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Why The Pandas?

The panda design is a very important aspect of our website. Besides being just cute these animals are also very symbolic in Oriental culture and represent the fundamental ideas behind this site. This unique and beautiful animal has a very long history despite the fact that it has difficulty with breeding and a high-maintenance diet. It is believed to be between 1 to 3 million years old. One of the first written records of the panda were found in Ancient China where the animal was considered to be semi-divine. The Chinese believed that it held magical powers that were able to ward off evil spirits and natural disasters. At one time the panda had a special name “Zouya” which symbolized the panda’s gentleness. With this the animal became a symbol of peace, friendship, and love. If during battle either side raised a flag with the picture of Zouya on it the battle would immediately stop and a temporary truce would follow. Even in modern culture the panda serves as a peace symbol in political affairs. President Richard Nixon for example received two panda bears from the Chinese government as a sign of peace and friendship. These adorable bears are beautiful creatures that exhibit many human qualities and represent everything that we stand for-friendship, love, and peace.



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