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Disclaimer : All Buffy : The Vampire Slayer and ANGEL characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and Fox Studios. No copyright infringement intended, just a chance to share with my fellow fans and absolutely no money profit is gained on the part of the author.
SPOILERS: Prior to the Buffy episode 'The I in Team'. (Season 4).
AUTHOR'S NOTE : Any words in / / indicates something written down rather than spoken.
SUMMARY : The Initiative comes under attack.

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BC : BEFORE CHILDREN by Brightbear
Chapter 4 - Beauty and the Beast

Buffy was chewing on ice cubes in the Bronze. It had originally been a drink but she'd finished it. So now, ice cubes, because Forrest had bought the first drink for her and she didn't have any money of her own to buy a second. Forrest and Jay were busy discussing how they put the little white letter M on M&Ms. While they argued graphically with much waving and grunting to illustrate their viewpoints, the others were stealing the very M&Ms that had started it all in the first place. Riley stole another handful of M&Ms and passed some to Graham and Buffy underneath the table. Buffy couldn't help it and giggled. Forrest looked up from the argument and spotted the depleted pile of M&Ms.
"Hey!" cried Jay.

Forrest was beginning to demand the immediate return or refund of the M&Ms when Buffy's eyes focused elsewhere. Her business-like expression alerted the group.
"What is it?" asked Riley, following her gaze.
"Vampire," said Buffy, staring intently at a couple in the corner.
The group turned to watch the flirting duo. The couple left the bar, the boy obviously encouraging the girl to follow him. Buffy grabbed her handbag and marched determinedly after them. The guys fell in behind her, almost without realising it.

They followed the couple outside and into a dark corner, where the couple began to kiss. When they heard the snarl of a vampire, they rushed in. Riley knocked the two of them apart. Forrest raised a stake in the air, ready to bring it down through the boy's heart when Buffy knocked Forrest sideways.

Before Forrest had begun to complain, Buffy pivoted and drove her own stake through the girl's chest. There was a plaintive groan from the girl before she disintegrated into dust.

Forrest looked at Buffy in surprise, almost embarrassment, as she helped the boy to his feet.
"Oh my god...," said the boy.
"You all right?" asked Buffy.
"Oh my god...," repeated the boy. "Her face..."
"She's gone. Are you hurt?"
Still stunned, the boy shook his head.

"It'd probably be an idea for you to go straight home," suggested Jay.
"Home," echoed the boy, distantly.
"Do you have friends somewhere here?" asked Buffy gently.
"What? Oh, they're in the Bronze."
"Go get some help, then."

The boy wandered back into the Bronze, still with a dazed expression.
Buffy watched him go and when she turned, Forrest was facing her.
"What?" she asked.
"How did you know?" he asked.
"Know what?"
"That the girl was the vamp, not the guy."
"Oh, that?" asked Buffy, shrugging it off. "I'd like to say it was talent but the truth is I've seen her before."
"You know many vampires by sight?" asked Graham dryly.

"No, most vampires I see usually become ashtray size but occasionally there are one or two that get away," answered Buffy.
As they had been speaking, they had been moving away from the Bronze at a walking pace.
"So, are we calling it a night?" asked Buffy. "Cause I'm kinda sleepy."
"I have papers to mark," said Riley.
"Looks like it's just you and me, buddy," said Forrest, slapping Graham on the back.

"No thanks," said Graham, shaking his head. "I have armoury detail tomorrow morning."
"Damn," said Forrest. "You do pull the early shifts, don't you?"
Graham smiled, "Like a magnet, man, like a magnet."
"What's armoury detail?" asked Buffy.
"Signing weapons in and out of the armoury," explained Riley.
"Not really information for civilians, Riley. No offence Buffy," said Forrest grimly.

"No offence taken," said Buffy, then her voice gained an edge. "Unless you dare call me a civilian again."
Forrest was taken aback by her tone, "You have to agree you're not a member of the military, that makes you a civilian."
"Technically, but I've been doing this since I was fifteen and seeing as I have a title and the whole destiny deal, I consider myself the professional," said Buffy, keeping a tight rein on her pride.
"Fifteen?" exclaimed Graham. "You were doing this when you were fifteen?"
Buffy realised what she'd said and added sheepishly, "Well, it's not like I had a choice."
"Nobody gave you a choice?" frowned Riley.
"Not really. Some crusty old guy turned up at my school and started spouting some nonsense about me being the chosen one. Once I knew vampires existed, I couldn't just standby and let people get hurt."
Forrest began to reply to that when a throaty yell interrupted him. Without exchanging glances, the group instantly hurried towards the source of the sound.


