh holy night... Buddy and I happily celebrate another holiday together. We were too busy to put up the big tree. So instead we'd set up the little one, and all the presents were cluttered next to the end table it was perched on.

It certainly didn't break our spirits, though. Afterall, it's the season for families. And it certainly didn't stop Josh from trying to peek at his presents. Look at him tryin' to play like he's all sly, but I caught him! ;)

And there you have it, part two of me and Josh's journal. We'll hit you up again soon with more of our totally excellent adventures. Until then: Peace, Love and YAY BUDDY!®
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