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The Beanbag | Stargate

Lean Rating: General
Spoilers: For Criminal Minds 3.02, "In Name and Blood (in Birth and Death)".
Summary: Sometimes even a stranger can pick you up when you're down.
Stargate SG1/Criminal Minds Crossover.
Note: A fairly subtle, blink and you'll miss it cross-over.

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"Hey, you alright there?"
Hotch looked up blearily at the fuzzy silhouette of a stranger. The voice sounded like that of a concerned older male, confident and accustomed to authority - unlike Hotch's attackers, who'd been young and recklessly trying to sound braver than they actually were. Something in the tone of speech suggested military. Hotch tried to force his swollen eye a little wider to see better but abandoned the attempt with a wince.

"Can you stand, buddy?" asked the voice. "Should I get help?"
"Just bruised a bit," said Hotch, surprised to hear his own voice so rough and tired.
"Sure you are," said the voice indulgently.
A hand slipped down to rest on his shoulder. It was warm and reassuring, and even he knew it was just the let-down from the adrenaline high Hotch still couldn't stop his hands from shaking. He'd failed professionally - letting the unsub get away, letting himself get jumped by street thugs - it just compounded the endless string of failures he'd had in the last couple of years. He'd lost Emily and Gideon from the team but that couldn't compare to the pain of the divorce, the pain of losing his family. He didn't realise he was actually crying until a solid arm slipped around his back and hoisted him to his feet.

"It's... okay," said the voice uncertainly, someone uncomfortable with emotion.
A cynical part of him considered that to confirm the military theory. He hoped he hadn't spoken any of his thoughts out loud.
"Okay," said the voice again, stronger. "This is what we're going to do..."
Hotch let himself lean on the stranger, relinquishing control and the weight of responsibility.

The End

Disclaimers : All of these stories (by the definition of fan fiction) are based on original works by other authors, producers, directors etc. No profit is made, this is simply a chance to practice my love of writing and to share the results with like-minded souls.