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Jay Brown – EDU 6502 – Summer 06

Title of Lesson


Historical background summaries for understanding Number the Stars: A novel by Lois Lowry

Grade Level/Course

Subject of Lesson

Grade 4 / Language Arts & Social Studies



     PA Subject Standards:

Reading, Writing and Literature

1.1     Learning to read independently

1.2     Reading critically

1.3     Reading and interpreting literature

1.5   Quality of Writing

1.6   Speaking and listening

1.7   Characteristics and functions of English language

1.8   Research



7.1     Basic geographic literacy



8.1     Historical analysis

8.4  World history

     PA Technology

Technological Devices – 3.7.4

D.      Use basic computer software.

·       Apply operating system skills to perform basic computer tasks.

·       Apply basic word processing skills.

·       Identify and use simple graphic and presentation graphic materials generated by the computer.

·       Apply specific instructional software.


E.       Identify basic computer communications systems.

·       Apply a web browser.

·       Apply basic electronic mail functions.


     ISTE Standards:

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S)


I.                    Basic Operations and Concepts – Students are proficient in the use of technology.

II.                  Social, Ethical, and Human Issues – Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.

III.                Technology Productivity Tools – Students use technology tools to enhance learning…

IV.                Technology Communications Tools – Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

V.                  Technology Research Tools – Students use      technology tools to process data and report results.


National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers


II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences – Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology.





The main objective of this project is to provide students with a historical background of World War II in Europe so that they may better understand the book Number the Stars, a novel by Lois Lowry. In addition the primary objective, this project accomplishes the following learning skills objectives:


Audio-visual learning

Constructive learning


Reading comprehension


Written expression



Web addresses, software, hardware, handouts, and /or rubrics (Attached)


Web addresses:


A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust Available: August 2006


Brown, J. (2006). Historical background summaries for understanding Number the Stars. Available: August 2006


Central Intelligence Agency. (2006) CIA World Factbook: Available: August 2006


Cornish, J. (date). Number the Stars: History behind the story. Available: August 2006


Lowry, L. (1989). Number the Stars. Houghton Mifflin. New York, NY.


The Holocaust Encyclopedia (WWII in Europe – animated map) Available: August



Software: Inspiration, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Explorer, Microsoft Word

Hardware: 20 computers with high-speed (T-1) Internet access.

Rubric: See project Web site:




Write the procedures detailed enough that a professional educator could teach the lesson. 

Note:  State when technology is integrated.  Not every lesson has to have technology integrated into the lesson.


Expectation: Team-teaching with a technology coordinator throughout the entire project is expected so that software applications may be taught within the context of the curriculum.


The lesson has four main sections for students and teachers to explore, with specific software applications required for each section. Teachers must use this Web site as the primary guide for this project-based learning unit:


Brown, J. (2006). Historical background summaries for understanding Number the Stars. Available: August 2006.


Complete instructions and procedures can be found on the project Web site (above). It is important that teachers give students a general overview of the entire project on the first day and discuss expectations from the calendar and the rubric.


Assessment of Learning



A rubric for student assessment is provided on the project page:


Brown, J. (2006). Historical background summaries for understanding Number the Stars. Available: August 2006.


Teachers should take notes throughout the project to ensure accuracy.

Adaptations for Meeting the Various Learning Needs


Identify one or two learning adaptation you need to address during the unit.  Adapt each lesson for those particular special needs.


Learning adaptation: Use of Inspiration software as a graphic organizer to collect relevant facts to be used by students as a guide for writing historical summaries. The software is capable of automatically changing from a graphic template to an outline for those students (and teachers) who prefer a non-graphic view.



Extension Activity(ies)


State a minimum of three extension activities for the unit.




    1. Decision-making: Critical thinking, and written expression
    2. Diversity: Cooperative learning, research skills, critical thinking, organization and written expression
    3. Community interviews: Critical thinking, oral expression, note-taking, written expression.


Complete details for the three extension activities are provided on the project page):


Brown, J. (2006). Historical background summaries for understanding Number the Stars. Available: August 2006.