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RATING: PG-13 for minor language and violence.
SUMMARY: A desperate Leia calls for help. In the past, Padawan Anakin and Padawan Obi-Wan hear her call. As a result the young Jedi find both themselves, and their Masters, dragged into an adventure that will change their lives forever.
DISCLAIMER: I'm a poor Uni student... don't sue me... yadda yadda yadda. Star Wars and all the wonderful characters therein belong to George Lucas and some studio. I make no profit; I just get hysterical joy from writing down all the ideas that bounce around in my head. Emalda and the Ekash belong to me. Since fair is fair, George Lucas is perfectly welcome to borrow them if he wishes to. Anybody else has to get my permission first.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: You only have to have seen the movies for this to make sense. I got a friend to help me design the Ekash. You can find the pictures here.

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Star Wars : A Life of Their Own
Chapter Five

* * *

Anakin toweled off his wet hair and patted the rest of his body dry. He liked showers, they were refreshing. They gave you time to think and they got rid of sand. Growing up in the desert, there had been times where Anakin had simply accepted that being in coated in sand was equivalent to existing. The idea of being completely clean and sand free had seemed surreal at first. Now, Anakin revelled in cleanliness whenever he could. With that thought, he pulled on his tunics and his boots and went in search of his Master.

When he stepped into the living room of their shared quarters, he found it empty. The robes of both Master Qui-Gon and Master 'Ben' (as Master Obi-Wan was now called) were gone from their hooks. Anakin looked around for a message and found it in the form of a data pad lying on the table. It was a message from Master Qui-Gon, stating that the two elder Jedi had gone with Luke to dinner. They were not sure when they would be back and suggested that the apprentices eat without them.

The first thing that Anakin wondered was why Master Qui-Gon had written the message and not his own Master. The answer came easily that Qui-Gon held the rank of Jedi Master while Master Ben was still a Jedi Knight. The fact that other people called Ben Kenobi a Master was merely a mark of respect, not an indication of rank.

The second thing that Anakin wondered was why Apprentice Obi-Wan was not in the room. Worried that Obi-Wan had left him to do the cooking by himself, Anakin began to look for him. He wasn't in any of the bedrooms or the fresher. Anakin returned to the main room but Obi-Wan still wasn't there. Anakin narrowed his eyes in frustration and looked about the room. The last time he had seen Obi-Wan had been before Anakin's shower, when Obi-Wan had been napping.

Anakin's gaze came to rest on one wall of their quarters. The wall was hung with ornate drapes and Anakin had assumed that they had been for privacy and decoration. He went for a closer look at one end of the curtains. Pulling back the heavy fabric, Anakin discovered that they disguised a wall of windows.

Their quarters had an almost dizzying view of Coruscant. Anakin stared out of the windows at the riotous sunset, wondering why such a view had been concealed. Then Anakin looked down and realized why. The section of Coruscant that stretched out in front of him was war torn. Huge tracts of twisted and melted metal wove amongst those buildings that still stood. More than a few of the buildings leaned dangerously to one side. The expensive drapes had been used to conceal the scars of a civil war.

Taking a deep breath, Anakin managed to pull his gaze away from the ruins. It was only then that he realized a narrow balcony jutted off from their quarters. The transparent door that led out to the balcony had resembled the windows around it, making it difficult to see. Standing stiffly on the balcony was Obi-Wan. Anakin wrestled with the drapes until he reached the door.

Obi-Wan's hands were resting on the balcony railing, his back to Anakin. Anakin was stuck once again by how strange and yet familiar the other young man was. Anakin recognized the stiffening of back muscles that his own Master often had when he was worried but there was a despairing air about this padawan that seemed totally out of place. Anakin pushed forward on the balcony door and it moved forward almost silently. The noise was evidently audible to the other padawan, however, as Obi-Wan's stance shifted slightly.

"Good morning," said Anakin clearly, walking out onto the narrow balcony.
Obi-Wan hesitated a moment before turning. Anakin was startled to notice that Obi-Wan's eyes were puffy and red, as if he had been crying.
"Actually, it's evening, if not night," answered Obi-Wan crisply.

There was no trace of sorrow in that soft but mischievous voice. Blue eyes regarded Anakin for a moment before Obi-Wan turned back to his contemplation of the view.
Anakin stepped forward, "Are you all right?"
Obi-Wan shrugged, "What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger. Isn't that what they say?"

