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RATING: PG-13 for minor language and violence.
SUMMARY: A desperate Leia calls for help. In the past, Padawan Anakin and Padawan Obi-Wan hear her call. As a result the young Jedi find both themselves, and their Masters, dragged into an adventure that will change their lives forever.
DISCLAIMER: I'm a poor Uni student... don't sue me... yadda yadda yadda. Star Wars and all the wonderful characters therein belong to George Lucas and some studio. I make no profit; I just get hysterical joy from writing down all the ideas that bounce around in my head. Emalda and the Ekash belong to me. Since fair is fair, George Lucas is perfectly welcome to borrow them if he wishes to. Anybody else has to get my permission first.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: You only have to have seen the movies for this to make sense. I got a friend to help me design the Ekash. You can find the pictures here.

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Star Wars : A Life of Their Own
Chapter Four

* * *

The Fahren had emerged near the planet Tapen where Leia had beamed a report straight to the New Republic Senate. The Jedi had accepted her explanation of time travel. Fortunately, they seemed to regard the existence of any sort of republic as standard practice and didn’t press her for details of how it had been formed. When she told them that Coruscant was still the capital and that the only Jedi Knight she knew of was there, they readily agreed to accompany her home.

As the Fahren came into land on Coruscant, they passed over the parts that had been damaged by warfare and fighting. Leia found herself giving an endless but severely edited commentary, explaining about the existence of the Emperor, the formation of the Empire, the rebellion and the Empire's ultimate defeat.

"Where were the Jedi during all this?" asked Qui-Gon suddenly.
Leia swallowed but forced herself to explain the horrific purges that had seen most of the Jedi hunted down and killed. She told them a Sith Lord named Darth Vader had assisted the Emperor but omitted Vader’s true identity. That was a burden the young man beside her didn't need right now. Leia then explained how Luke had become a Jedi under the teaching of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda and was now in the process of recruiting others.

Master Obi-Wan shook his head sadly, "It has been left to one Jedi to single-handedly rebuild the Order? I wish him luck."
Leia smiled sadly, amazed at how often she had thought the same thing. Before she could agree, a signal on the commlink commanded her attention. It was a request for clearance and flight plan. Leia gave her own clearance code.

The voice on the other end sounded surprised, "Welcome home, Minister."
Anakin brought the ship into land, reminding Leia of the reckless youth Luke had been when she had first met him. The five of them stood, left the cockpit and filed down the ramp. Han, C3-PO and the twins were waiting for them on the landing pad.
"Mother," Jacen called in greeting.
Jaina wriggled out of her father's grasp and ran to Leia. Han tried to restraint Jacen but eventually gave up. Leia smiled widely and crouched down to take both of the children in her arms.

She squeezed them tightly in a hug.
"Did you have a good time?" asked Jaina.
Leia sighed, "Not really but I'm home now."
"You going to stay this time?" asked Jacen challengingly.
Leia laughed, "Yes, I'm going to stay this time. Hopefully for quite a while. I've brought you something."

She handed the twins the flower. Jaina squealed in delight and lifted the crushed flower to her nose. Leia watched as the twins passed the yellow flower between them. Once again she felt guilty at having left the twins on Coruscant while she had been on the Ekash homeworld. She had to forcibly remind herself that the twins could have been seriously hurt if they’d been there.

She looked up to find Anakin watching her curiously while the other three Jedi had backed away slightly to give her family some privacy. It occured to Leia that technically speaking, Anakin was the twins' grandfather. A devious thought occurred to Leia. She smiled sweetly at the twins and waved at Anakin.
"Say hello to your uncle," she said pleasantly.
Anakin's eyes widened in horror as two pairs of small arms wrapped themselves around his knees.
"Hello Uncle," the twins chorused.
"How come you haven't come to visit us before?" asked Jaina.
"What's your name?" asked Jacen.
"Where do you live?"
“Are you a Jedi?”

