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Have the courage to live.
Anyone can die.
-Robert Cody


Love all, trust a few.
Do harm to none.
-William Shakespere


Sometimes you have to stand alone
to prove that you can stand.


People will always talk about you,
especially when they envy you
and the life you live. Let them;
you affected their lives,
they didn't affect yours.


I can give you a six-word formula for success:
Think things through - then follow through.
-Edward Rickenbacker


Most of the important things in the world
have been accomplished by people who have
kept on trying when there seemed to be
no hope at all.
-Dale Carnegie


Perhaps the distant part of the sky
always seems clearest so that we may
always strive to reach it.


To finish first you must first finish.
-Rick Mears


To be a star, you must shine your own light,
follow your own path and don't worry about
the darkness for that is when
stars shine the brightest.


Good and kind people outnumber
all others by thousands to one.
Thus, in what I like to call
the Great Asymmetry, every
spectacular incident of evil
will be balanced by 10,000
acts of kindness, to often
unnoted and invisible as the
'ordinary' efforts
of a vast majority.
-Stephen Jay Gould


To handle yourself, use your head.
To handle others, use your heart.


If I were asked to give what I consider
the single most useful bit of advice
for all humanity, it would be this:
Expect trouble as an inevitable part
of life, and when it comes, hold your
head high. Look it squarely in the eye,
and say, "I will be bigger than you.
You cannot defeat me.
-Ann Landers


I believe we are free, within limits,
and yet there is a hand, a guiding angel,
that somehow, like a submerged propeller,
drives us on.
-Rabindranath Tagore


You are everything that is, your thoughts,
your life, your dreams come true.
You are everything you choose to be.
You are as unlimited as the endless universe.
-Shad Helmstetter


Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
-Mother Teresa


Excellence is the result of caring
more than others think is wise;
risking more than others think is safe;
dreaming more than others think is practical;
and expecting more than others think is possible.

The great teachings unanimously emphasize that all the peace, wisdom,and joy in the universe are already within us; we don't have to gain,develop, or attain them. We're like a child standing in a beautiful park with his eyes shut tight. We don't need to imagine trees, flowers, deer, birds, and sky; we merely need to open our eyes and realize what is already here, who we really are.


Two men look out through the same bars:
One sees the mud, and one the stars.
-Fredrick Langbridge


Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity;
for pain that teaches you courage -
and give exceeding thanks for the mystery
which remains a mystery still -
the veil that hides you from the infinite,
which makes it possible for you to believe
in what you cannot see.
-Robert Nathan


When I look into the future,
it is so bright that it
burns my eyes.



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