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DISCLAIMER : All Buffy : The Vampire Slayer and ANGEL characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and Fox Studios. No copyright infringement intended, just a chance to share with my fellow fans and absolutely no money profit is gained on the part of the author.
SPOILERS: 4th Season. Prior to the Buffy episode 'The I in Team'.
SUMMARY : The Initiative has to deal with the strangeness of a 'friendly' vampire.

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BC : BEFORE CHILDREN by Brightbear
Chapter Two - Introducing the Initiative

Angel had put distance between him and the marines but he remained uneasy. He was confident he could take the patrol by himself if he had to, but he didn't want to chance that one of the taser blasts would find it's mark. Buffy had told him of Riley's involvement in the shadowy commando organisation known as the 'Initiative' and Angel was anxious to avoid complications.

He headed straight for the crowded streets (as crowded as a Sunnydale street could be) and the Bronze, where he wouldn't leave any trail for the soldiers to follow. He hung around in the shopping mall for about half an hour before setting out to return to the mansion. Behind him, a plain clothes patrol followed.

The team leader spoke softly to his companions, lessening the chances of someone overhearing their words. Angel walked ahead of them down the footpaths, presently in full view of witnesses but heading to more deserted streets.
"Reid and I will take point, the rest of you set up on the flanks," said the team leader.
Angel reached the street behind the Bronze, his ears almost visibly pricking up at some sound.

He changed his mind and walked down the shady alley to the side of the Bronze. At the team leader's signal, two of his men strolled past the opening of the alleyway, talking casually. Angel turned to watch them but satisfied they were just passerbys, continued down the alley towards a dumpster and a familiar sucking sound in the shadows.

Once on the other side of the alleyway entrance and out of Angel's sight, the two men stopped and pressed against the wall. The team leader motioned to two of the other soldiers to go around to the other end of the alleyway to block Angel's retreat. The team leader began a silent countdown for the men on the opposite side of the alleyway entrance.
"Five, four, three, two..."
Before the countdown finished, a vampire roared.

Taken by surprise, the soldiers almost ran into the alleyway before they saw what was happening. Angel was wrestling with another vampire. Contrasted to the desperate, wild flurry of the other vampire, Angel was surprisingly calm and efficient. The team leader was too far away to see the stake in Angel's hand but he did see the other vampire crumble into dust.

The team leader realised that if Angel turned he would see them. The team leader motioned to his men to get back. Trying to calm his heartbeat and gather himself for his next action, the team leader pressed himself against the wall.
If the night had not been so clear, he might not have been able to hear Angel's voice, "Are you all right?"
A watery, high pitched voice that crackled occasionally, answered "Oh, my god. Oh, my god."
"It's okay. He's gone now."
"Gone? You mean..."
"Forget about him. You should get some rest. Do you have some friends who can take you home?"

The team leader didn't hear her reply but a few moments later, Angel spoke again.
"Here. Apply some pressure to that. Make sure you get plenty of water to drink. You'll be fine."
"Thank you."
There was the sound of high heels pitter-patting into the distance.
The team leader peered around the edge of the alleyway to see Angel watching a young woman walk out of the other end of the alley. Angel looked after her for a minute, then casually tucked his hands in his coat pockets. The team leader motioned for his men to hide and they spread out from the alleyway entrance. Seconds later, Angel emerged from the alleyway and continued on his way. After he passed, the team gathered together again.

"Did what I think happen, just happen?" asked one of the soldiers.
"I'm not sure," said the team leader.
Running footsteps came up behind them and they spun to confront the two soldiers sent to cover the other end of the alleyway.
"That was quick," said one of them pleasantly.
"What was quick?" asked the team leader.
"Disposing of the vampire."
"We didn't do that."
"Who did?"

The team leader indicated the rapidly disappearing Angel. The team began to follow him again, talking quietly amongst themselves.
"What happened at your end?" asked the team leader.
"We were slow in getting to the other end - there were a lot of people outside the Bronze. Luckily, no one else was close enough to the alleyway to hear the fight. Later, a girl walked out with a handkerchief pressed to her neck. She walked up to some other people and asked to be driven home."
The end of that report was too open for the team leader's liking. The disgruntled patrol trailed Angel for the rest of the night.

The sky beginning to get light when Angel returned to the mansion. Cordelia was awake and shooting up from the couch as soon as he shut the door.
"Where the hell have you been?" she demanded, placing her hands on her hips.
"Angel!" said Wesley angrily, emerging from the other room. "You promised you wouldn't go out hunting the demon by yourself."
Angel looked a little sheepish as he answered, "I didn't hunt the demon... not exactly. I went for a walk and it attacked me. What was I supposed to do, let it get away?"
"Yeah, now there's an idea," said Cordelia sharply.
"You could have at least called us on your cell phone...," Wesley paused at Angel's expression. "Did you remember that you had it?"
Angel paused and searched his coat.

