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To Each Their Own
by Brightbear
Rating: General
Summary: Lucian looks for coffee and Selene is unhelpful.
Disclaimer: Underworld and its characters are the property of Screen Gems, Lakeshore Entertainment, Kevin Grevioux, Len Wiseman and Danny McBride.

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"Our supplies of coffee are running low," observed Lucian carefully.
He examined each of the tins on the bench, looking increasingly annoyed. Selene watched him moving around the dilapidated kitchen.
"I think you drink too much coffee," she said thoughtfully.
Lucian scowled but grudgingly contemplated the possibility. He didn't want to admit she might be right.
"This coming from a blood-drinker?" he said finally.
"I'm just saying," said Selene, determinedly keeping her face expressionless. "That you seem a little on edge."
Lucian snorted and returned to his compulsive sorting of empty tins. He stopped and his scowl deepened as he turned to look at her.
"You're a tea-drinker," he said accusingly, glaring at the mug in her hands. "Aren't you?"


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