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Description: map

Image: CIA World Factbook


Frames, Stereotypes, and the Middle East

A study of stereotypical frames for people from the Middle East.

Social studies themes covered in this unit include:
 Individuals, groups, and institutions; People, places, and culture.



Frame: A view of a situation with an opportunity to think more carefully before making a decision.

Stereotype: “…An oversimplified, generalized, or exaggerated view of a culture or group of people…”


Discussion Activity: Examples of Stereotypes

What two groups of people do you think connect to the following items?

(Click slide presentation below)

Description: picasa

Our ideas of what is “normal” often lead to stereotypes you may have identified from the images above.



Individuals, Groups, and Institutions:

TV and Movies

Unfortunately TV, and movies sometimes reinforce negative stereotypes of foreign cultures. Below are two examples of how TV and movies misrepresent Arab and Muslim people.


A short television clip from Fox News demonstrates how some Americans are quick to blame the Arab world for our current energy and economic crisis.


Description: fox

What negative stereotype did you notice from this news clip?



Observe the opening scene from the Disney movie Aladdin (below.) As you watch the clip try to identify the stereotypes you notice about Arab people. Look for examples in the words, images, music, or characters.


After watching the clip, please be ready to discuss what you notice as being “oversimplified,” “generalized,” or “exaggerated” examples of Arab culture.


Description: Alladin


Follow-up Questions:


What you think this clip says about the character of the Arab people?



What statement does the clip make about the appearance of Arab people?



How do negative stereotypes affect our decision-making?




People, Places, and Culture


Description: google_east


Compare and contrast: Find some interesting facts about the people of the Middle East. Use Google Earth (image above) and the links below to find more accurate information about the people and culture in the Middle East.  Answer the following questions to complete your work:


  1. People, places, and culture: What information more accurately describes Arab people today? How are Arab people similar, and different to American people? Try to find 3 examples of similarities or differences between Arab and American people, places, and culture.


       Some possible areas for you to explore include:

    1. Big Cities
    2. Businesses
    3. Customs and beliefs
    4. Daily life
    5. Environment
    6. Geography
    7. Government
    8. Inventions
    9. Languages
    10. Religion


  1. Individuals, groups, and institutions: Identify at least one stereotype from the Aladdin movie clip that you believe is unfair based on what you were able to learn about the Middle East today.





Students may use one full period to research and develop their answers to the questions for this assignment. Format your work in Microsoft Word using the template below:





Decision Education

Frames, Stereotypes, and the Middle East


People, places, and culture – Examples of similarities and differences


Select a country from the Middle East:


How are the countries similar or different?


Description: us-lgflag

CIA Fact Book for USA


National Geographic USA

Country you select



Use the LINKS section.


Similar or Different


Similar or different













Based on facts found, what unfair stereotypes do you think Americans may have about people in the country you studied?


Unfair stereotypes:







Individuals, groups, and institutions

Identify one unfair stereotype from the Aladdin movie clip.






Students must turn-in their work to Mr. Brown for credit, and be prepared to share their work during the following period.