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Operation: Scrapbook

Liv and Lux Work on the Special Project (08.05.02)

Alrighty, we’ve made mention of it a couple times before, and now I’m gonna explain it…the *NJEF Scrapbook. When Lucky heard I was going to be at sound check with Tabz, she had planned to write a personal letter to Chris that she wanted us to deliver. Well, we took it one step further and turned it into a scrapbook.

Via email, the seven of us compiled our biographies, favorite pictures, encounters, and other tidbits to put into the book. Lux and I previously started work on it on *NSYNC Day, but with less than a week until I left for Washington, we needed to get down to serious business.

So Lux had her mom drop her off at my crib, and even before we started she goes, “I have a birthday present for JC.” I’m thinking it’s something else for me to bring to sound check, but she opens her purse and takes out…Ken clothes. She’d recently been to a crafts fair and picked up a pair of hand-made pajamas for Buddy. “They didn’t have orange, so I got him blue ones.” Buddy didn’t care what color they were, he was THRILLED.

Getting back to the business at hand, our first stop was Target and this thing called one-hour photo. Off we went, jamming to the new album of course. We walked around the store once so I could finish the last couple of pictures in my camera:

Buddy promoted the new album. “Come on! It’s on sale!”

Then Josh and I advertised the stock of *NSYNC school supplies. See that cardboard *NSYNC display? It’s reserved for me. =)

So we drop off the film, and wandered around the store for an hour, looking for last-minute supplies and being goofy, as usual. We ended up getting Alli a birthday card, and a special one for JC, to be included with the scrapbook.

When the pictures were ready, we returned to my house and jumped into our work. Random thought: Only cracked-out fans listen to New Kids on the Block while working on an *NSYNC scrapbook. LOL Lux worked on her bio page, and I wrote my letter to Justin regarding the FRO Foundation. We pasted in our table of contents, site history, and took over an hour to compose a personalized letter to the guys.

Then we realized that it was getting late and we were gonna have to print out some of the pictures for the book separately. So we made yet another trip to Target for the photo paper, and a pit stop at 7-11 for a Slurpee run, and to see if we could find Lux a Lance Rolling Stone to complete her set. No luck, but we thoroughly enjoyed groovin’ to Josh, Justin, Dale and Ryan’s rendition of “Cry For You” in the car.

Hell, we enjoyed it so much, we even WATCHED the video when we got back to my house! (“Baby I’m beggin’, baby I’m beggin’ beggin’ baby…”) We would have worked more, but I had to drive Lux home. I agreed to drop by her house after finals, the day of my departure. I’ve been working on it myself the past couple days, but if we don’t finish before I leave, Tabz and I have our work cut out for us…

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