Anakin found himself desperately wishing to see Obi-Wan's face. It was the face that seemed so different, that set the older and younger Kenobis apart. That, and the knot of grief that Master Ben seemed to permanently carry around was absent from the apprentice. Anakin had forgotten what his Master had been like before Qui-Gon had died. He was seized by a burning desire to find out the answer.

"Will you miss the temple, do you think?" asked Obi-Wan abruptly.
The question startled Anakin and he took a moment to answer.
"It's never really been home to me," Anakin explained. "It was just this place where I lived for a while."
Obi-Wan turned his head towards Anakin and smiled.

"I know what you mean," Obi-Wan admitted. "I left the Jedi Order when I was younger to live on another planet - Melida/Daan. It was never truly home to me, though. I didn't feel right until I returned to the Jedi Temple."
"My home was always where my Mom was," Anakin admitted, surprising himself.

How long had he kept those thoughts to himself? He regretted it instantly and steeled himself for some lecture on how the Jedi temple was his home now, and he should just accept it.
"And you always have the feeling that one day you'll actually go home?" asked Obi-Wan gently.

The fiercely genuine sincerity in the tone surprised Anakin. Anakin decided that he definitely had to get to know his fellow apprentice better.

* * * * *

Miserable, Emalda stood in the room with the machine. Too despairing to even argue, she sat in the chair when Natheb asked. She ignored the concerned looks that Georeb gave her. The loss of the Fahren, her beloved ship, had struck Emalda as profoundly as the death of her sister, Yalana. The difference was that she had known who had caused Yalana's death. That anger had given her a focus and a strength that little else could.

The Fahren had simply disappeared, seeming to wink out of existence without a single trace. Emalda found she could not cope. She just felt hollow, felt a tightness in her throat that would not go away. She had to struggle to stop herself from breaking out into tears.

She attached herself to the machine almost absent-mindedly, barely looking up when Ekash guards dragged Han Solo into the room. While Natheb shouted at the former smuggler and Georeb silently intimidated, Emalda stared stupidly at a spot on the ceiling. The familiar pull of the machine began to sap her strength, channelling the Force through her. To Emalda's irritation, she found it harder and harder to concentrate on her thoughts.

She gritted her teeth and tensed in the chair. She could not stop the machine now that it had started but she could fight against the relentless pull on her mind. She refused to let Natheb win, refused to give in.

Memories of her childhood surfaced. Memories of her and Yalana levitating surprised fish clear out of the rivers. Memories of her mother reading her daughters' futures in cups of tealeaves. The prediction that Yalana would never leave the planet and that Emalda would not leave until she met her true love.

With the memories came a sense of joy that Emalda had been missing. It leant her a strength she had almost forgotten. As her shielding strengthened, so did the pull of the machine. Emalda began to tire, the strain of resisting taking its toll. As her memories faded, so did her frenzied will to resist. Emalda slumped in the seat and this time she did not stop the tears from coming.

* * * * *

Leia left the office of one of her fellow Senators wearily. No end of problems beset the New Republic and it seemed at times as if she was the only one bearing the weight of it. Feeling old before her time, Leia trudged wearily down the corridor. She was stretching out her hand to open the door to her quarters when a shrill whistle startled her. She turned to see R2-D2 motoring down the corridor. C3-PO came shuffling after him.

"Minister? Minister?" he called insistently.
Leia wearily straightened her shoulders and turned to face the two approaching droids.
"What is it, C3-PO? I'm very tired."
"It's a message from Ambassador Solo, Minister."

Leia smiled grimly, she would never get used to her husband being called 'Ambassador'. She knew that Han would probably never get used to it either.
"What does he want?" asked Leia.
"I'm not sure what it was about, Minister," hesitated See-threepio. "But he's just transmitted a message asking for your personal attention. He says that it is important... but then again, we are discussing Ambassador Solo."
Leia withheld her sigh and followed the two droids back down the corridor. Her head was beginning to ache.

* * * * *

Emalda looked at Natheb and Georeb through eyes flooded with tears. Both Natheb and Georeb seemed uncomfortable. They had only ever dealt with Emalda's anger and bitterness before, grief was something new.
"It's not that bad, Emalda," said Georeb awkwardly. "When we have the Minister, we won't have anything to worry about."
Emalda stayed stubbornly silent, not even able to summon the strength to be cynical.
"With the kind of Force ability she has," said Natheb. "We won't have to worry about what's left of the Imperial fleet or the New Republic fleet either. We'll be safe, Emalda. Your sacrifice has made it all possible."

