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Genius begins great works;
labour alone finishes them.
-Joseph Joubert


The ones who don't do anything
are always the ones who try to pull you down.
-Henry Rollins


And I saw the river
over which every soul must pass
to reach the kingdom of heaven
and the name of that river was suffering:
and I saw a boat which carries souls across the river
and the name of that boat was love.
-Saint John of the Cross


Consider the postage stamp:
its usefulness consists
in the ability to stick
to one thing till it gets there.
-Josh Billings


You become what you think about
all day long.


If they give you lined paper,
write the other way.


Our days are the precious
currency of our lives.


People may doubt what you say,
but they will believe what you do.


Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.
-African proverb


I hear them say 'you'll never change things'
and no matter what you do it's still the same...
But it's not the world that I'm trying to change.
I do this so this world will know that it will not change me.
-Garth Brooks


The ultimate measure of a man
is not where he stands in moments
of comfort and convenience,
but where he stands at times
of challenge and controversy.
-Martin Luther King Jr.


The time when you need to do something
is when no one else is willing to do it,
when people are saying it can't be done.
-Will Durant


We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world.


Every blade of grass
has its angel that bends over it
and whispers, “grow, grow.”
-The Talmud


No man is free until he conquers himself.
-Thomas O'Shaughnessy


The greatest good you can do for another
is not just share your riches,
but to reveal to him his own.
-Benjamin Disraeli


Within your heart, keep one still,
secret spot where dreams may grow.
-Louise Driscoll


I have learned
silence from the talkative,
tolerance from the intolerant,
and kindness from the unkind.
-Kahil Gibran


We are always getting ready to live, but never living.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


We are pressed on every side by troubles,
but not crushed and broken.
We are perplexed because we don't know why
things happen as they do,
but we don't give up and quit.
We are hunted down,
but God never abandons us.
We get knocked down,
but we get up again and keep going.
2 Corinthians 4:8 LB



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