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I Will Love You
-Daniel Huaghian

As long as I can dream,
as long as I can think,
as long as I have a memory,
I will love you.

As long as I have eyes to see
and ears to hear
and lips to speak,
I will love you.

As long as I have
a heart to feel,
a soul stirring within me,
an imagination to hold you.

As long as there is time,
as long as there is love,
as long as there is you,
and as long as I have a breath
to speak your name,
I will love you
because I love you me
than anything in
all the world.

No Matter What
-Karen Reibling

I'm taking a chance
caring for you,
I know it,
and it scares me,
but it won't stop me...
because I see too much in you
to just let you slip by
And I've learned
that only through
the risks
and the reaching out
for more
will there ever be
a chance for all
I've ever dreamed.

Nobody But You
-Laine Parsons

I want to chase away
any clouds you'll ever have,
and let you know
that no matter what-
our being together
and in love
is the most important thing
I'll ever have in this life.

When it comes to sharing love,
today and every tomorrow,
you're the one
that will always shine through.
And when it comes to
the person I always
want to be with...
you know that there's
nobody but you.

-Doug Konst

We've been through rough times,
and the hardest may be
yet to come.
But remember...the best things
in life
don't come easily.
Changes must sometimes be made,
and we must not be afraid
to make them.
For if we always remain the same,
we will fail to grow.
But if we can grow...
we will have a love
that is known by
so very few.

-Thomas R. Dudley

I have shared
the radianceof your smile.
I have enjoyed
the happiness of your laughter.
I have thrilled
to your slightest touch.
I have memorized
every part of you.
I have seen you say
"I love you" with your eyes.
I have learned
about life from you.
I have known
the joy of loving you
more with each passing day.
And yet,
I have only scratched
the surface of my love
for you.

You are Loved
-Roger Pinches

When the road seems too long
When darkness sets in
When everything turns out wrong
And you can't find a friend
Remember- you are loved

When smiles are hard to come by
And you're feeling down
When you spread your wings to fly
And can't get of the ground
Remember- you are loved

When time runs out before
you're through
And it's over before you begin
When little things get to you
And you just can't win
Remember - you are loved

When your loved ones are far away
And you are on you own
When you don't know what to say
When your afraid of beign alone
Remember- you are loved

When sadness comes to an end
And everything is going right
May you think of your family and friends
And keep their love in site
A thank-you for being love

May you see the love around you
In everything you do
And when trouble seems to surround you
May all the love shine through
You are blessed- you are loved

-Jennifer Sue Oatey

Sometimes late at night
I think of the color of your eyes
when you laugh

And the tilt of your head
when you listen

And I remember the warmth
of your touch
when you are close

In the darkness of those nights
I see you in my mind
and I can feel the love we share

And I know we are special
and that our love will endure.

Loving Thoughts of You
-Andrew Tawney

It's all your fault, you know...
I've hardly accomplished
anything today.
Every time I begin something,
you creep into my thoughts-
softly, slowly at first...

and before you know it,
my imagination is filled
with thoughts of you.
Warm thoughts,
nice thoughts,
such loving thoughts.

But this is getting out of hand,
and I have to get something
done today.
So maybe I'll begin
by doing something
very important...

I'll let you know
how much I want you
how much I need you
and how very much
I love you.