The control room at the Initiative smelt of men's cologne. Though it was odd for computer banks and security monitors to smell of men's cologne, it made more sense once you realised that the consoles were manned twenty-four hours a day. It gave it a more tangible sense of reality then the rest of the sterile compound that was the Initiative. The centre of control was a red double sided panel with security monitors and gauges arranged in a visual all-you-can-eat buffet. Three soldiers in chairs lined one side and on the other, there were two soldiers in swivel chairs and one empty chair. Not that the soldiers noticed the empty chair and if they did, they did not comment. Their minds were too fixed on the babble of information they were receiving through their headpieces or running diagnostics to take stock of small details like that.

A computerized beeping echoed dully through the door. The soldier on the end of the row looked up briefly as Dr Inggelman entered, closing the security door after him. The soldier turned back to his console. Idly, Dr Inggelman circled the central panel, peering over the soldier's shoulders. He stopped on the side of the console where only two soldiers were sitting. He leant in between them.
"What's the situation in the holding area?" he asked casually.
As he spoke, his hands slipped inside his lab coat and closed around two concealed pistols. As one of the two soldiers began to answer, he pulled the pistols out and slammed the pistol butts into the soldiers' heads.

He raised the pistols to eye height and shot two of the three soldiers on the other side of the console. The third ducked beneath the console, drawing his weapon. Cautiously, the soldier began to raise his head to peer over the computer console. Bullets ricocheted off the metal in such a flurry of sound that by the time he was under cover again, he was partially deaf. Assured that Dr Inggelman was directly on the opposite side of the panel, the soldier leapt out sideways. He slid across the floor on his side, guns pointed at the other side of the console. After peering through the legs of his unconscious fellow soldiers, he realised Dr Inggelman wasn't there. Dr Inggelman was standing behind him. As the soldier swivelled to get Dr Inggelman in his sights, Dr Inggelman fired first. The soldier's weapon clattered across the floor. The soldier clutched at his hand, where the bullet had grazed his weapon hand. The wound was not serious but it had done it's job in disarming him.

"Up," said Dr Inggelman coldly.
The soldier climbed obediently to his feet. Dr Inggelman pointed to the other soldiers with his gun.
"Get them out of the chairs," he said. "Drag them to the corner."
The soldier dragged his unconscious and wounded colleagues to the corner. He tried to administer first aid as best he could. Keeping half an eye on the soldier, Dr Inggelman wandered back to the console. When he found the panel he wanted, he began to flick switches.


Buffy and the guys had reached the source of the yelling but they were too late. As they watched from a distance, Atashak demons picked over the bodies of an Initiative patrol. The demons almost reverently began to undress the corpses.
"What are they doing?" whispered Graham.
At the small sound, some of the nearest demons perked up their ears to listen. Buffy motioned for Graham to be quiet.

The group sat in near silence under cover of a low hanging branch. The clearing in front of them showed signs of a scuffle, as if proof for those who doubted the evidence of the bodies themselves. Buffy realised that the Atashak demons were not being reverent, they were just being careful not to rip the soldier's uniforms with their long claws. They were extremely determined to get the uniforms off intact and it was obvious why when then began to put them on. Graham pulled out a notepad and pen. He scribbled as silently as he could and passed the note to Riley.
/That's not much of a disguise. Their faces don't look human./
Riley took the pen and began to scribble a reply.

Buffy tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. When he looked up, his mouth dropped open. The Atashak demons were morphing into human forms. With the uniforms on, there was now no way to tell that they weren't real soldiers. Riley crossed out his message and scrawled a new one. He showed it to Buffy before handing it back to Graham.
/Trying to get into the Initiative?/
When the Atashak demons finished their disguises, they began to move through the thick woods towards the nearest Initiative entrance.

Buffy and the soldiers moved after them slowly but quietly. The Atashak demons reached the nearest entrance and filed in.
"What do we do?" asked Forrest, still whispering. "We have no weapons and no way to warn control that they're coming."
"We'll just have to think of something," said Buffy, heading for the entrance.
"You're not authorized to go in there," objected Graham.
"Guys, I don't think it really matters at the moment," sighed Riley, hurrying to catch up with Buffy.

They entered the outer door but after a few metres, they came up against a second door which was shut tight. Not even Riley's security code would open the door.
"We're locked out," said Forrest, slamming his hands against the door in frustration.
"Wait a second," said Buffy. "We can go back to Giles' place to get some equipment. We're not licked yet."


