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You don’t get harmony
when everybody sings the same note.
-Doug Floyd


I cried because I had no shoes,
until I met a man who had no feet.


If each one of us sweeps
in front of our own steps,
the whole world would be clean.


At any moment we can begin again.


Most of us live
too far into the future,
or weigh ourselves down
with regrets from the past.


There is no right or wrong,
only consequences.


Success is going
from failure to failure
without loss of enthusiasm.
-Winston Churchill


It's all in the way
you look at things.
-Norton Juster


Keep your eyes on the stars
and your feet on the ground.
-Teddy Roosevelt


I guess when your
heart gets broken
you sort of start
to see cracks in everything.
I'm convinced that tragedy
wants to harden us
and our mission is
never to let it.


He did each single thing
as if he did nothing else.
-Charles Dickens


The great oak was once
a little nut who held its ground.


The soul would have no rainbow
had the eyes no tears.
-Indian Proverb


Integrate what you believe
in every single area of your life.
-Meryl Streep


If instead of a gem,
or even a flower,
we should cast the gift
of aloving thought
into the heart of a friend,
that would be giving
as the angels give.
-George MacDonald


No matter how hard the loss,
defeat might serve as well
as victory toshape the soul
and let the glory out.
-Al Gore Sr.


If we have no peace,
it is because we have forgotten
that we belong to each other.
-Mother Teresa


Know this,
that we were not created
in jest or at random,
but marvelously made
and for some great end.


We shall find peace.
We shall hear angels,
we shall see the sky
sparkling with diamonds.
-Anton Pavlovich Chekhov


If you can find the God
inside of yourself,
you can find the God
inside everybody.
-Stephen Levine



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