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Shop ‘til you Pop

Christmas Shopping with Liv, Buddy, Lux and Joe (12.08.01)

Season’s Greetings! The holidays are upon us, and that means shopping is a must. Lucky and I decided to get together and see if we could shorten our gift lists. She drove uptown to get me, and our first stop was Oakland Mall to visit Santa. =) We told him we wanted *NSYNC under our trees, and got our picture taken:

How cute are we?

Then we drove up to Great Lakes Crossing and had dinner at the Rainforest Café. I luff that place…it’s the whole jungle theme. ;) The restaurant has really cool tables with various aminal designs on them. As fate would have it, we were seated at the table themed with wild cats: lions, tigers, and cheetahs. =) If you look closely at the table, you can see them:

Joe loves to dance, so he provided us with after dinner entertainment:

And I’m usually over critical about photos of myself, but I really like this one:

The fun with the cheetah prints didn’t stop there. I saw one of the waitresses wearing a Santa hat trimmed with cheetah prints, and I HAD to get one. And then we were at Claire’s (because they have everything…lol) and I decided to get a new wallet. Incidentally, there was a light blue one with (what else?) cheetah prints.

All in all, though, this trip was a bust. Neither of us were able to get anything for anybody on our Christmas lists. And while I had six dollars left on a Kay Bee Toys gift card, there was ZERO selection of Ken clothes for Buddy and Joe.

So on the way back to my house, we dropped by Target. After seeing what was left of the Harry Potter toys, Lux bought her mom a DVD, and Joe his own pair of jeans and orange windbreaker. (The one he’s wearing in the pictures are Buddy’s.)

Other than that, it’s like I said, the trip was kind of a bust. This was actually one of our tamer expeditions…hopefully we’ll get back to the craziness the next time around. LOL

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