Down in the bowels of the Initiative, the four Atashak demons that had been captured alive were imprisoned in small, sanitized cells. The floors and three of the cell walls were tiled but the fourth wall was a glass sliding door. Each of the demons was confined separately but had their sensitive ears pressed to the walls.
"Chana, do you see the demon hunter anywhere?" asked one of the demons
"I hit him," hissed the one called Chana. "Hit him in the stomach with an axe. He is no more."
"Are you sure?" asked the first demon again.
"I'm sure, Liga..."

Chana broke off as the glass door to his cell slid open. Frowning, Chana edged out into the corridor. There was nobody around.
"Maybe the door is malfunctioning?" suggested Liga.
"Or being opened by remote," agreed Chana.
Before Chana could move towards Liga's door, it too slid smoothly open. Across the corridor, the other two Atashak demons were also freed. The four met in the middle of the corridor, looking around them. Heavy fire doors blocked off both ends of the corridor.
"Hello, Hallta, Nerri," Liga greeted the other two. "What now?"

As if in answer to his question, one of the fire doors creaked and rose. Chana led their way through. As soon as they passed, the fire door shut behind them and another door opened in front of them.
"Someone's directing us," said Hallta. "What do we do?"
"We do what they want, Hallta," grinned Chana. "We go where they want us to."
"And hope it's a friend," agreed Liga.


Professor Walsh was returning from giving Angel new clothing when she spotted Dr Moore wandering around a little absentmindedly. She was carrying an armful of files and obviously looking for administration. Instead, she marched into the armoury. Professor Walsh sighed and went in after her, entering her security code at the door. The armoury was fairly empty by its usual standards. There were two soldiers on duty, sitting at a desk to sign weapons in and out. A third was at the back, trying to repair a blaster. Dr Moore was standing in the middle of the room, frowning.
"Dr Moore," called Professor Walsh.
Dr Moore spun around in surprise, then smiled in recognition.
"You want help to get to Administration?" the Professor asked.
Dr Moore nodded, looking extremely relieved.

The Professor waited until Dr Moore reached her and then they turned to leave. Dr Moore reached up to enter her security code. The keypad blinked red and denied her access.
"That's odd," frowned Dr Moore. "My code got me in here."
Professor Walsh smiled indulgently and tried her own code. To her surprise, that wouldn't work either. She tried it again without any luck.
"This happens to me all the time," sighed Dr Moore.
"I don't think it’s just you," said Professor Walsh. "This has never happened to me, before. It's like the computer has locked our codes out."
"Why would the computer do that?" asked Dr Moore.


"Everyone is locked in," Dr Inggelman smiled to himself.
The door to the control room opened and the other four Atashak demons entered. Dr Inggelman smiled at them. Chana smiled as she saw him.
"Porera, nice to see you," she said warmly, bowing her head in greeting.
Dr Inggelman bowed in response, "And it is nice to see you, Chana."
"Well, let's get out of here," said Liga, impatiently.
Dr Inggelman smiled at him, "I have a much better idea. Others of our kind have just snuck in, give me a moment to open the doors for them and then I'll explain properly."


Angel was woken by the sound of his cell door opening. He sat up and waited but nobody came in. He got up cautiously and slipped on the shoes Professor Walsh had left him. She had been to see him a few minutes before, bringing him new clothing since the soldier's shirt that he had borrowed had been itching him. She had also brought jeans and a baseball cap, which he had refused to wear.

Angel edged out the door and looked up and down the corridor. At first glance, it looked deserted. A second look revealed that some of the other doors up and down the corridor had now been opened. A few heads began to peer around the open doors. A crowd of six spilled into the corridor. All were vampires. Angel backed into his room and pulled the cap over his head, to try and hide his eyes. He hadn't been in Sunnydale for almost a year but there was still a chance he might be recognised. He then ventured into the corridor, to join the argument about where to go now. Behind the group, a security door opened automatically, effectively ending the argument.


Dr Inggelman, a group of Atashak demons and a group of suspiscious looking soldiers, looked up as the vampires entered the control room.
"Welcome," announced Dr Inggelman. "To the Initiative."
Angel hung back, senses alert for any hint to what was going on. A vampire in denim stepped forward and gave voice to the thought.
"What's going on?" demanded the vampire.
"What's going on is that we're now in charge," answered one of the soldiers.
"So, what's new?" sneered a second vampire.

Dr Inggelman and the soldiers morphed back into the form of Atashak demons, stunning the vampires into silence.
"We have taken control," continued the demon that had been Dr Inggelman. "We don't want to tear the place apart, it would be so much more fun to go around hunting the humans, the way they hunted us."
"You wanna stay here?" asked the first vampire, surprised.
"Let me see," muttered the Atashak demon. "Food, supplies, weaponry, a hiding place where people aren't going to find us, complete privacy... I'd say, most definitely."
A murmur of agreement ran through the ranks of the vampires.

