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Star Trek: Enterprise

The latest incarnation of the Star Trek franchise, chronologically this is set about 110 years before the original Star Trek series. I still haven't seen the fourth and final season yet but I've already been sucked right in. There's a multitude of insider jokes for long term Trekkers (or Trekkies, depending on your preference). Also, an ensemble cast of intriguing characters and new technobabble to deal with. What's not to love?

Dinner Plans in the Desert
Rating : General
Pairing : Trip/Malcolm, slash
Summary: While stranded in the desert Trip thinks about food, the perfect meal and the perfect company.
Spoilers : For 1st Season, ‘Desert Crossing’.

Arguments in the Shuttlebay
Rating : General
Pairing : Trip/Malcolm slash
Summary : An anxious Malcolm deals with Zobral and the Enterprise's missing officers.
Spoilers : For 1st season, 'Desert Crossing'.

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