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Short Film-Making Assignment

Conflict Resolution Scenarios and the Community Toolbox

A two-minute movie project


Part I - Conflict Resolution Scenarios at School

             Choose a scenario from the list below for your movie.


          Recess disagreements:

·        A Close Call (safe or out; in or out of bounds…)

·        Ouch – That Hurt! (touch football, not tackle!)

·        These sides are unfair!

·        Four Square: This game used to be fun, until…


Gym disagreements:

·        These sides are unfair!

·        He’s not playing by the rules!

·        A Close Call


Dining Hall mistakes:

·        The Budger (cutting in front of others in line)

·        Saving Seats is Not Allowed

·        Oops I Ate his Pringles (without asking)


Hallway, stairway, water fountain blues:

·        Quit pushing me!

·        Stop making fun of me!


POD mistakes:

·        Respect my cubby

·        Respect my backpack

·        Respect the privacy of the bathroom


 Part II – Script Writing - Your job is to write a short movie (2 min.) script that includes the following:


·        A fully developed script written in Microsoft Word based on one of the scenarios above. Include the following in your script:

o       A well-written story

o       Community Toolbox tools – Highlight at least three tools

o       Set location – Where will the film take place?

o       Main actors (use fictional names)

o       Extras (roles for other classmates in the film)

o       A storyboard – Use TABLE > INSERT > TABLE

Scene One

Scene Two

Scene Three


Characters – Main actors and extras.


Community Toolbox tools

Approximate time (seconds)


Characters – Main actors and extras.


Community Toolbox tools

Approximate time (seconds)


Characters – Main actors and extras.


Community Toolbox tools

Approximate time (seconds)



 Part III – Selecting a script– Mr. Brown will use a logical process for determining which scenario and script(s) will be used for filming. The decision-making process will be based largely on scripts that are well-written and completely follow the directions from Part II. The decision-making process will involve class discussion and possibly blending storyboards from more than one movie entry. Mr. Brown will consider student input on the decision-making process critical to assure sound reasoning before we make a commitment to begin filming.


 Part IV – Filming – Each student will be assigned a task for the movie project. Below is a list of likely tasks that will be assigned:


·        Director – oversees set, camera, actors

·        Set managers – Check angles, script, position actors, time segments

·        Cameraman – operates camera on tripod

·        Main Actors – responsible for memorizing script / good acting

·        Extras – Actors that are part of a scene/ used for background

·        Editors – Use movie editing software to create final product