"So, where are all the lab coats and commandos?" pressed the second vampire.
The Atashak demon smiled, "They're locked in. They can't go anywhere unless we let them out first."
The vampire smiled, "I like your way of thinking. I'm Zac, who are you?"
"My name is Porera," answered the demon.
"Pretty name," said the Zac conversationally.
"Actually, it means floor mat."

A red light began to blink on the console.
"What's that?" asked Angel quietly.
Porera examined the console then looked up sharply, "There's been an explosion. One of the outer doors has been blown in. There's a group of men attempting to get into the Initiative."
"Commandos?" asked Zac.
"No uniforms," frowned Porera. "There are two girls with them."

The vampire who'd been speaking earlier, a tall brunette leaned forward to examine the screen. She was pushed out the way by a pudgy red-haired vampire.
Before the brunette could complain, the redhead spoke, "That's the Slayer."
"Are you sure?" asked the brunette.
"Winnie...," began Zac, placing a warning hand on the brunette's shoulder.
"Yes, I'm sure," answered the redhead, ignoring Zac's interruption. "I've seen her before. She beat up Sunday and chased most of us down."
"Sunday? What happened to the other days of the week?" frowned the brunette.
The redhead bristled slightly, "Sunday was a vampire who ruled the campus until this year."

"Go to the armoury, then, and get as many weapons as you can," Porera interrupted the brewing argument.
Porera switched screens to a shot of the armoury. There were three soldiers with their shoulders to the door in a hopeless attempt to get out. In the middle of the armoury, two scientists were sitting, trying to modify the weaponry around them to open the door. The problem was, the door had been designed to withstand almost every weapon that was locked inside with them.
"Stop those scientists fiddling around," added Porera thoughtfully. "And take them with you. If those are soldiers in civilian clothes, hostages would be handy."
After being cooped up for so long, the vampires were in a hurry to volunteer. Six of them set out, led by Zac and with Angel tailing along behind. Porera cleared them a path to the armoury.


Down in the armoury, Professor Walsh was wrestling with a blaster. Dr Moore was trying to turn a screwdriver to loosen a miniature screw in the casing. The amount of force she was using had caused the blaster to slide about on the tabletop until Professor Walsh offered to hold it. So now Professor Walsh was frantically trying to keep it still. The screwdriver slipped and Professor Walsh had to catch Dr Moore before she hit the ground. Professor Walsh gave the blaster a final look of loathing, then helped Dr Moore regain her balance.
"Agent!" called Professor Walsh.
The three soldiers wrestling with the door turned to look at her in shock, as if they'd forgotten she was there.
"Yes ma'am?" asked one tentatively.
"Come and hold this."
The soldier hurried to her side but then stopped, looking at her questioningly. She handed him the blaster.

Just then, the armoury door opened by itself, pitching the two remaining soldiers forward onto their faces. The soldiers were seized and the six vampires spread out into the room. Professor Walsh and Dr Moore exchanged glances.
"Why don't you put the gun down?" asked Zac, sounding as if he hoped they wouldn't.
The soldier holding the blaster looked down in surprise, reminded that he had a weapon. Stubbornly, he lifted it up to aim at the vampires.
"Wouldn't do that, if I were you," said Angel quietly, behind him.

The soldier pointed the gun at Zac, pegging him as the leader. Angel stepped forward silently and elbowed the soldier in the side. As the soldier fell, Angel simply pulled the blaster from his hands. The soldier looked up sullenly at Angel's emotionless expression. The soldier was not the only one who looked at Angel. Professor Walsh's expression was livid. The furious accusation in her eyes made Dr Moore uncomfortable. She kept turning to look at the two of them, wondering why. Zac's look was one of annoyance at being denied the chance for bloodshed but Zac was in charge for a reason. He thrust aside his emotion and turned to the business at hand.
"Get some weapons," he ordered. "We got ourselves a Slayer to take care of."

The vampires moved quickly, glad to have someone else make the decisions. They chose simple weapons from the racks, weapons they were familiar with so that there was less chance of accidentally blowing themselves into very small pieces. While the other vampires agonised over long, considered choices, Angel collected small handheld weapons unobtrusively and quickly while the other vampires weren't looking. Professor Walsh almost thought he winked at her but she couldn't be sure.
"All right," said Zac. "Let's go."