It was a few seconds before he managed to even find it.
"All right, I'm sorry," said Angel at last. "It won't happen again."
"You're right, it won't. You can't do that to us...," began Cordelia.
"Okay, I get it. I won't make you guys worry again," interrupted Angel.
"Well, good."

Cordelia marched into the next room and with no small amount of relief, Angel flopped on the couch. Wesley walked up to him.
"Angel, it took you all night just to hunt the demon?"
Angel looked up at him, checking Cordelia was out of earshot before he answered, "No. Before I killed the demon it attacked one of those commandos Buffy was telling me about. I was going to tell Buffy about it but then an entire patrol of them got attacked by these werewolves..."
Angel yawned and stretched out on the couch.

"You realise when you didn't return, Cordelia and I went out to search for you. We found some action of our own... there is more than one Atashak demon in Sunnydale. In fact, from what we saw there's at least ten of them," said Wesley, cleaning his glasses like he always did when he was nervous. "We fell into a nest of them and were lucky to get out alive."
"Then we stay in Sunnydale until we've gotten them all," answered Angel sleepily.
Wesley dipped his head in agreement but when he looked up, Angel's eyes were closed.
When he didn't get a reply he covered Angel with a blanket and left the room, hoping the smell of roof mould wouldn't wake him up again.


In a less dark and damp but equally covert setting, the Initiative continued to work with efficiency. The routine had been shifted slightly to include the funeral of their fallen companion. After three days of inquiry and formal explanations, Dr Walsh finally got the opportunity to talk directly to her men. She stood before them, her chin raised not by height but by university degrees.

"All right gentlemen," she began sternly. "I want to hear the full story, your official reports were hesitant and sketchy. You have more information? I want to hear it."
Forrest began, "Three nights ago, Agent Graham Millar witnessed two hostiles engaged in a fight."
"Any idea why?"

Forrest shook his head, "One was the previously unknown species that we brought in. The other was a vampire. Agent Millar contacted Lilac one..."
"I've already heard all that," said Dr Walsh testily.
"If I may interrupt?" asked Graham.
"Agent Millar?"
"I believe the vampire may have been trying to protect me. Later on, C Team testified that he saved the life of a civilian."

Dr Walsh made no attempt to hide her irritation, "C team's report was inconclusive. That is simply an assumption. It could have been a feud between the two vampires."
"True but, what about you, Forrest?"
"Agent Gates?" asked Dr Walsh, switching her attention.
Forrest shifted uncomfortably in his chair, "None of my team have admitted firing the shot that brought down the second werewolf. Agent Millar's blaster was stolen by the vampire and when we recovered it, it showed signs of having recently been fired. It's likely the vampire did it, it's just nobody saw him doing it."

"Where is that vampire now?" asked Dr Walsh, tiring of the subject.
"He was trailed by C team to a shopping complex. When he moved again, he passed the Bronze - that's where the incident they reported occurred. They then trailed him to a vacant mansion, where he's been staying since."
"I trust there's a good reason for not bringing him in, I don't like dangerous creatures roaming my streets, gentlemen."
Another one of the soldiers from Forest's team spoke up, "Ma’am, there is a potential for the situation to change, that's why surveillance has been going around the clock."
Satisfied with that answer, Dr Walsh moved on, "Anything else we know about him?"

"He's atypical for a vampire, ma’am," said Forrest.
"How so?"
"He prefers to occupy buildings above ground. Not unheard of but not the established norm of vampire in sewers. Also, we’ve never seen him associate with other vampires, except in combat. He has two companions who are both human."
Forrest passed surveillance photographs across the table.
"One Cordelia Chase, who grew up in Sunnydale, current residence in Los Angeles, and Wesley Pryce, an English national who lived briefly in Sunnydale before moving to Los Angeles."
Forrest paused again and looked uneasily at Graham.
"Since surveillance began, he has spent almost every night hunting the same kind of hostile that originally attacked Agent Millar."

"There's also the butcher's testimony," added Graham.
"The butcher?" frowned Dr Walsh.
"Yes, ma’am. We tracked him to a butcher's store where he made a purchase. We obtained some details from the butcher. He's known the vampire for four years but we're assuming he's unaware of the fact that he is a vampire."

Graham passed a folder full of receits to Professor Walsh.
"According to the butcher, this 'customer' of his goes under the name of Angel. Orders a fairly regular supply of fresh pigs blood. At one stage, the customer just disappeared for a while and the butcher thought he had been cheated because a minor debt was left unpaid. Later, a blonde woman of approximately eighteen or seventeen years began to purchase blood and pay off the debt."