Anakin stammered a few times in response but to his dismay, the twins waited patiently for him to answer. In order to hide her smirk, Leia hugged her husband.
"Welcome home," said Han warmly, wrapping his arms around her.
Leia didn’t miss the curious glance he shot at Anakin.
"Thank you,” said Leia. “How'd you know I was coming?"
"I didn't,” shrugged Han. “I was about to leave Coruscant myself when they told me you were landing."
"Where are you going?” asked Leia, holding Han a little tighter.

She hadn’t seen Han for weeks as it was.
"I got a message, somebody's trying to turn me into a passenger liner," he said apologetically.
"A passenger liner?” Leia smiled, trying to hide her disappointment. “Will Chewie be serving drinks?"
Han broke out into a grin, "No, I'm just picking up some dignitary or other. I was planning to take the twins along but..."

Leia looked back at the twins, who were still enthusiastically hugging Anakin's knees. Han caught the wistful look on her face and smiled knowingly.
"I've missed them," she admitted.
Then, to change the subject, "Do you know if Luke is back yet? I need to talk to him."

Han nodded, smiling wryly at her change in topic, "He is. He's getting ready to take some of those new recruits to Yavin 4. He was planning to leave tomorrow. Does he need to change things?"
Leia shrugged, "I don’t know yet. That's up to him. In the meantime, I need to find something to do with these four."

Han nodded again and looked curiously at the four Jedi waiting patiently on the landing pad (Anakin was still wrestling with the twins). The lightsabres were obvious, nobody who knew Luke as well as Han did could doubt that they were Jedi. Leia waved them forward for introductions.

"This is my husband, Han Solo," she told them.
Anakin managed to look interested for a moment before Jaina pulled on his sleeve and distracted him. Qui-Gon and both Obi-Wans bowed politely. Leia was about to introduce the Jedi to Han but then froze. This is my father, an old Obi-Wan Kenobi and a young Obi-Wan Kenobi?
"Ah, perhaps other introductions should wait until later," she offered lamely.
Han looked just as confused as the Jedi but nobody offered any objections out loud.

* * * * *

Anakin and the other Jedi were shown to comfortable guest quarters near Leia's quarters. They had been treated to a meal and then left to their own devices while Leia went to watch Han leave in the Millennium Falcon. The twins had gone with her, Jaina making a point of leaving the yellow flower with Anakin.

Polite conversation had only stretched so far. Eventually, the two Master/Padawan teams found themselves settled on opposite couches and regarding each other silently. Master Obi-Wan and Anakin sat on one couch, Qui-Gon and Apprentice Obi-Wan sat on the other. It felt like a confrontation. They all waited for somebody else to speak first.

"You're a Jedi Knight?" Qui-Gon asked tentatively, looking at Master Obi-Wan.
"Yes," Master Obi-Wan answered evenly. "For ten years now."
"Oh, ten years?" replied Qui-Gon.

Anakin watched the Jedi Knight and the Jedi Master regard each other, unsure of what to say. Outwardly Master Obi-Wan was withdrawn and cautious but Anakin could see the effort it was taking to conceal the emotions. After seven years as the apprentice of Obi-Wan, Anakin had come to know his habits well. Master Obi-Wan rarely spoke of his own feelings on any subject, unless Anakin asked him directly and sometimes not even then.

It would not be a surprise to Anakin if Qui-Gon’s reappearance was simply taken in stride and never discussed in any depth. Obi-Wan would not hesitate to bring it up if he thought Anakin was having trouble with it emotionally, though.

In sharp contrast, the younger Obi-Wan sat obediently by Qui-Gon but to Anakin it seemed as if the other Padawan was finding keeping silent a challenge. Every now and then a twitch of the fingers betrayed his frustration. Again, Anakin knew that Obi-Wan would never dare interrupt someone who outranked him. He would follow orders to the letter and rarely moved without express orders from the Jedi Council.

"How old were you?" blurted out Apprentice Obi-Wan. "When you were knighted?"
Anakin blinked in surprise.He looked again at the apprentice, wondering if this could possibly be the Master he knew. The outburst had earned the Padawan a disapproving glance from Qui-Gon but it had broken the ice. Master Obi-Wan laughed and relaxed back into the couch.