The two scientists and three soldiers were propelled along the corridor. Angel shoved Professor Walsh roughly.
"Is there anywhere there aren't surveillance cameras?"
Professor Walsh looked around for a few seconds before she realised that it was Angel talking to her.
"Anywhere the control room can't see us?" whispered Angel again, not making eye contact.
Zac turned to look at the pair of them. Under his suspicious gaze, Professor Walsh looked straight down at the ground and kept walking.

Once Zac had looked away again, Professor Walsh whispered back, "The toilets. Not just the cubicles but the sinks as well."
"The nearest?"
"Men's. Left up ahead."

For a few minutes, it looked as like Zac might turn to the right but at the last minute he turned left. Angel's sigh of relief was almost audible and Professor Walsh couldn't help looking up to see if the other vampires had noticed. They continued down the left corridor until they could see the toilet symbol on the wall. Angel moved away from Professor Walsh until he was walking closest to the toilets. When they passed the toilets, he paused and turned around as if he was confused.
"What is it?" asked Zac, almost impatient but struggling to be polite.
"Does anyone else hear that?" asked Angel, tilting his head.
"I don't hear anything," said Zac.
It was meant to be mocking but Zac wasn't entirely sure that Angel was lying.
"It's in here," insisted Angel, walking into the toilet.
A minute passed and Angel didn't reappear.

The pudgy redhead tentatively wandered in to look for him. More seconds passed where none of the vampires spoke and their hostages exchanged hopeful glances.
"Come on, guys, we haven't got time for this," said Zac, less sure that it was a practical joke.
He pointed to one of his fellow vampires, "Go get them."
The vampire obeyed and strolled confidently into the toilet.
"Zac?" asked Winnie, the brunette.
"What is it?"
The vampire began to scratch at her nail polish nervously before answering, "I'm not sure but... I think I remembered where I see him before."

There was a roar from the toilet as a vampire died. Zac gripped the blaster in his hands more firmly. Licking his lips nervously, he turned back to Winnie.
"Where?" he demanded.
"I could be wrong but I... I think he's Angelus."
"Angelus?" frowned Zac. "As in Darla's Angelus? One of the Master's followers?"
Winnie nodded, "But there isn't any Master any more. There was rumours before that Angelus had disappeared or lost his marbles but... when Spike ran this town, he fought with Angelus a whole heap. Something else - Spike didn't like Angelus 'cause he was hanging around with the Slayer."

Zac's eyes widened slightly, "You're telling me that the vampire in there is not only a follower of the Master but also working for the Slayer?"
Winnie nodded again, "He's strong and smart... and loyal to the Slayer. Once Spike tried to sacrifice Angelus but the Slayer attacked him. They say there was three of them and they killed twenty vampires before they made Spike a cripple."
Zac looked at her, "Can't trust all you hear. Some demons'll say anything."
Winnie nodded enthusiastically a third time. Zac thought for a moment and then made a decision.

He grabbed Dr Moore by the shoulder and shoved her into the toilets, following behind her. She lost her balance and sprawled on the tiles. Her face tilted up slightly, looking behind her. Zac followed her gaze and made as if to walk into the middle of the room. At the last moment, he turned to where she'd looked and jabbed with a stake. His instinct had been right but it was the pudgy redhead, who Angel had pinned to the wall, that crumbled into dust. Before Zac could prepare for another strike, Angel pulled him off balance and the momentum pulled him out of the sight of the other vampires. At the loss of their leader, Winnie and the other remaining vampire turned to the other hostages. They pointed to the toilets with their weapons. The hostages obediently shuffled into the toilet.

The toilets at first appeared empty. There was a pair of black business shoes stretching out of one of the cubicles but apart from that... nothing. There was dead silence. Winnie raised her blaster and pointed it at the head of one of the soldiers.
"Come out," announced Winnie. "Or I..."
Before she finished her sentence, Angel stepped from one of the cubicles. He released his hand from Zac's mouth and pushed him towards Winnie. As the two of them collided, the blaster fired but her aim was off and the pulse hit the sprinkler system in the roof above them. After the two of them had hit the ground, the blaster bounced across the tiles to rest at the feet of one of the soldiers. Angel himself was busy wrestling with the remaining vampire. The vampire knocked him off and began to take a few clumsy swings which Angel ducked under easily before grabbing him by the shoulder and pushing him onto a stake.

The soldier picked up the blaster, pointing it at Zac and Winnie. Both the vampires froze. They growled in unison as a light powdery mist began to leak from the damaged sprinkler system. The mist quickly became a trickle and then a downpour. The soldier looked down at the blaster, realising that firing an electric current in a room swimming with water was not such a good idea. Zac must have realised it too because he charged the soldier. Not to be outdone, the soldier smacked him in the side of the head with the blaster. Zac answered by slapping him so hard across the face that the soldier slid across the tiles. Dr Moore crawled up behind him and thrust a stake into his back. Zac gurgled, turned to give her a disapproving stare then collapsed into dust.

