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The Gallery's Live Chat
Welcome to The Gallery's Live Chat Room. The Chat Schedule is posted at the bottom of the page. Please read the chat room rules at the left before entering. To enter the chat room, use the chat login box below and enter your desired nickname. Valid nicknames must be 3-15 characters in length and consist of standard letters and numbers only. Once you have entered your nickname, click the Enter Chat button to connect to the chat room. Once connected, the chat room window will open in a new small window.
Once inside, there are various options available within the chat room to enable you to customise some settings to your own preference, such as sounds, text size and color. Toggle between these settings using the menues at the top of the window. Also, you may want to create a user profile, which can be viewed by other users if they click on your knickname in the user list.
(Note: Chat users inspire2DAVE and inspire2NADIA are the webmasters of The Gallery.)
(The above banner is not supported by The Gallery)
Chat Schedule
Open Discussion: Every Sunday Night, starting at 8:30 PM,you can chat with other viewers about any topic (within reason).
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