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The truth is more important
than the facts.
-Frank Lloyd Wright


It's a sad man my friend,
whose living in his own skin
and can't stand the company.
-Bruce Springsteen


Man is free the moment he wants to be.


It matters immensely.
The slightest sound matters,
the most momentary rhythm matters.
You can do as you please,
yet everything matters.
-Wallace Stevens


How wonderful is it that nobody
need wait a single moment before
starting to improve the world.
-Anne Frank


Truth, like surgery, may hurt, but it cures.
-Han Suyn


The universe will reward you
for taking risks on its behalf.
-Shakti Gawain


No matter what accomplishments you achieve,
somebody helps you.
-Althea Gibson


All growth is the result of risk-taking.
-Jude Wanniski


There is no point in burying a hatchet
if you're going to put up a marker on the site.
-Sydney Harris


If we listened to our intellect,
we'd never have a love affair.
We'd never have a friendship.
We'd never go into business,
because we'd be cynical.
Well, that's nonsense.
You've got to jump off cliffs
all the time
and build your wings
on the way down.
-Ray Bradbury


Suddenly one day
everything is empty like space,
and you are aware of one principle
pervading all the 10,000 things.
You know then that your heart
is so vast that it
can never be measured.


Each day,
little by little,
make magic.


A very great vision is needed,
and the man who has it must follow it,
as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky.
-Chief Crazy Horse


Anyone who proposes to do good
must not expect people
to roll stones out of his way,
but must accept his lot calmly,
even if they roll a few more upon it.
-Albert Schweitzer


If you cannot lift the load
off another's back,
do not walk away.
Try to lighten it.
-Frank Tyger


Don't believe in miracles
—depend on them.
-Lawrence J. Peter



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