Once upon a time, in a land called San Diego, there lived a beautiful girl.. but let's leave her out of this. Instead, we'll talk about me.. DIA! Yes I, along with BexXx, went to Road to Celebrity. It was taped for MTV, and was actually an interesting experience.
It started out like any other morning...except we had to be up at the butt crack of dawn and THEN we got caught in traffic going into the stadium. (The sun really comes out before noon.. it was a revelation to BexXx and I.) I somehow recall running along side Dia's car, talking on her cell phone to my friend, who was getting me into the soundcheck later that day.
I would of let her ride in my car instead of jog next to it, but she was smoking and it's always fun making a smoker do cardio exercise.
It was a very hot day here in Southern California, so hot in fact, that the staff was passing out bottles of water and Joey (no.. they were not passing out Joey) was pouring it (the WATER.. keep clean minds here please) on us ladies. Yes.. I say us.. because I was a recipient of the water bottle water that was placed against that fine young man's juicy lips. *sigh* Oh where was I?
God only knows...
Well, as most of you have probably seen, Road to Celebrity was basically the guys promoting their then new, Celebrity album. So, I'm not going to repeat what was shown on TV.
That's it, D, remind them of what slackers we are and how it took us years to do this review...go right ahead...
I will say that the guys were very, very nice during commercial break, and even during the filming. Justin was, I have to say, the nicest person there. (Besides me!) And as much as I hate to say this, 'cause I love Chris with a passion, he was the most standoffish. But that's okay.. he's sexy anyway.
*cough* The heat was intoxicating, and I ended up with a second degree sunburn over my face, shoulders and chest. There was a girl next to me who was crying so hard I thought she might die or something...and she ended up pretty much passing out into my arms. It was because of her that I got to sit on the red bus behind the stage and get a real good close up look at the guys.
Thank god for over emotional teenies. Bleh..
Justin waved at me and Joey gave me a strange look when I stuck just my hand out the window and waved. JC shrugged when I gave him a "What the hell" look, because of his pink trimmed shirt. Lance wrapped his legs around a sound lady, (Or was she a make-up lady? I don't remember...)
It was the make up lady, using nothing but Mary Kay.. Lance also was feeling on her boohooootay.. let's not forget.
And Chris...well...like Dia said, Chris was standoffish the whole day...I think he was on his period. (At his age.. he's probably going through menopause.)
I got off the red bus and got to stand right up against the stage. This was when I was baptized as an Nsync fan. JC stood above me and dumped water over me... Then he said, "In the name of Orlando, and Johnny, and the Holy Fro, I baptize thee an Nsync fan." Okay, so he didn't really say that, but it would have been damned cool if he did.
I remember that well.. I had a sign that I made, since Joey was still sort of recovering from his hurt leg, and Chris had a cast, and seeing how them two are my hunka hunka burning loves, my sign said, "Chris and Joey, lemme kiss your booboos and make them all better." (Booboo is a new "Hip" word for penis.) I know.. very very teenyish.. but I was having a hormoanal moment. Even IIIII deserve to be forgiven for that. *enter thrusting thoughts*
JC stopped in the middle of walking between set ups and said HI to me. *puts protective shield on for reactions from next comment* I was sooo caught up looking for Joey and Chris that I didn't even really notice him. (You suck!) Not until it was too late and he had to rush over to the next set cause commercial was over. I had a good amount of time too!! I coulda humped his leg or something.. but NOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm a dummy.
My car got on TV. It had the marionettes on top of the car, you know.. those scary Frankenstein looking plastic dolls that are not anatomically correct.. well.. at least I hope they're not. Anyway.. the dolls were courtesy of Becca. When they showed it (my car).. Chris, being the big silly, said.. "How do you drive with that stuff on your car?" Don't quote me directly, but it was something like that.
That was basically it...*nods* After the show was over, I got to go to the soundcheck party...that rocked my ass. (NOT ME!!! I got to go home and do NOTHING until the show. I wanted to throw a rock at your ass..) The only thing that didn't rock my ass is the fact that I looked something like a lobster and was in pain for days afterward.
Anywho.. to sum it up.. the guys rock (yes), Carson sucks (double yes), and I like water on hot days!!!
And that's all I have to say about that.