Winnie dove at another soldier who grabbed her and they locked arms, Winnie marginally stronger and slowly pushing the soldier off her. Before she succeeded, Professor Walsh swung a blood-stained baton into the back of her head. As a stunned Winnie hit the floor, the other soldiers finished her off. Professor Walsh gazed at the bloodstained baton in her hand and then back to the cubicle where the body of the real Dr Inggelman still lay. Almost as if on cue, the group simultaneously turned to look at Angel.
"Um, hi?" offered Angel, smiling weakly.


Around the fringes of the Initiative, in the cold, empty corridors Graham set up the next plastic explosive, then hurried to take cover with the others. On the count of three, he threw the switch and the security door disappeared in a cloud of smoke and a fury of sparks. Riley looked up at the man-sized hole.
"Worked," he told Graham bluntly.
"Righto, let's get going then," said Giles.
Forrest looked around with distaste at the rest of the eager Scooby gang.

To him, Xander was a civilian but at least he seemed sensible and reliable. He was less fond of Giles who was far too old for Forrest's taste or of Wesley, who was far too arrogant. Willow, Tara, Anya and Cordelia got points for enthusiasm but quite frankly weren't much of an asset. He could understand easily now why Buffy was so used to taking charge, her support group didn't seem that wonderful in Forrest's opinion. With that thought, he almost didn't mind her company as much.
"Let's go," said Buffy, a statement rather than a suggestion.

She ploughed on through the opening, the others following by habit. Again, Forrest found himself accepting her in the role of leader without realising it. Buffy disappeared into the dispersing smoke and seconds later there was a thud and two cries of surprise. Riley burst through the opening, frantically trying to get to her and tripping in the process.

As the smoke cleared, Riley realised that there were two figures sitting on the ground, obviously having collided in the confusion of the smoke. Buffy began to giggle hysterically. As Riley got closer, he could see that Buffy was trying to speak but simply couldn't stop herself giggling. Finally, she gave up and threw her arms about the bewildered figure sitting on the ground.
"Angel, oh my god! Angel, you're alive!" she shrieked, hugging him tightly. "Oh, you're wonderful!"
There was more laughter and then Angel returned the hug a little sheepishly, aware of Riley watching. As Professor Walsh and the group of ex-hostages emerged from the smoke, Buffy broke the hug and began to scold him.

"How could you do that to me! My god, I thought you were dead!"
"I didn't mean to scare you," apologised Angel.
Buffy was so happy to see him, she couldn't stay mad for long. She burst out giggling and stood up. She held out her hands and Angel accepted them gratefully. She pulled him to his feet as Riley came up to stand beside her.
"Oh, Riley, this is Angel. Angel, this is Riley," she said, waving her arms as if she were advertising something.
"Hi," said Angel politely.
"Hi," said Riley, equally politely.
It was a fact. They hated each others guts.


Porera's claws tapped in annoyance against the console.
"What are they doing?" asked Nerri, shocked.
"I'm not sure," said Porera. "The Slayer seems to... ah, that's good."
On the screen, fighting had broken out in the little group. Angel smashed the Slayer across the back of the head with a blaster. At the same time, the rest of Angel's party took the soldiers by surprise.
"Good thinking," grinned the watching Porera. "Always room in the world for traitors. Nerri, go down and find something to block all those holes they made."

Nerri grinned and left. On the monitor, Angel was gesturing to his companions. Porera had no audio to hear what was said but the group stayed behind while Angel returned to the Control Room with the unconscious Slayer bundled over his shoulder. Porera opened the door for him. Angel dumped the Slayer unceremoniously on the ground. Porera applauded him.
"That was very interesting," said Porera. "I was watching. She seemed very happy to see you."
"She used to know me," shrugged Angel, smiling smugly. "She still trusts me."
Porera grinned appreciatively.
"Where are the others?" asked Angel.

The control room was empty apart from Porera, Chana, Riga and Hallta.
"Most of them have gone to talk peace with the other demons. Tell them our plans," explained Porera, shifting his eyes to the Slayer.
He crouched down, leaning over Buffy, "Decisions, decisions. What do we do with you?"
"I've an idea," said Angel quietly.
Angel seized Hallta in a headlock and snapped his neck.

