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Name: Krikor M. Berberian

Address: complex Bakston, block 30-3, Sofia 1618, Bulgaria

Telephone: +359 2 56 52 90





1963-1970: Born on 13 August 1963 in Burgas, Bulgaria.

1970-1981: Studies at Primary and High School Education in Sofia, Bulgaria. Certificate for Maturation.

1981-1983: Military service at Bulgarian National Army in Karlovo, Bulgaria.

1983-1990: Studies at Medical Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria. Diploma for Medical Doctor.

1990-1991à: Appointed as assistant professor at Institute of Social Medicine, Medical Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1990-1991b: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at Medical Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1990-1991c: Participation on international seminar "Update on Licensing Examinations for International Medical Graduates" at Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Center Ltd. in Los Angeles, California, USA.

1991-1992à: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at Medical Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1991-1992b: Participation on training program "Health Service Management" at Sofia International Management Center in Sofia, Bulgaria. Certificate for attendance.

1992-1993a: Participation on summer course "Clinical and Public Health Research Methods" at Erasmus University Medical School in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Certificate for attendance.

1992-1993b: Studies at Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Diploma for Master of Science in Epidemiology.

1993-1994à: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at High Medical Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1993-1994b: Participation with report on international workshop "Stroke Prevention" at Trans European Mobility Scheme for University Studies in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1993-1994c: Participation on training program "Experimental and Observational Research Design" at Institute of International Health, Michigan State University & Center for Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiology in Sofia, Bulgaria. Management by Medical Service Corporation International. Certificate for attendance.

1993-1994d: Tutor on summer program "Modern Epidemiology" at Trans European Mobility Scheme for University Studies in Varna, Bulgaria. Certificate for attendance.

1993-1994e: Board examination at Postgraduate Education Sector, High Medical Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria. Diploma for Specialist in Social Medicine.

1994-1995à: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at High Medical Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1994-1995b: Participation on international symposium "The Future of Epidemiology and Biostatistics" at Erasmus University Medical School in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

1994-1995c: Tutor on summer program "Clinical Epidemiology" at Trans European Mobility Scheme for University Studies in Varna, Bulgaria. Certificate for attendance.

1995-1996à: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at High Medical Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1995-1996b: Participation with report on international symposium "Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Pediatric Trauma" at Medical Service Corporation International in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1995-1996c: Participation on international congress "General Practice Medicine" at Welsh Health Development International in Borovetz, Bulgaria.

1995-1996d: Tutor on summer program "Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics" at Trans European Mobility Scheme for University Studies in Varna, Bulgaria. Certificate for attendance.

1996-1997à: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at Medical University in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1996-1997b: Tutor on summer program "Epidemiology and Biostatistics in Public Health" at Trans European Mobility Scheme for University Studies in Varna, Bulgaria. Certificate for attendance.

1997-1998: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at Medical University in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1998-1999: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at Medical University in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1999-2000à: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at Medical University in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1999-2000b: Participation on private workshop at School of Health Systems and Public Health, University of Pretoria in Pretoria, South Africa.

2000-2001: Teaching courses for graduate medical education at Medical University in Sofia, Bulgaria.

2001-2002: Teaching courses for graduate public health education at Public Health Faculty in Sofia, Bulgaria.

2002-2003: Teaching courses for graduate public health education at Public Health Faculty in Sofia, Bulgaria.




- Saltchev P., Berberian K. Health care in Bulgaria in the transition period. In: Financing and delivering health care in the Balkan region (Kyriopoulos J.E., Levett J. editors). Athens: ASPHER, 1992. - abstract ; full

- Berberian K., van Duijn C., Hoes A., Valkenburg H., Hofman A. Alcohol and mortality: results from the EPOZ follow-up study. Eur J Epidemiol 1994; 10 (5): 687-693. - abstract ; full

- Berberian K. Examination of some risk factors for the coronary heart disease on the basis of some cases and controls in the city of Sofia. In: Bulgarian-American partnership in health care (Savov T. managing editor). Sofia: USAID, 1995. - abstract ; full

- Berberian K. Occurrence of risk factors for CHD among patients and controls in two city hospitals of Sofia. Matriculation Ph.D. dissertation. Sofia: 2001, 172 pp. /Bulgarian language edition/ - abstract ; full

- Berberian K. The Bulgarian medicine reader. Unpublished course materials, 2003. - abstract ; full




Prof. Abel Whittemore

PO Box 474

Fairfax, VA 22030, USA

Tel.:+1 703 352 3459


Prof. Albert Hofman

Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Erasmus University Medical School

P.O. Box 1738

3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Tel.:+31 10 436 5933


Prof. Evangelos Petropoulos

Institute of International Health

Michigan State University

B-301 West Fee Hall

East Lansing, MI 48824-1316, USA

Tel.:+1 517 353 8992



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This site was last updated 12/16/03