"Well, given that we’ve obviously travelled through time, I guess questions about age become relevant," he said, ignoring the apprentice's question for the moment. "I'm thirty-five. My Padawan is twenty. You'll have to forgive our strange behaviour... to my memory, Qui-Gon Jinn has been dead a very long time."

Qui-Gon swallowed, struggling to come up with a reply. Anakin wondered if Qui-Gon could sense the pain Master Obi-Wan was trying to conceal.
"How did I..." began Qui-Gon, then he shook his head. "No, wait, I don't want to know."
Master Obi-Wan looked partly relieved at not being pressed further but he was still unsettled.

Apprentice Obi-Wan looked nervously at Qui-Gon and very obviously did want to know. Anakin waited to see if Apprentice Obi-Wan would ask out of turn again but this time young Obi-Wan held his tongue.
Qui-Gon relaxed back into the chair, "I'm sorry my presence makes you uncomfortable."
"It's our problem, not yours," Master Obi-Wan reassured him hastily.

Anakin noticed that the knot of tension that his Master seemed to carry constantly was loosening. It was still there but it was less intense. The only other times Anakin had ever seen that happen was when Obi-Wan had been reminiscing about Qui-Gon. Interestingly, Qui-Gon's presence seemed to have the same effect.

From Jedi Temple gossip, Anakin had discovered that Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan had been generally regarded as an exemplary Master/Padawan team. Passing acquaintances had told Anakin more about their years together than his own Master had. Nearly everyone had agreed on the strength of the affection between them. Small wonder then, that the death of one had scarred the other for life.

Master Obi-Wan turned to apprentice Obi-Wan, "To answer your question, I was twenty-five when I was knighted. How old are you?"
"Twenty," said the apprentice, smiling nervously.
Master Obi-Wan smiled warmly in return.
"I think this day is going to get even more confusing," said Qui-Gon dryly.
Qui-Gon relaxed as well, crossing his legs.

"I suppose we can always bunk with my family for a while," said Anakin lightly.
Apprentice Obi-Wan wrinkled his nose and gazed at Anakin sympathetically, "You do realize your children are older than you, don't you?"
Anakin shrugged, "Well, at least my daughter has good taste."

He waved a hand to indicate the tasteful furniture in the room. His eyes caught sight of the flower on the table.
"Wasn't that flower red when we left the Ekash planet?" asked Apprentice Obi-Wan.
He was right. Anakin was certain the flower had been a blushing shade of red when Leia had been avidly studying it on the Fahren. Now it was a soft shade of yellow. Qui-Gon reached forward to gingerly pick up the bloom.

"The atmosphere of the Ekash planet is slightly different to the standard atmosphere we're used to,” said Qui-Gon, thinking out loud. “It could have altered and bent the light, so that we see all colours differently while we're there.”
"In that case, the purple foliage is probably not purple at all. It would be green, if you ever got it off the planet," agreed Master Obi-Wan.
"Makes you wonder, doesn't it?" said Qui-Gon. "What else will turn out to be different, now that we're on Coruscant."

* * * * *

Leia looked at Luke uncomfortably as they stopped outside the temporary quarters where the Jedi were staying.
"Are you sure about this?" she asked him again.
"They're Jedi, Leia. Regardless of when they come from, I'm sure I can deal with them," Luke assured her as he knocked. "And if they are who they say they are, we have nothing to fear."
"Come in," called a deep voice.

The door slid back and Luke and Leia entered side by side. The four Jedi rose to greet them. Leia quickly introduced everyone. The Jedi seemed more relaxed than they had before. She wondered what had happened while they were left alone.
"I'm pleased to meet you," said Luke pleasantly, bowing slightly. "I believe we have some matters to discuss."
"Before we get to that," Leia interrupted. "Can I ask a favour?"