He grabbed Chana by the fur and bowled her into Liga, who was trying to aim a gun. The gun went off, killing Chana. Porera snarled and rose to his feet. Buffy opened her eyes and kicked Porera's legs out from under him. Buffy flipped onto her feet and began to fight him in hand-to-hand combat. Liga stared in horror at Chana's corpse and then flung himself furiously at Angel.

Angel was fast and experienced but he was still injured and it was only a matter of time before one of Liga's random blows found the mark. When it did, Angel cried out and dropped to one knee. Liga tried to seize the advantage but Angel recovered enough to deflect his punch. Shifting his weight, Liga tried a spinning wheel kick. Angel was knocked flat to the ground. Buffy came in from the side, attacking Liga with a sudden barage of blows so fierce that the demon fell to the ground and didn't move again. Buffy helped Angel to his feet, watching him suspiciously.

Angel winced as Buffy rested her hand against his side.
"I knew it," she said accusingly. "You're hurt."
"It's not that bad," said Angel, defensively.
"You should have told me," insisted Buffy.
"I'm fine," said Angel. "And we have something to do."

Reluctantly, Buffy stepped over the motionless body of Porera and moved to the console.
"Okay," she said, taking a sheet of instructions from her pocket. "Where are the switches, again?"
Angel came up behind her, startling her when he spoke, "There are a lot to choose from."
"Well, Riley said they're all reversible so it doesn't really matter if we screw up."
Angel peered at the security monitors.
"Heads up," he warned. "Vampires heading straight for Riley, while we're on the topic."

Buffy looked at the instructions frantically. She flicked a switch experimentally and the lights went out.
"I don't think that was it," came Angel's voice, from somewhere in the darkness.
"Ah... I can't see the switch anymore," said Buffy.
"I can see just fine," answered Angel smugly.
There was a click as Angel reflicked the switch and the lights flickered on again.
"Thanks," said Buffy dryly.

She tried another switch. The party of vampires suddenly found a locked door barring their way. Buffy set to work shutting every single door in the Initiative, locking all the hostiles in.
"Great, now, we have to work out how to get Riley here," muttered Buffy.
Angel leant over to help her and the ensuing argument about what to do led to them eventually clearing a path from Riley to the control room. Buffy opened a wrong door and had to shut it in a hurry before a random werewolf attacked Forrest.

She sighed in frustration.
"You know," she said, brightening slightly. "This would make one hell of a computer game."
Angel agreed reluctantly just as the door opened and Professor Walsh entered, followed by the Scooby Gang and the soldiers.
"I think you should take over," said Angel to Professor Walsh, indicating the switches.
"I thought we were doing a pretty good job," said Buffy cheerfully.
"No comment," said Angel quietly.

Professor Walsh smiled, amused, before turning her attention to the console. She flicked switches, releasing all the soldiers and scientists who had been trapped since the beginning of the takeover and did it in half the time it had taken Buffy and Angel.
"What do we do about the hostiles?" asked Graham.
"Nerve gas, tranquillisers, taser blasts..." answered Professor Walsh. "It'll take a while but it's the best way to be sure. Agent Gates, you're in charge of the clean-up. Agent Finn, if you would assist me?"
"Yes, ma'am," answered Forrest, leading the others out.

The Scooby gang made as if to leave but Professor Walsh objected.
"We can help," insisted Buffy.
Professor Walsh relented, "Be my guest."
Angel made as if to follow the group out but Buffy held up a hand to stop him.
"Angel, you're injured. You're staying here."
"Buffy...," Angel began to protest.
"Don't argue with me. You're not fighting and that's final."
Buffy turned her back on him to show that the conversation was finished and walked after Forrest.

When Angel turned around, Riley was giving him a look.
"What?" demanded Angel, somewhat harshly.
"I didn't say anything," shrugged Riley, turning to help Professor Walsh.
"No, I mean I heard something," said Angel grimly.
Professor Walsh pointed to the security monitor, "There are soldiers coming towards us."

Angel walked to the control room door to meet them. As Riley and Professor Walsh returned their attention to unlocking the various doors for Forrest's band, Angel wandered out into the corridor. Watching the security monitors, Professor Walsh raised an eyebrow as she watched the Scooby gang join a fight. When Willow and Tara produced a cloud of smoke from nowhere she was surprised. When they turned a werewolf into a mouse, she was astonished. Especially when the mouse began to run around biting the soldiers until Graham grabbed it by the tail and flung it across the room.

Dr Moore looked up as Angel's voice drifted back to the control room from the hallway, "Whoa, careful there. Someone could get hurt."
A few seconds later, his voice had a degree of annoyance in it, "Could you please, stop that? It's really very annoying."
Angel walked back into the control room, looking irritable. The soldiers followed him in.
"Good to see you alive, gentlemen," said Professor Walsh to the soldiers.