The passion with which he spoke was too familiar to Emalda to affect her.
"I wasn't the only one who sacrificed," she snarled, some of the fight returning. "Yalana did too."
Natheb narrowed his eyes at her accusing tone. Anger was something he could deal with.
"You know that accidents happen, Emalda Rivea Colash," he said firmly, using her full name.
"...And usually to those who oppose you, Natheb," said Emalda.

Georeb had the decency to look guilty. Natheb didn't. Emalda hauled herself out of the chair and stalked from the room.
"Emalda?" called Natheb from behind her, his voice dangerously polite. "I wouldn't go too far, if I were you. We might still need you if we fail to get the Minister and I wouldn't want you to suffer an accident yourself."

She heard the threat implied in his words but she refused to turn around. She left the building without once looking back.

* * * * *

As it turned out, Qui-Gon and Ben returned while Anakin and Obi-Wan were still eating. Luke had come back with them, obviously content in the company of his fellow Jedi. Anakin suspected that Obi-Wan had known they might be back early and had prepared surplus food in preparation.

He noticed the grateful smile that Qui-Gon gave to Obi-Wan when the extra food was brought out. Anakin felt a pang of jealousy that he had not thought of it first. At that point, Ben sat beside him and Anakin's attention was diverted. His jealously forgotten, Anakin listened carefully to the discussions of their Masters.

"No, I'm afraid Leia hasn't progressed too far in the Jedi arts," admitted Luke, regretful. “She just hasn't made the time or given the commitment needed."
"That's one of the reasons the old Jedi Order used to take in candidates when they were extremely young," said Ben. "So that being a Jedi is not something they do, it is who they are."
"Then again," interrupted Master Qui-Gon. "Every being has the right to choose their commitments, they can prioritise however they choose."
Ben nodded his agreement, "Of course. I'm simply pointing out that being a Jedi is hard enough, without the burdens of a family or another job to complicate things."

Luke smiled thoughtfully and Anakin got the feeling that Ben was about to be outnumbered. Qui-Gon and Luke exchanged a conspiratorial glance that Ben seemed to miss.
"So, you think that Jedi should not become romantically attached to anyone?" asked Qui-Gon.
"Of course not. You'd be expelled from the Jedi Order," Ben answered automatically.

Then Ben seemed to realize what he'd said and his face took on a slightly sullen expression. Only now did the collaboration between the other two Masters become clear.
Luke smiled slyly at him, "There's no Jedi Order here to be expelled from. We are answerable only to ourselves and to the Force."

Anakin did not have to have a mental bond with Ben to tell that his Master was profoundly irritated. The door chime interrupted the tense moment. Obi-Wan answered the door quickly, without being asked. Anakin was again torn between respect and jealousy.
"Hello, is Master Luke here?" asked C3-PO.
Luke rose from his feet, instantly, "I'm here, C3-PO."

"Sir, I have a message from Mistress Leia," answered the droid. "She has gone to meet Ambassador Solo and will not be joining you for the evening meal."
"Gone to meet him?" frowned Luke. "I thought Han was still on Coruscant. Where is he?"
"On the planet Tapen, I believe. It is only an hour's travel from Coruscant and Ambassador Solo was most insistent that she come at once."

Luke dismissed the droid and returned to his seat.
"Does she often leave that abruptly?" asked Ben.
"No," said Luke slowly. "She usually plans everything days in advance - she has to, her job is difficult to leave."
"Do you want to check up on her?" asked Qui-Gon.

Luke laughed, startling Obi-Wan, who was sitting next to him. Anakin nearly smirked at Obi-Wan's loss of composure. Then Anakin remembered that Jedi were supposed to be above such things and did his best to repress the thought. Obi-Wan didn't seem to understand Luke's reaction but Anakin thought he, himself, could. Anakin didn't know Leia very well but he did know Padme Amidala.

"Mistress Leia is not the sort who needs checking up on, is she Master Luke?" guessed Anakin.
Luke smiled in response, "Not only a senator but also a former rebel fighter. She's no Jedi knight but she's not helpless either."

Anakin found himself grinning back, pleased at having guessed right. He was also glad that he and his 'son' had something in common. Luke had a haunted look about him that only faded when he smiled. Anakin promised himself that he'd do his best to keep that haunted look at bay. He was fairly confident he could manage it.