The Jedi, including Luke, looked to Leia questioningly.
"What is it, Milady?" asked Master Obi-Wan.
Leia blinked at the respectful title but then continued, "The engineers are having trouble moving the Fahren - they would appreciate your help, Anakin."

Anakin's eyes brightened instantly and he glanced at Master Obi-Wan. Master Obi-Wan nodded almost imperceptibly. Permission had been given.
"I'll try my best, Milady," Anakin answered Leia earnestly.
"There is no try...," responded Luke and the other Jedi Masters automatically.
Master Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Luke all smiled at each other and finished the saying together. "... there is only do."

Anakin and Apprentice Obi-Wan grimaced. Leia raised an eyebrow. It was oddly fitting that Luke had found someone else who could quote Master Yoda.
"That should keep him occupied for a while," she thought smugly.
She managed to contain her smirk and led the way to the door. Anakin bowed quickly to his Master then moved to join her. As they began to walk towards the door, Leia noticed that Anakin had become wary of her again. She wondered idly what might set him at ease.
She paused at the door, "Obi-Wan, the younger Obi-Wan, I mean, do you want to join us?"

Apprentice Obi-Wan hesitated.
"This is going to be confusing, having two Obi-Wans," said Luke.
"I suppose one of us will have to find a nickname," agreed Master Obi-Wan.
"What about... Ben?" suggested Luke hesitantly.
"Ben? I don't... well, actually, I've always liked the name Ben," said Master Obi-Wan thoughtfully. "Very well, I can stand to be Ben for the moment then. Qui-Gon's apprentice can remain Obi-Wan."

Apprentice Obi-Wan turned to Qui-Gon questioningly.
"You may join them if you wish, Padawan," Qui-Gon told him.
"Thank you Master, I think I will," Obi-Wan answered formally.
He moved to join Leia and Anakin. The three of them left the room quickly.
As they left they could hear Master Qui-Gon ask, "So, Luke, you knew Master Yoda too?"

The two apprentices tried to hide amused grins.
"So," asked Obi-Wan casually. "Does this ship actually need repairing or was it an excuse to get us out of the way?"
Anakin looked crestfallen, "You mean we're not going back to the ship?"
Leia smiled at him, "Of course we are. The ship does need moving. If it serves as an excuse at the same time, that's just convenient."
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, "No prizes for spotting the politician."
She grinned at the two of them, "So, have you ever seen a ship like the Fahren before?"
Anakin shook his head, "How about you, Obi-Wan... Obi?"

"Obi?" snorted Obi-Wan.
"I can't call you Obi-Wan," said Anakin. "It sounds so weird. I keep wanting to put Master in front of it." Anakin wrinkled his nose at the sound of "Ani", his childhood nickname. He was about to protest but since he'd just given Obi-Wan a nickname, he didn't exactly have the moral high ground.

* * * * *

Anakin ran his hands lovingly over the control panels of the Fahren. Leia and Obi-Wan were sitting behind him in the cockpit but he was only marginally aware of them. He was deeply drawn to this ship. He was shocked to discover that on Coruscant, the Fahren's green and gold decoration became lavender and jade. Inside the ship, the colours remained the same so Anakin guessed that the ship maintained an Ekash atmosphere. He badly wished he had enough time to study the atmospheric controls. He knew Master Obi-Wan... or Master Ben as he was now to be called, disapproved of his fascination with ships and gadgets but it was still permitted for him to indulge himself every now and then.

The ship was not a standard design and the engineers had been incapable of starting the engines even to move it to a hangar bay. Anakin was strangely happy with the idea that he was the only one who could fly her, not counting the ships owner. He supposed that the Fahren's owner would be very upset when they found their ship missing.

"Are you going to stroke it or fly it?" asked Obi-Wan abruptly.
Anakin was startled out of his reverie, "Give me a minute here."
He turned back to the control panel but the spell had been broken. Feeling irritated, he activated the ships engines and took off. He felt Obi-Wan move from his seat to stand behind Anakin's chair.

