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You can complain
because roses have thorns,
or you can rejoice
because thorns have roses.


The willow knows what the storm does not:
that the power to endure harm
outlives the power to inflict it.
-Blood of the Martyr


We must learn our limits.
We are all something,
but none of us are everything.
-Blaise Pascal


Be like a duck.
Calm on the surface,
but always paddling
like the dickens underneath.
-Michael Caine


The more you put into living,
the more you get out of life.


A smile is the lighting system of the face
and the heating system of the heart.


Joy comes to those
who do not fear solitude.
Life comes to those
not afraid to die.


I saw the angel in the marble
and carved until I set her free.


Love your enemies because
they bring out the best in you.
-Friedrich Nietzsche


A man is not old until
regrets take the place of dreams.
-John Barrymore


Only a life lived for others
is worth living.
-Albert Einstein


If you're crying because
the sun went down on your life,
your tears will keep you
from seeing the stars.


Big shots are only little shots
who keep shooting.
-Christopher Morley


Stand up for what you believe in,
even if you are standing alone.


If you are lucky enough to find
a way of life you love,
you have to find
the courage to live it.
-John Irving


You must do the thing you cannot do.
-Eleanor Roosevelt


Dream as if you'll live forever.
Live as if you'll die today.
-James Dean


Begin doing what you want to do now.
We are not living in eternity.
We have only this moment, sparkling
like a star in our hand
and melting like a snowflake...
-Marie Beyon Ray


Joy is not in things, it is in us.
-Benjamin Franklin


Never, never, never quit.
-Winston Churchill



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