There were murmurs of "yes, ma'am" through the group. Then one of the soldiers tried to fire a taser blast at Angel. Angel grabbed the barrel of his gun, altering the aim almost casually. The blast slammed harmlessly into the wall. Angel pulled the gun out of his hands and turned to face the soldier.
"Look," he said angrily. "If you don't stop that, I'm going to have to hit you!"
"Angel," said Professor Walsh. "Leave him alone."
The soldier retreated back to his companions in embarrassment. Dr Moore tried to conceal her grin. Angel smiled gratefully at Professor Walsh.

Professor Walsh found herself blushing but covered by answering, "Seeing as you have just saved our lives, it seems prudent to allow you to continue on your way."
"Ma'am, he's a dangerous...," one of the soldiers began to object.
The soldier stopped when he found himself on the receiving end of Professor Walsh's icy stare.
"Well," said Riley, trying to find words to cover the uneasy silence. "At least that wasn't too hard."
"Statements like that often jinx the situation," said Angel ominously.
"You're not wrong," said a voice.
"What?" asked Professor Walsh.
Porera, now conscious, leapt to his feet and charged Professor Walsh. Riley punched him in the head. That did the trick and Porera was once again unconscious.
"That was easy," said Angel.
"I know," agreed Riley. "Scary, isn't it?"


It took the Initiative all of two nights to recapture all their hostiles. The night after they finished, Angel prepared to leave Sunnydale. Buffy insisted seeing him before he took off with Cordelia and Wesley. The group of well wishers gathered outside the mansion just after the sun had set. There was a breeze in the air, which kept catching Buffy's hair and obscuring her expression. Angel and Buffy stood facing each other, talking quietly while Riley watched from his car and Cordelia and Wesley waited in Angel's car.

"Buffy, I'm fine," said Angel firmly.
"Are you sure?" repeated Buffy.
"I'm sure."
"Are you really, really sure?" asked Buffy. "If you're not, you should stay here until the wound heals."
"Look," said Angel. "If I drop dead, call me a liar but until then, trust me, please?"
"You’re already dead," said Buffy grudgingly.

"Would you be satisfied if I danced a jig?" said Angel in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Would that convince you that I'm fine?"
"Yes, that would help a lot," said Buffy quickly.
Angel sighed, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
He gazed at her for a few moments, not quite willing to walk away. Buffy was beginning to return his gaze when she snapped out of it.
"Bye," she said coldly, turning her back on him and walking away.

She walked over to Riley's car, Angel watching her for a moment before joining Cordelia and Wesley. Buffy and Riley sat in silence until the convertible had left.
"I was watching you say goodbye... to Angel," said Riley needlessly.
"Oh," said Buffy.
"You turned your back on him," continued Riley. "It seemed very... cold."
"I had to," replied Buffy in a monotone.
Buffy looked at Riley, trying to judge whether she could tell him.

"If I didn't leave then, I would have seen that look," she explained.
"Which look?"
"The look in his eyes which says he still loves me. And that he'd forgive me no matter what I did. God, when he does that..."
Riley rested his hand on hers, his heart catching in his mouth, "You still love him."
Buffy turned to Riley in shock, anxious to reassure him, "Riley, I love you... It's just, Angel doesn't have many friends. I can't stand the thought of him being alone."
She moved her hand to Riley's shoulder, wanting him to understand so badly.

"Well, what about Cordelia and Wesley?" asked Riley.
Buffy snorted, "Please, Cordelia defines the term bimbo and Wesley is just... Wesley."
Riley smiled, "Maybe, but they both seemed to genuinely miss Angel when he disappeared. He might have more friends than you realise."
Riley put his arm around her and she sighed, "I hope so."
"You heard what the man said," added Riley. "He's fine."
Buffy began to giggle, confident, safe and happy in Riley's arms. The world was safe again for one more night.


Professor Walsh drew some odd looks when she brought the vase of flowers into the Initiative.
"What are those for?" asked Dr Moore. "Or should I ask who?"
"Time for some changes around here," answered Professor Walsh crisply. "A little colour never hurt anybody."
She placed the vase with scientific precision on her workspace. Dr Moore turned and walked away, suppressing a final smile. Professor Walsh opened her drawer to search for a pen when she noticed a small card resting on her desk. She picked it up, frowning. There was a small picture, a phone number and the words 'Angel Investigations'. It looked like a business card. She turned it over to find a message scrawled on the back in pen.
/Just in case./


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