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Marko Pavlov is born in the town of Sveshti, district Tetovo, a. 1785-1786. He remains orphan as a kid so an Italian wheat merchant take care of him. Firstly, a primary tuition M. Pavlov acquired in the Greek school at Turnovo. Next, he moved to live with his Italian benefactor in Venice where he graduated secondary studies. Afterwards, Pavlov continues his education in France, in the University of Monpelie where he enrolls to the medical faculty. We know from a checkpoint in the university archives that a student with such name figured in the register at the end of XVIII c. Further, because we don’t see his name later than year 1808, we can conclude that Dr. Marko Pavlov received his Medical Diploma a. 1807-1808.

It was a time of revolution and turmoil when Napoleons army conquered the world. Young doctor Pavlov enlisted a volunteer in the medical brigade. According to one of Napoleons niece Dr. M. Pavlov was adjunct physician to Marechal Ney, Prince de la Moskowa, Duc d'Elchingen /1769-1815/. After the defeat of the French army Pavlov migrates to the Ionic islands where we see him now as member of Greek rebellion from 1821-1822. The cause of Greek independence pending, Dr. Marko Pavlov transfers to an ordinance with the turks and is at medical service with the military. He travels there to Tunisia and Marocco.

We don’t know exactly when Dr. Pavlov establishes back in Bulgaria, but it is a fact that he was honored to be a private physician to the Pasha of Philibe. Obviously, this was a reward for good medical practice on his retirement from the Turkish army. When the Pasha leaves the town Dr. Pavlov goes with him to a new destination. Finally, they reside in the city of Turnovo where Marko Pavlov spent his youth. At that time it is said that the town had not a qualified medical doctor, yet, people look for help at folk healers. He opens a drug store and stays with his family in Turnovo. Dr. M. Pavlov dies on 18 January 1864.

This is scarcely what we know about life and work of M. Pavlov, eminent figure from bulgarian enlightenment. Here are two more facts which are worth discussing when we speak about Dr. Pavlov. He is said to be first M.D. with a private drug store functioning about 1856. Bogomil Vachev, a scientific researcher in pharmacy, finds in the municipal archives of Suchindol /district Veliko Turnovo/ a literature fund in French from the past century. A revision in 1981 shows this to be the apothecary documentation - so called "vasaria" or "lekarnia". The data are arranged in a museum collection.

The family of Dr. Marko Pavlov had three sons - two of them graduated medicine, one graduated pharmacy, all of them from the Military Medical School in Tzarigrad. Dr. Pavel Markov /1824-1880/ is military physician in the Turkish army and works in Badgered, Tzarigrad and Yemen. Dr. Charalampi Markov /1831-1881/ works as city physician in the town of Razgrad. Dr. Georgi Markov - Markidis /1835-1903/ graduates pharmacy and inherits his fathers apothecary until 1886 when its sold to Panayot Slavkov. No one of the three sons claim to have heirs.