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Life's Rewards
-author unknown

Unless we take a chance or two
In order to begin,
There's nothing we can hope to gain,
No prize that we can win.

We must accept uncertainty,
Must set our doubts aside.
Be brave enough to risk a loss
or set back to our pride.

We should not be afraid of change,
or be afraid to dare.
If we just take a chance,
Life holds rewards beyond compare.

An Angel's Kiss
-Peggy Bouse

We go through life so often,
not stopping to enjoy the day.
And we take each one for granted,
As we travel on our way.

For in your pain and sorrow,
An Angel's Kiss will help you through,
This kiss is very private,
For it is meant for only you.

We never stop to measure,
Anything we just might miss.
But if the wind should blow by softly,
You'll feel an Angel's Kiss.

A kiss that is sent from heaven,
A kiss from up above.
A kiss that is very special,
From someone that you love.

So when, your hearts are heavy,
And filled with tears and pain,
And no one can console you,
Remember once again...

About the ones you grieve for,
Because you sadly miss.
And the gentle breeze you took for granted,
Was just an Angel's Kiss.

Walk on the Beach
-author unknown

I've lost myself in the gift of your love,
amazed and adrift on a secret sea,
…Just you and me,
beneath the silver of the midnight sky,
a tender embrace, a whisper, a sigh,
discovering treasures we'll cherish together,
today and tomorrow, for now and forever…
I never really lived until I loved you.

Love Sprinkles
-author unknown

Like little sprinkles of love
Your smile has touched my heart,
It sparkles here, it glistens there,
It tears my fears apart...

Like little sprinkles of love
Your laugh can make my day,
A giggle here, a giggle there,
Can chase my blues away!

With your little sprinkles of love,
There's nothing I can't do,
So sprinkles of love I'm sending
From my heart right back to you!

Like Angel Dust
-author unknown

The world needs tolerance,
love and trust,
And kindness scattered
like Angel Dust!
We need quiet moments,
a lot more peace,
That wars may end
and hatred cease.

We need caring friends,
some hope, some mirth,
And a glimmer to guide us
here on this earth.
We need joyful hearts,
cures for disease,
And gentle reminders
to say 'thank you' and 'please'.

We need to protect
the mouse and the dove,
For the smallest of creatures
were created through love.
We need to remember stray kittens,
green trees,
For we are no greater
or lesser than these.

How to begin
the changes we must?
By scattering kindness
like Angel Dust!

-Donna beaupre

I wish
that for just one moment
could be me
just so you could know
how much

-Zen Master Ryokan

When all thoughts
Are exhausted
I slip into the woods
And gather
A pile of shepherd's purse.

Like the little stream
Making its way
Through the mossy crevices
I, too, quietly
Turn clear and transparent.

-Zen Master Ryokan

Too lazy to be ambitious,
I let the world take care of itself.
Ten days' worth of rice in my bag;
a bundle of twigs by the fireplace.
Why chatter about delusion and enlightenment?
Listening to the night rain on my roof,
I sit comfortably, with both legs stretched out.