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From The Power of Words & Group Think

Lesson based on a material from Common Sense Media


Essential Questions:

  1. What should you do when someone uses mean or scary language online?
  2. How can you demonstrate leadership when you witness cyberbullying?


Learning Objectives:

·        Establish common understanding of current online forms of communication.

·        Learn what it means to cross the line from appropriate, to inappropriate messages.

·        Try to understand the feelings of someone who has been cyberbullied.

·        Generate solutions for how to deal with cyberbullying.




Using technology - computers, cell phones, or other electronic devices - on the Internet to send messages, post information – such as text, audio, video, images - to intentionally upset someone else.


Something meant to be done on purpose.


A bystander is someone who is a witness.


Someone who has seen, or heard an event.


Ideas for how people should act, and behave by using respect, honesty, and courage to guide their decision-making.



PART ONE – Current Uses of Technology, and Feelings – 5 minutes

Make a list of all the technology you enjoy using when going online. Include your favorite Websites, video games, and apps. Also make a note about how these Websites, games, and apps make you feel.


Technology used to go online

Favorite Websites, games, apps

Your feelings

















PART TWO – When feelings get hurt: Online vs. Face to Face Communication



Video – Real Life Story – 5 mins.

You Can’t Take it Back


Question: What can happen when you post something about others online?


Take one minute to discuss this question with a partner.


Be prepared to share important points with the class.








I feel….awful!!!!!

You’re weird!

You stink!

You’re ugly!

Everyone hates you!


1. Role-play Activity:


Choose a partner.


Select ONE of the mean phrases (above.)


Look the partner in the eyes, and say the mean words.








2. Follow-up Questions:


A. Feelings

How did the partner who used the mean words feel?


How did the partner who was called the mean words feel?


Why do you think people behave differently online?


B. Reading Intentions

What makes it difficult to figure out someone’s intentions online?


Why might people feel differently if they see the other person face to face?




PART THREE – Crossing the Line


The teacher will make a line in the center of the room.




Students will stand on this side of the line.





The teacher will display a series of comments.

Students will cross the line if they feel those comments are inappropriate.


REVIEW – Kids like to go online, and use cell phones to email, chat, watch videos, send messages, play games, and even do homework. Unfortunately the language can sometimes get mean or scary. Messages that make people feel bad cross the line.


When people use the Internet, and cell phones to intentionally hurt someone over, and over, that is cyberbullying.




PART FOUR – Finding Solutions


Questions to consider:


1. What can someone do if they are the target of cyberbullying?
2. What can someone do if they are the target of a group of people who are cyberbullying?

3. What can bystanders do who see, or hear someone being cyberbullied?



Students will think of ideas to answer the questions above.

The teacher will use this space to make a list of student ideas.















Follow-up Questions to complete in your Google Doc:


1. What can someone do if they are the target of cyberbullying?

2. What can bystanders do who see, or hear someone being cyberbullied?


3. Why do you think people behave differently in groups?


4. What Leadership Strengths can be used when a group of students are cyberbullying?









Play Webonauts Internet Academy




Follow-up question: What Webonauts strategy for dealing with bullying do you think can be improved?


Explain your answer:








Credit: Creative Commons Acknowledgement Disclosure

This lesson has been adapted for 5th grade students at The Haverford School, and is based on a material from Common Sense Media. The lesson is intended solely for the use of students at The Haverford School, and should not be reproduced for sale, or distribution.