Forrest took over, "She claimed 'Angel' had been sick and she did not realise that there was a debt to be paid off. He eventually returned and purchased blood again on a regular basis until the end of last year, when he left town. He wasn't seen again until the day we tracked him to the butcher store. He's apparently said he's on a business visit."
Dr Walsh considered this, "He's unaware he's being trailed? He may be leaving false clues for you to follow."
"It is possible," agreed Forrest.
"Very well, tail him for one more day, then bring him in."

Dr Walsh, a university professor of psychology and the senior scientist at the Initiative, watched her ‘boys’ leave with a certain amount of anxiety. Still frowning, she returned to her work station.

Dr Inggelman appeared behind her, a cup of coffee in his outstretched hand. She took it with a brief smile.
"So," he prompted. "What's your opinion on the vampire?"
"I'm not sure," she told him honestly. "None of them want to commit to saying the vampire isn't dangerous but they keep hinting at it. There's also..."
"What?" asked Dr Inggelman.
"You heard the report?"
Dr Inggelman nodded and pointed to the listening piece in his ear.

Dr Walsh continued, "The butcher identifies one of his companions as a young blonde woman."
"The woman with him now could have dyed her hair."
Dr Walsh shook her head, "I'm thinking blonde girl, probably about nineteen now, who might still live in Sunnydale and might have cause to associate with vampires. Do we know how long the Slayer has lived here?"

"You think it's her? We can get a photograph to the butcher to confirm that," shrugged Dr Inggelman. "In the meantime, do you want to bring Agent Finn in on this mission?"
Dr Walsh looked up sharply at the mention of her favourite teacher's aid.
She considered a moment before answering, "No. He can keep an eye on the Slayer and it will give Gates and Millar a chance to demonstrate some leadership ability."
"If that's your decision."
"It is."

Dr Inggelman left to return to his science team down in the pit. Dr Walsh leant back in her chair, tapping her fingers against the sides of her coffee mug. She shrugged off an uneasy feeling before focusing on what she was paid to do. The day continued as usual, the sun went down and the monsters emerged.

Forrest and Graham, dressed in civilian clothes, led a team to replace the one who had been watching Angel all day. As usual, their topic of conversation was far from their task.
"I can't believe Riley didn't show," complained Forrest.
"Give him a break," said Graham gently. "With a girl like Buffy, he's bound to forget a few promises."
"A few? This is the fourth time he's said he'll meet us at the Bronze and not shown!"
"You're saying you don't enjoy being team leader in his absence?"
Forrest turned to glare at him, "Stop changing the subject. It's just not right... wait, we've got some movement."

Graham fell silent. As the team watched, Angel and Wesley left the mansion in the car. Cordelia stood on the top of the stairs to watch them leave. The patrol piled into Riley's car. They followed the impressive convertible into the darker streets of Sunnydale.

The car slowed down outside a cheap bar with 'Willy's Place' written over the top in neon lights. The patrons in the place moved shiftily in the doorway, as if not even normal movement was permitted. Angel got out of the car and approached the bar, the patrons scattering like a load of cockroaches at his approach. Wesley drove the car on again.

The Initiative team parked the car in a nearby alleyway.
"Taggart, you're with me," said Forrest, hiding his radio under his shirt. "The rest of you hold position in case he doubles back. Reid and Stabros, go around and see if there's an exit around the back. Use your radios only as a last resort."
Graham noticed with chagrin that he wasn't accompanying Forrest and was the last to get out of the car.

Before leaving, Forrest couldn't resist one last word, "Try not to get yourselves killed as soon as yours truly is out of sight."
Graham grunted in response as Forrest and Kevin Taggart strolled into the bar. The remaining marines spread out along the street. Graham ended up on the far street corner, trying to glance casually at shop windows whenever a stranger walked past him.

A car alarm went off in the distance. Graham turned to see Wesley sprinting away from a parked car at the other end of the street. On reflex, half the team set off in pursuit. Graham was the farthest away, which was why none of the other soldiers noticed Angel appearing on the far sidewalk behind him.

They didn't see him seize an unsuspecting Graham from behind. With a hand placed firmly over Graham's mouth to stifle his cry, Angel dragged him out of sight and shoved him against a wall in an alleyway.
"All right, to cut a long story short, I don't like being followed everywhere I go," said Angel.

He released his grip on Graham and took a couple of steps back.
"We all have to do things we don't want, sometimes," said Graham carefully, rubbing his jaw.
Angel grunted, "Yeah well, funnily enough, I'm getting sick of it. So, tell whoever it is you work for, that I am not amused. I don't want you getting in my way in the middle of the crisis."

