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Quiz Page

        While at a medical conference in Washington, D.C., I saw a case of this disease and heard first-hand accounts of it from doctors that worked with it. Ever since then, I have become more and more interested in it's workings. Good luck on the quiz... it isn't too hard!

What do you know about Necrotizing Fascitis?


1.   This disease is commonly referred to as the....

"Weight-loss" disease    "Flesh-eating" disease      "Balding" Disease    "Dead Man Walking" Disease


2.  The mutated form of what common bacteria causes this disease?

Streptococcus    Varicella    Salmonella Enteritidis    Meningococcal


3.  Which of the following ways can necrotizing fascitis NOT be spread? Check all that apply.

  Airborne dispersion           Blood or body fluids

  Touching                           Fecal matter


4. This bacteria is known to attack the "fascia" within the body. What is this referring to?


5. With a mortality rate of over 50%, this disease can happen to anyone, and sometimes, a cut in the skin is not present for infection.

  True      False


6. After the bacteria has entered the body, it rapidly reproduces, and gives off toxins and enzymes that...

  Increases the amount of thyrodine in the blood far too quickly   Destroys all hair follicles and causes burning sensation of the skin  

Raises blood pressure dangerously       Destroys soft tissue, causing it to become gangrenous


7.  One of the scariest aspects of this disease is how...  (check all that apply)

Devastating it can be physically

  Fast it can spread - within days of contact, patients are at death's door

  Quickly your brain and memory storage deteriorate

  All mobility is lost due to destruction of the entire nervous system


8.  What is the most common form of "treatment" for those suffering from Necrotizing fascitis?

  Surgery to remove diseased material        Multiple doses of amino acid supplements to help build mobility

  Specified brain biopsies                           Reconstructive surgery on the scalp to improve liklihood of regrowth of hair


9.  What do you think are the best ideas for preventing infection of not only this bacteria, but other pathogens as well? (1 extra point for each valid answer)


10. If we could eradicate one disease forever, which one would you choose?

11.  True or False:  The disease was first discovered in France in 1890.

True     False

12.  True or False:  This disease became a problem for military hospitals when it was first discovered, especially during war times. 

True    False

13.  True or False:  The first few symptoms may occur within hours of contact with bacteria. These can be flu-like symptoms, along with diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, and weakness.

True    False

14. How do you make sure to take care of yourself?

15.  When you have been sick, what is your favorite thing to have to make you feel better?

16.  Do you like to watch E.R the T.V. show? It's one of my favorites.

17.  What is one thing you hate having done at doctor's offices? For me, it is definitely the shots and taking the blood.

Thanks for taking my quiz!
