Okay...I warned you...
Let me start at the beginning. I am now an official member of the Tony Lucca street team! I have the badge to prove it! Go me! And I served my duties as a member of the street team by fetching drinks for the people running merchandise for both JC and Tony...(And I got a free Poster of JC and a CD of Tony for my effort!)
Then it was time for the show to begin, and we went into the theater to be pleasantly surprised that it was a rather small venue. I thought my seats would pretty much suck when I saw that I was Row J, but I was only about six rows from the front of the stage, and right on the aisle so I could step out and see everything when people stood up.
Tony came on and did his set and he was AMAZING! I LOVE his music, and can't wait until his album comes out in early 2004! I was especially fond of "Hollywood Chain Gang" the last song he sang. And another song that I don't know the name of, but he said that he wrote it while at JC's house...he's a very prolific song-writer, and he really makes that guitar sing!
Then the curtain fell, and they projected this huge J and C onto it, and then the word "Schizophrenic" in lights. There was a brief intermission so people could use the bathroom and whatnot, and then finally the lights fell.
The curtain came up and the stage looked like a padded room. The band was dressed in doctor's outfits. JC is standing in the middle of the stage, wearing all white with something that looks like the logo for Boston Market on his t-shirt...lmao!
The music starts and they go straight into "A.D.I.D.A.S." Now mind you, there was a row of about ten nine to ten year old girls sitting immediately stage left. I was so embarassed for their mother, she looked like she was going to die. But the little girls were dancing and having a good old time, oblivious to what JC was singing about.
He goes off stage, the lights go out...and then more music starts...I do not know the name of the song...however...JC comes STRUTTING out in a PIMP OUTFIT. I DIED!
There were other songs that I do not know the names of, there was one song that seemed like it would fit more into a Metallica concert, and then he goes into this ballad. A very pretty song, he gets halfway through it, the music changes to heavy metal and here's JC headbanging and screaming "HOW DID YOU THINK THAT YOU COULD DO ME LIKE THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!??!?! RUNNIN' BEHIND MY BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!?!??!" This goes on for a good two minutes before he sits back down and finishes the ballad.
He did "Blowin' Me Up" complete with tattered band conductor's uniform. During it, he grabbed hold of one of the dancers spanky pants and nearly ripped them OFF her. He didn't mean to do it, and he laughed through like the next four lines of the song, so that was pretty funny. After that he did a couple other songs that, I'm sorry, I do not know the names of. He introduced his band and then said goodnight.
The curtain fell, but the band kept playing and the lights stayed off, so everyone stayed in their place...besides, I knew that he had not yet sang "Some Girls" so I was pretty sure the show wasn't over quite yet.
Liv, this is just for you because I payed EXTRA close attention!
HE SAID BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!
I took pictures as best I could, and luckily my camera was a disposable because that's all they would allow in the theater. At one point some guy tried to tell me I had to throw my camera in the trash because I couldn't take it back into the theater with me after he PULLED me out during one of JC's songs. I told him that I had been told that disposables were okay and he argued with me for a minute before another guy came and told him I was right. SO THERE! Liv, you get copies of the pictures and I got you little souveniers from the show...simple stuff, but souveniers nonetheless.
So that's it! My night in a nutshell...after a terrifying ride home in the thick fog, I am sitting here listening to my new Black Eyed Peas CD and wistfully remembering all the crotch-grabbing, hip-thrusting, and simulated orgasms that were my night.
I know this was a massive spoiler, so please don't hate me...I warned you at the top!
Take Care everybody, and please don't forget to buy JC and Tony's albums when they come out in early 2004! They both deserve all the support and admiration we can give them because they are both such amazingly talented men!