Download my free Offline Quran Search Software, and my Web Site's files:

The sections here are:

1-  Download my free Offline Quran Search Software, and my Web Site's files.
2-  Online Quran, Hadith and Mosque Search.

You might wonder why I am not selling the Noble Quran Search Software instead of just giving it away for free.  Quite frankly I already discussed this with few people already and I want to set the record straight.  My point is very simple:  If I sell the software, then not everyone will get to enjoy having a powerful off line search tool for the Noble Quran to enable them to study and appreciate Islam and our Holy Scripture more deeply.  So selling the software will actually compromise the original reason of why I established this great Islamic Web Site from the first place.

I simply want every single person who visits my web site (even accidentally) to be tempted to download my software because it's free.  I am praying that may Allah Almighty would honor me and bless me even more by causing more and more people to embrace and appreciate Islam through downloading the software and my web site's files.  If this truly happens, then this by far will be the greatest bargain I can ever get in this life and in the life after.

Thank you and may Allah Almighty bless you, and lead you and your friends and family to the Light and Truth of Islam.

Download my Offline Quran Search Software.  My software allows either Noble Verses' references or text string search.  You can browse the results in a grid (similar to MS-Excel format), or view all of them on one scrollable form.

See screen shots of the software.

Download my Web Site's files.


Online Quran, Hadith and Mosque Search:

1- - Qur'an Word Search.  You might need to refresh your screen if the site takes too long to load.  I refresh my screen and it works.

2- - Qur'an Word Search.

3- - Hadith (Prophet Muhammad's Sayings) Word Search.

4- - Find the nearest Mosque (Masjid) by entering either your zip code or your state.  (This can help you find Muslims from your nationality if you are new to the state, which can improve your social life).   They have Advanced Search, which allows you to use a map and click on the state you desire, then the city, and then it would display all of the Mosques located in that city and state.

Please email me at   Osama Abdallah

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