* * * * *

Leia emerged onto the landing platform at Tapen wearily. Her headache was threatening to become a migraine. Tapen was a planet of oceans and most of its cities were floating. It had made a pleasant holiday destination when Leia was a child but Leia was not here for her memories. She crossed the landing platform and went into the city.

Leaving the small shuttle she'd borrowed in the care of her pilot, she moved out into the crowded streets. Han had asked her to meet him in a small corner shop. It was near enough to the landing platform for her to walk. The walk gave her time to plan, to think through all the possibilities. Han had been sketchy with the details, simply telling her that a former Imperial Lab had been found.

Apparently, the Lab and its workers had carried on business as usual, isolated from their surroundings and unaware of the fall of the Empire. Most were refusing to give cooperate but one scientist had promised to give them all the information they wanted. The only condition was that Leia meet with the scientist and personally vouch for his safety.

Leia reached the small corner shop and scanned the faces of the crowd. For not the first time, she found that she was too small to see over the crowd. She resorted to other methods, feeling with the Force for Han's presence. After four attempts, Leia couldn't sense him at all. Not that that meant much, Leia was not exactly skilled at this. It was also possible that Han was late or had forgotten, as he was prone to do. All Leia could do was order some food and wait.

She threaded her way through the crowd to the counter but soon changed her mind about the food. The counter and the area behind it were filthy and covered with insects. In the corner, a patch of mold was thriving happily. Grimacing, she bought bottled water and then weaved her way back out of the crowd.

She selected a table and settled down to wait. She was barely seated when a man appeared at her elbow.
Leia looked up at him questioningly, "Can I help you?"
The man frowned, "I'm not sure. Maybe. Do you know Mrs Solo?"
"That would be me. Did Han send you?"
The man's grin revealed several missing teeth, "I thought you might be the one. Come on, I'll take you to your husband."

Leia followed him out of the corner store, her hand patting the replacement blaster she'd bought only a few hours earlier. She trusted Han but she aware that his friends were not always the most reliable in the world - especially his business associates. She was led around a few corners and into a block of apartments. They took the turbolift to one of the highest floors and moved along the corridor. The man rapped heavily on the door and Leia heard sounds of movement in response. She began to feel uneasy about this. After a few moments, the door was unlocked.

Leia's guide pushed open the door and motioned for her to enter. The smell of flowers from Ekara wafted out of the room. Slipping one hand casually to the handle of her blaster, Leia walked in. The room was small and, Leia noted unhappily, filled with hiding places.

The first attack came from the left, even before the door closed behind her. A pair of large arms encircled her waist. Leia swung the butt of her blaster backwards, blindly connecting with her attacker. Even as the first attacker was falling, a second was starting towards her. This attacker was clearly an Ekash.

He'd tried to conceal the fact with clothing but the fringe of golden hair that spilled from the sides of his hood betrayed him. Leia raised her blaster and fired unflinchingly. With his mouth open in a silent cry of astonishment, the Ekash crumpled to the floor.

Leia's former guide seized her blaster arm and twisted it behind her back. Leia fired again, hoping to get lucky and shoot her attacker. Her aim was wild and the smell of scorched carpet was repugnant. Her wrist was twisted sharply and she dropped the blaster with a cry of pain.

Two other Ekash started towards Leia. Though they held blasters in their hands, they were obviously intending to do the job as roughly as possible.

Bracing herself against the man behind her, Leia kicked out with both feet. She caught the first Ekash in the neck, hard enough to pitch him over backwards. The second hesitated and then raised his blaster at Leia. The last thing Leia managed to do before the stun bolt plunged her into unconsciousness was to call desperately for Luke.

* * * * *

"Master Obi... I mean Master Ben, and I went to Ragoon 6," admitted Anakin, somewhat reluctantly.
He watched carefully for the other padawan's reaction. He knew his Master, an older Obi-Wan, had always looked back on those times fondly. In point of fact, he was often known to ramble on if one was not careful. Obi-Wan seemed to think about Anakin's comment for a moment.
"I guess it was always a way of reassuring myself that Qui-Gon wanted me," said Obi-Wan thoughtfully.
Anakin's eyebrows rose, "Why wouldn't he?"

Obi-Wan looked strangely at Anakin for a moment as if he had grown a third eye and then shook his head. He smiled grimly to himself and didn't answer the question. He looked instead at the small table between them and at the fruit bowl set neatly in the middle. Anakin was not going to be so easily deterred. He had heard too many tales of this supposedly ideal Master/Padawan team to not be curious.
Having only known Qui-Gon for a few days, Anakin had not had time to notice any flaws the man might have had. Not that Anakin wanted Qui-Gon to be flawed or thought that the flaws of a Jedi Master would be easy to discover. Nevertheless, he felt that any crack in the perfect facade would make Qui-Gon appear more human.