Graham opened his mouth to retort but Angel grabbed him roughly and threw him to the ground. When Graham looked up, Angel was gone. Graham released the breath he'd been holding and walked back out into the street. An annoyed Forrest was waiting for him.
"What the hell happened to you?"

* * *

Worried that the vampire was targeting him, for the following two nights Graham's superiors sent him on routine, even mundane patrols in an attempt to keep him away from Angel. Angel was still tailed by a patrol but he began to periodically loose them, irritated by their presence. It took three nights before Graham and Forrest found themselves on the same mission again. Their team was sent to the cemetery to prevent the rising of a new vampire. It was only ten o'clock when the soil on the grave began to move. It was not new to them and the vampire was staked without an incident.

"All right, let's go," Forrest told the team tiredly.
"What was that noise?" hissed a strange voice.
The entire patrol hit the dirt, backing up against tombstones with their blasters at the ready. Light, scuffling footsteps approached them.
"You're imagining things," answered a raspy voice.
"I am not," replied the first voice. "I suppose next you'll be telling me the demon hunter that killed Tharg was in my imagination, too."
"Oh no," said a third voice. "The demon hunter is real alright. That's why we have to deal with him tonight - the sooner, the better."

There were murmurs of agreement. Graham manoeuvred his infa-red scanner about until he could get a reading from behind the tombstone. He held up nine fingers to Forrest, to indicate nine demons. Forrest edged out a small mirror and recognised the speakers as Atashak demons.

The demons argued about the demon hunter for a few minutes before moving away. As they did, the patrol moved out of hiding.
"What do you think about this demon hunter?" whispered Graham.
"The demons lead us to him," decided Forrest. "He's either an ally or a nuisance."
"Like the Slayer?" asked Graham.
Forrest grunted, his dislike for Riley's newest girlfriend once again surfacing.
"If those demons go anywhere near populated areas...," said Forrest. "We kill every one of them."

The patrol moved out, easily trailing the disorganised Atashak demons who seemed to be making no effort to keep quiet. The demons carried a homemade assortment of weapons, among them several blades tied to handles with fishing line, a stolen fire axe and a collection of Molotov cocktails in glass soft drink bottles. They had almost wandered the whole length of the cemetery when one demon jabbed the other in the side. At the first demon's insistence, all the demons stopped to sniff the air.

They seemed to have caught a scent. The demons changed direction sharply, their body language revealing that they had found their prey. They were aiming straight for a mausoleum. As the patrol crept closer, even the patrol could hear the sounds of a struggle and the snarling of at least two vampires.

The Atashak demons waited, low to the ground. One held a cigarette lighter to a Molotov cocktail and hurled it through the slightly ajar door to the crypt. There was the sound of an explosion and then the roar of a vampire as it died. Smoke began to curl out the crypt doorway.

Coughing, Angel stumbled out, bent over and on the point of collapse. The Atashak demons attacked but Angel was not as unprepared as he looked. He stopped mid-cough to straighten up and flatten the first two who came at him. He swiftly disarmed the third and used it's machete to continue the fight. Within a few minutes, he'd killed two of the demons and wounded another that crawled away from the fight. The wounded demon crawled straight into the Initiative patrol who finished it off.

"Do we join in or not?" Graham asked Forrest urgently.
"Wait," began Forrest. "...Oh, what the hell!"
The patrol charged at the demons, killing some of them even as they were preparing to throw more Molotov cocktails. While they fought, two of the Atashak demons (one with a makeshift spear and the other with the stolen axe) pushed Angel backwards into the crypt.

In the confined space, Angel was forced to start dodging. Once the patrol had finished off the rag-tag Atashak demons, Forrest and Graham slipped forward to see what was happening in the crypt. Angel was holding his own and once again, there was something familiar to Graham about the way the vampire fought. Some of his moves were based on technique but some were just pure brute force that almost knocked his opponents off balance.

Angel feinted to the left and managed to run one of the demons through with it's own spear. In that split second of distraction the second demon swung at him with the axe. Angel didn't see the axe coming and doubled over as it embedded in his stomach. The momentum of the swing unsteadied his feet and he fell, still gripping the end of the spear with the demon impaled on the end.

A taser blast enveloped the surviving demon, slamming it into the wall. Angel watched it in a sort of dreamy haze as Forrest approached him. Angel's eyes were half-closed but his bloody hands twitched every couple of seconds. Forrest remained suspicious and not without good reason.

"You think he's our demon hunter?" asked Graham, coming up behind him.
"He can't tell us if he's dead," muttered Forrest.
"How much vampire first aid do you know?" asked another of the marines.
"Not much," admitted Graham.
"So then, we'll just have to take him to someone who does," said Forrest.
"Control?" said the marine, uncertain.
"Hey look, you have a better idea?" demanded Forrest. "Looks like we get to bring him in, anyway."


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