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5th Grade Health Unit





3 – Above Expectations

2 – Meets Expectations

1 – Below Expectations


Content Knowledge

Includes accurate information.


Provides 4 facts
for each area: What is it?;  Health effects; and The Law. 


Includes details & information demonstrating a strong understanding

Includes accurate information.


Provides 3 facts for each area: What is it?;  Health effects; and The Law


Includes enough information to demonstrate a sufficient understanding.

Information is not complete or accurate.


Provides 2 or fewer facts for each area:

What is it?;  Health effects; and The Law


Includes some information,  needs fact-checking/details.


Delivery, and Speaking Voice

Clear, well-organized audio/visual presentation;


Speaking style is appropriate for peer, and adult audience.

Sufficient audio/visual presentation;



Speaking style appropriate for peer/classroom audience.

Some points of audio/visual presentation are hard to follow;


Speaking style not appropriate for peer/classroom audience.


Interaction with Audience

Engages audience with at least 2 thinking questions about the topic;


Demonstrates active listening skills by responding to audience questions and comments.

Engages audience with at least 1 thinking question about the topic;


Demonstrates active listening skills by responding to audience questions and comments.

Does not engage the audience with thinking questions about the topic;


Does not demonstrate active listening skills, or respond appropriately to questions / comments.


Teamwork and Shared Responsibilities

Students cooperatively and effectively;

Share all responsibilities; Students recognize and apply at least 3 leadership talents during project work and final presentation.

Students work well together; Share most responsibilities; Students recognize and apply at least 2 leadership talents during project work and presentation.

Students struggle to cooperate; Do not share responsibilities; Students overlook the leadership talents of themselves and others during project work and presentation.