"Why wouldn't he?" repeated Anakin. "Obi?"
Obi-Wan bit his lip uncertainly. He looked around to ensure that they were alone before replying.
"Well, he didn't ask me to be his Padawan," Obi-Wan whispered. "I asked him to be my Master."
Anakin's eyebrows refused to raise any further so he pursed his lips instead, "What's wrong with that?"
"Well, I know I'm being foolish but I used to be afraid that he took me on out of pity. You know, because he felt sorry for me and not because he thought I was worth the effort."

A few things clicked into place in Anakin's mind, "That's why you make such a point to make yourself useful. You don't want him to regret his decision."
Obi-Wan nodded with something close to embarrassment at being found out. That was an expression that Anakin had rarely seen on the face of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi with a reputation for being pleasant and stoically reliable.

"My Master only took me because Qui-Gon had wanted to," said Anakin quietly, before he realized what he was saying. "It was Qui-Gon's dying wish. Sometimes I'm afraid that that's the only reason that my Master... no, wait, the only reason the entire Jedi Order accepted me at all."
Obi-Wan smiled sympathetically, "So much for that Jedi serenity, huh?"
Anakin smiled back, "What do they say? We are not saints but seekers."
"Well, I, for one, have a lot of seeking left to do," Obi-Wan sighed theatrically.

Anakin laughed out loud. The sound of Obi-Wan's laughter mingled with his own. Anakin thought it strange that such serious conversations usually gave way to laughter but everything about the other young man seemed strange to him. He hoped he would learn more in time.

Almost absentmindedly, Anakin used the Force to levitate a piece of fruit from the bowl into his hand. He noticed Obi-Wan watching him and wondered if the other padawan would scold him for such a frivolous use of the Force. When Obi-Wan remained quiet, Anakin bit into the fruit. The fruit was juicier than he'd thought and juice dribbled down his chin onto his tunic.

A sound like muffled laughter came from Obi-Wan. Still smirking, Obi-Wan levitated a napkin onto Anakin's lap.
"Careful," Obi-Wan said with a straight face. "Better to be safe than soaked."
Before Anakin could think of a suitable retort, Ben hurried into the room.
“You two, come quickly," Ben said sharply.

Anakin discarded the fruit and napkin so quickly that they rolled off the table and onto the floor, where the juice began to stain the carpet. Without waiting to see that they were following, Ben left the room again. Anakin was not far behind. Obi-Wan gingerly pick up the fruit and place it properly on the table before joining them.

They hurried from their quarters, having to sprint to keep up with Ben. Anakin thought ruefully that people with such short legs shouldn't be allowed to move that quickly. Then he realized that Obi-Wan had exactly the same legs but was having just as much trouble keeping up. Ben's was a speed born of experience, not natural ability.

They moved through the crowded corridors towards the hangar bay. Luke and Qui-Gon were waiting for them. Luke was watching with barely restrained impatience as an X-wing fighter was prepared for flight. Qui-Gon stood beside him, most of his attention focused on the nearby Fahren.

"What's going on?" asked Anakin.
Obi-Wan looked up questioningly at Qui-Gon.
"Something's happened to Leia," Luke answered tensely. "I heard her cry for help. According to the Tapen government, she's been kidnapped. Apparently they tried to smuggle her onto a spacecraft. The customs officers noticed but the ship took off before they could stop it. Tapen ships gave chase but they lost the kidnappers near the Ekash homeworld."
"That's too much of a coincidence for me," said Qui-Gon gravely.

"The New Republic is sending an X-wing squadron," explained Ben. "We thought it best if we joined them."
Qui-Gon indicated the Fahren, "Ben and Anakin should take the Fahren. Anakin's the most familiar with the controls. Luke will take his own X-wing and Obi-Wan and I can take a borrowed starfighter."

Anakin nodded, concentration overriding any of his emotions that cared to surface just now. As the work crew finally signalled that the X-wing was ready to go, Luke moved quickly towards it. As he reached it and began to climb the ladder, he paused.

"May the Force be with you all," he called and then settled into the pilot seat.
Anakin and Ben moved towards the Fahren while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan headed to another section of the hangar. There was a crisis and they would meet it like Jedi.


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