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Doctor Who

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This section is devoted to the British TV series Doctor Who and specifically to the 4th doctor, played by Tom Baker (1974-81). Baker was the fourth actor to play the Doctor and held the role for longer than any of his colleagues (so far). He played the Doctor with humour and a childish exuberance without detracting from the Doctor's intelligence. He is by far my favourite Doctor - though Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant are both becoming firm favourites, time will tell whether they can unseat him in my affections.

I should add that I am also a fan of Paul McGann who played the eighth Doctor. Sadly, I dislike the only movie he appeared in, Doctor Who: The Movie (also known as The Enemy Within), but I still think it's a true pity that we won't be seeing him again as the Doctor.

The Pages

Fan Fiction

Episode Guide

Back to the Beanbag

Disclaimer : Doctor Who is the property of the BBC and the entire legion of writers, producers, directors, actors and crew members who worked on it during the long years it was running for. I'm just borrowing them, having a bit of fun and then returning them more or less unharmed.