"What?" snapped Anakin irritably.
"I'm just trying to see the view, that's all," answered Obi-Wan absent-mindedly.
Anakin raised his eyes from the control panel and took in the view. He had to admit it was pretty breathtaking. Though he had spent ten years in Coruscant, this Coruscant was just different enough to fill him with a strange desire to go exploring. They passed by a huge sprawling, ugly black building.

"What's that?" frowned Anakin.
"It's the Senate Building," explained Leia. "It used to be Emperor Palpatine's palace. We've reclaimed it now."
"And you use it to prove that his reign is truly over," said Obi-Wan.
"We no longer have to live in fear," agreed Leia.
"Palpatine?" frowned Anakin. "That's odd. I used to know a politician called Palpatine."

Leia looked uncomfortable. Anakin turned to face her but she avoided his eyes.
"Why don't you watch where you're going, Ani?" asked Obi-Wan quietly.
"I know how to fly, thank you," snapped Anakin, irritated.

Anakin returned his eyes to the front and immediately found himself staring at a Coruscant skyscraper. Biting his lip hard, he swerved the Fahren around hard. He felt Obi-Wan stumble behind him but he couldn't spare a glance to see if he was unharmed.

"We're going to hit," Leia shouted.
"No, we aren't," replied Anakin through clenched teeth.
"He's right," said Obi-Wan tensely. "But we may just scratch the paint."

They skimmed across the skyscraper's surface and the Fahren began to curve away from the building. The Fahren's belly touched lightly against the wall before bumping gently away again. Proximity alarms activated, belatedly informing Anakin of the near-collision. The commlink began to flash with a no doubt angry message from air traffic control.

Anakin completed the Fahren's curve, easing off the speed and slowing to a stop. Obi-Wan hauled himself up from the floor, rubbing his upper arm ruefully. He looked at Anakin for a minute but said nothing. Instead he crossed to the nearest chair and sat down firmly.

Leia answered the commlink and apologised profusely to Air Traffic Control. Anakin looked over at Obi-Wan, half expecting a lecture on safety. Obi-Wan was not looking at him but out the window at Corruscant. Anakin looked but the only thing he could focus on was the building they’d very nearly rammed.

Instead, Anakin occupied himself by thinking about the Fahren. The proximity sensors could do with some improvement, obviously. He also wondered if he should check the paintwork. Beside him, Leia finished her call with Air Traffic Control. She sighed heavily and leant back into her chair.
"So, Anakin," she said calmly. "Is that standard flight procedure?"

* * * * *

Emalda pushed through the purple plant life. Up ahead she could hear the telltale gurgling of the river. She couldn't see it yet but it was not her final destination anyhow. She surged through the undergrowth and broke into a clearing. The familiar landing pad was still there, crisscrossed by weeds.

It was functional but old enough to be ignored by the Ekash government. Connected to the abandoned mines, a supposed supernatural threat kept prying eyes away from the landing pad and the hangar. Emalda regarded such superstitious nonsense with contempt - but even she avoided entering the mines. Every now and then Emalda would have a feeling and experience had taught her to trust her instincts.

Not trusting her instincts had gotten her into this mess in the first place. Although Georeb had always been kind, part of her had always known that Natheb could not be trusted, that she shouldn't accept his offer of work. She had wanted to walk away but the sorely needed cash he offered proved irresistible. She had agreed to work for only three months but that had been two years ago.

Now she was finally doing what she should, finally walking away while Natheb's back was turned. If she went back, she knew what Natheb would want from her. It was something she was not prepared to give again.

She relished in the feel of hot concrete beneath her boots and smiled grimly to herself. She was going to leave. Emalda felt a momentary pang of regret at leaving the planet where she was born and at betraying Georeb’s kindness. She reminded herself that everyone had to grow up, eventually. She swept into the hangar, impatience urging her on. She was halfway across the hangar bay before she stopped.

She stood, rooted to the spot. Her brain tried to fumble with the inevitable. She howled in despair and sunk to her knees. The Fahren, her only chance of escape - was gone.


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