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Software Review


Reviewer's Name

 Brown, J.






Name of Software

Decisions Decisions:













Ease of Installation

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable

Not  Applicable








Ease of Initial Use

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable

Not  Applicable








Manual Usefulness

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable

Not  Applicable








Sound Quality

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable

Not  Applicable








Graphic Quality

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable

Not  Applicable








It is Age Appropriate Software?

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable

Not  Applicable








Is it gender-neutral?

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable

Not  Applicable








Is it sufficiently interactive?

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable

Not  Applicable








Is it easy to keep individual student records?

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable


Not  Applicable








Is it easy to set the difficulty level?

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable


Not  Applicable








Is it valued an as independent activity?

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable


Not  Applicable








Is it a valid use of time for children?

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable


Not  Applicable








Purchase Value- Would you recommend it?

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Okay

2 Weak

1 Unacceptable


Not  Applicable


Describe the educational purpose of this software- what is it trying to teach?


Quoted from the Teacher’s Guide: “Decisions Decisions: Lying, Cheating, and Stealing is one in a series of role-playing software packages designed to help you and your students generate discussion, dialogue, and decision-making in the classroom.


Learning objectives include character education, critical thinking, and cooperative learning.


Is the methodology employed appropriate for teaching the content? Is the means of delivering the information appropriate?


The software simulation and journals provide enough structure to accomplish all of the learning objectives.


Is this software appropriate for the labeled ages, based on content, skills/knowledge level required and typical interests?


The software is labeled for grades 5-10. While it is entirely appropriate for high school students and beyond, it is likely to be most effective in middle school grades 5-8 where there may be time in the academic schedule to explore these issues.


Is it appropriate for remedial education, accelerated studies or for gifted children?  Explain

This software is likely not appropriate for remedial education because student who are caught lying, cheating, or stealing may view the program as punishment. Decision-making skills are important enough to be considered “accelerated” and appropriate for “gifted” children as well.


 What type of learner would benefit most / least from this product?

This product is best suited to students who enjoy active learning. The software is engages students in reading, critical thinking, writing, and group discussion. This product would least benefit students (or teachers) who enjoy teacher-centered learning.


What features would you like to see changed?


The software operates from the decision-making perspective of a boy. Since I work at a boys school, this is perfect for me however it may not work as well at an all-girls school. Therefore an improvement may be to include an option to operate from the decision-making perspective of a girl.


Does it achieve its educational goals?


This software has the potential to achieve the goals of character education, critical thinking, and cooperative learning if it is taken seriously in class. First-time users may wish to run the software as a whole class activity first emphasize the usefulness of the program.


Would you recommend this piece of software?


I would recommend this software to teachers who are interested in teaching character education. I would also encourage teachers who are interested in character education to visit the Decision Education Foundation Web site at: