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Decision Education

Hunger Essay Notes


              Paragraph One – Frame & Information

Research Question

Facts Found

Web Sources /

Personal Thoughts

What decision do people face everyday related to the problem of hunger?



What is the definition of hunger?



What can happen when people do not have enough food?



Why are people hungry?



Who is hungry?




              Paragraph Two – Alternatives & Reasoning

Research Question

Facts Found

Web Source /

Personal Thoughts

What alternatives or choices do the people who are hungry have?



What creative alternatives or choices do people who are not hungry have?



What makes the most sense? What are the best outcomes for people who are hungry?



Whose responsibility is it to help solve the problem of world hunger?




              Paragraph Three – Values & Commitment

Research Question

Facts Found

Web Source /

Personal Thoughts

What consequences do you think people should care about as you study the problem of hunger?



What action should be taken to address the problem?



What is the value to you and the world community to help fight hunger?



What commitment can you make to get involved?